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Pathetic, feeble surrender



  • Mascot why is it you always seem to want to argue with people who are venting?? I remember similar comments from u a while back, just let people get it off there chest, like this........... FUK U PP AND THAT BUNCH OF C*NTS U CALL A TEAM U AINT FIT TO WEAR BALLBOY TOPS LET ALONE FUK C*NT HKJLASKJLADGILDQVVDGHASC*NTDASKJJFUKFUKFUKFUKGHSHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: stevietwells[/cite]Just thought of something to cheer me up a bit...

    We beat West Ham 4-0 in a relegation 6 pointer the other year. It was them who were laughing at the end of the season!

    Yes but i'm not sure we could loan Tevez till the end of season
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]He's just an average manager with some average players

    Like most of Division 3. Our supporters still haven't grasped the fact that we are a Division 3 team.
  • Well according to the radio we were the better team in the first half, and it certainly sounded like it!No team has gone to the Den this season and won apart from Wycombe,If we had gone into half time at 0-0 then maybe it could have been a different story....but no...the majority of us wanna jump on the parky out bandwagon!Its so frustrating listening to some of you lot i tell ya!
  • We crumbled like a pack of cards.
    A 4-0, away defeat, against anyone else in this division would have been fairly quickly written off as 'just one of those things'.
    Today, NOTHING went our way.
    Millwall beat us by not being that good. Just better than us & not making crucial errors.
    It hurts more than any other defeat & nothing Parky can say will make it feel better.
    Any moment now he'll be saying he's looking for a 'reaction' next week.
    It won't happen.
  • how long has dailly been out of form? seriously? oh i know, lets play him at centre back today and let millwall forwards make a f'n meal out of him... 45 mins in and he has been burned 4-5 times and oh i know, lets keep him at centre back for the most important game of the year.

  • [cite]Posted By: andyaddick[/cite]with championship players and wages by all accounts ! THUD !

    Division 3 players on Division 2 wages.
  • That's better. Sweet Glenmorangie eases the pain!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: andyaddick[/cite]with championship players and wages by all accounts ! THUD !

    Division 3 players on Division 2 wages.
    Yep. I bring it up a lot but how can anyone still convince themselves that the majority of the team are simply underperforming Championship players? They'd give it a go in the Championship but most would be nothing more than squad players for any decent side.

    That's not an insult, I just mean they aren't significantly any more talented than players at the likes of say Millwall or Huddersfield.

    I read a quote from a Leeds fan online a few weeks ago, he reckons they have some Premier League quality players and the rest are top half Championship standard. So it's not just our fans who think like that...
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]hang on....

    Ive just had a great idea, why dont we boo the team when they come out at the BEGINNING next week, thatll help, that might spur them on to promotion, that will make the players want to stay at the club, that will make us really attractive for new players...

    Well mate, I don't know where abouts in the world you are, but it's probably pretty easy when you don't go to any of the games and your only interaction with Charlton are the words you contribute as a faceless persona on an internet message board. But let me tell you that 3,000 Addicks got behind the team today against one of our biggest rivals and that didn't inspire them, so you tell me what to do now ?

    The manager is a disgrace and it doesn't matter what people in North America or wherever say, all that matters is what happens in South East London and today, coupled with the feeble victory's over poor sides, was a sackable offence.
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  • I miss supporting a football team that has a spine.

    Also, football is an emotional sport, thank god. So people are fully entitled to get emotional. If someone says they want to get a ticket behind Parky and scream abuse after we just lost 4 - 0 to Millwall, it's not very fair to be saying all this "we don't need supporters like you" bollocks. We just lost 4 - 0 to Millwall ffs. It's an effing travesty. Bloke has every right to say that IMO. And he quite clearly didn't mean it literally.
  • [cite]Posted By: se9addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]hang on....

    Ive just had a great idea, why dont we boo the team when they come out at the BEGINNING next week, thatll help, that might spur them on to promotion, that will make the players want to stay at the club, that will make us really attractive for new players...

    Well mate, I don't know where abouts in the world you are, but it's probably pretty easy when you don't go to any of the games and your only interaction with Charlton are the words you contribute as a faceless persona on an internet message board. But let me tell you that 3,000 Addicks got behind the team today against one of our biggest rivals and that didn't inspire them, so you tell me what to do now ?

    The manager is a disgrace and it doesn't matter what people in North America or wherever say, all that matters is what happens in South East London and today, coupled with the feeble victory's over poor sides, was a sackable offence.

    Come on then mascot88, what do you reckon?
    edited March 2010
    For someone who does go regularly, I think coupling a defeat with victories over poor sides which then results in a sacking is quite frankly absurd. If we had lost the last 5 games then it would make more sense, winning 3 out of 5 though makes no sense at all.

    And yes, i'm pissed off, and yes, today was an absolute disgrace and yes, I wish the players and manager would all feck off for a while.
  • clueless he made 3 changes when only one was neccessary who to play at left back.He has our most talented player on the bench.
  • [cite]Posted By: mid_life_crisis[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: se9addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]hang on....

    Ive just had a great idea, why dont we boo the team when they come out at the BEGINNING next week, thatll help, that might spur them on to promotion, that will make the players want to stay at the club, that will make us really attractive for new players...

    Well mate, I don't know where abouts in the world you are, but it's probably pretty easy when you don't go to any of the games and your only interaction with Charlton are the words you contribute as a faceless persona on an internet message board. But let me tell you that 3,000 Addicks got behind the team today against one of our biggest rivals and that didn't inspire them, so you tell me what to do now ?

    The manager is a disgrace and it doesn't matter what people in North America or wherever say, all that matters is what happens in South East London and today, coupled with the feeble victory's over poor sides, was a sackable offence.

    Come on then mascot88, what do you reckon?

    Id gone to bed when this was written,

    I havnt got one answer, i havnt got a single answer, but going to a game, and deliberately buying a ticket so you can abuse the manager is definately IMHO do nothing positive and there a large chance it could actually have a negative affect...

    It might well be worth a sacking, and go ahead, make it happen, yet we arent the decision makers, and we dont have to pay the bill for sacking someone...

    I dont have any answers, but I do know going to a game deliberately to dig out the manager isnt going to do anything positive....

    Silence would have a much bigger impact that booing...
  • everyone standing up and staying in the ground silently would have a bigger impact than booing....

    I just wouldnt want to be at this club as a player , manager, or chairman at the moment, we just cant seem to stop the rot.... and unfortunately I can only see it getting worse....

    talk about pulling a piece of string an the whole thing unravelling.....

    BUT you never know, thats the beauty of football, you never never know...
  • se9 addick - you did NOT get behind your team today at all. It was pitiful. (as were we). But don't tell me that was getting behind your team. Gillingham will come soon to us and make a LOT more noise than you did.

    I was on the halfway line, didn't hear you at all. Your players didn't. Our players didn't. 3,000 getting behind the team? Behave.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]se9 addick - you did NOT get behind your team today at all. It was pitiful. (as were we). But don't tell me that was getting behind your team. Gillingham will come soon to us and make a LOT more noise than you did.

    I was on the halfway line, didn't hear you at all. Your players didn't. Our players didn't. 3,000 getting behind the team? Behave.

    You really have a bit of a stiffy about all this dont you?
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]everyone standing up and staying in the ground silently would have a bigger impact than booing....

    Come on mate, when has this ever happened ? How would it work in reality ? How would you communicate the desire to do this to the other 3,000 fans ? Boing isn't positive I know but realistically it's the only way to convey your sense of disatisfaction
    [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]I havnt got one answer, i havnt got a single answer, but going to a game, and deliberately buying a ticket so you can abuse the manager is definately IMHO do nothing positive and there a large chance it could actually have a negative affect...

    Believe me, I buy my ticket to support Charlton, I certainly didn't buy my ticket for yesterday with the intention of getting on Phil Parkinson's back for 90 minutes. I actually didn't even boo at the end, I was still in shock.
    [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]you did NOT get behind your team today at all. It was pitiful

    Give it a rest now mate. Perhaps if you spent as much effort supporting your side vocally as you do writing on a Charlton Athletic internet board you could have inspired some atmosphere from your mob.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]se9 addick - you did NOT get behind your team today at all. It was pitiful. (as were we). But don't tell me that was getting behind your team. Gillingham will come soon to us and make a LOT more noise than you did.

    I was on the halfway line, didn't hear you at all. Your players didn't. Our players didn't. 3,000 getting behind the team? Behave.

    Who is this joker?
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  • edited March 2010
    Heard the Semedo song on 94.9 early on, Loud & Clear.....
    very quite from the spanners.
    Must of had the "soundMikes" in the Away End SSL ?
  • Either that or the fella is deaf, aas well as being a thick Millwall ****.
  • Se9 the post about standing behinds parkinson was not directed at you but at the OP
  • Just being honest. You're digging out our atmosphere, I've quite clearly stated I didn't think we were all that, pretty quiet, never really got going like we can.

    But I didn't really hear you much either, couldn't make out a single chant from you. It may have sounded good in your end, but on the halfway line I didn't think you were that loud. No big deal, just surprised at how great you thought you were!
  • edited March 2010
    Sparrows Lane, all you could hear in the first half on the radio was our fans, loud and proud! It was as clear as a whistle!Couldnt hear your lot for shit, until you scored....then second half i just had a fucking headache listening to Miiiiiiiiiiiiiill the whole half, impressive i must admit, but fucking annoying!
  • It's the only song they all know the words to - well, most of them know the words. Some struggle.
  • Just home up here, couple of hundred quid lighter, just like to say thanks to the team for that shit, nothing like being laughed at by a bunch of fat scum. Next time i'll just burn the fucking money and stay home.
  • so i guess you didnt hear the WE PAY YOUR BENIFITS or YOU ONLY COME TO SEE CHARLTON........You say you dont care about us BUT you fill the den for the first time in 15 years what jokers and you lot acted if you just won the fa cup, world cup everything.... so stop talking shite
  • sssshhhh
  • sssshhhhh just like the den!!!!! in the 1st half
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