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Jackson/Possible Loan - JACKSON OUT FOR 6 WEEKS



  • edited March 2010
    must be a song for youga, playing off of yogi bear
  • Got to play Lllera imo. Dont want to risk Youga getting another injury and be out for the rest of the season for the sake of one game.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Youga has declared himself fit, so if he thinks he can play

    He hasnt played for 3 or 4 months - no chance of him walking straight there...
  • [cite]Posted By: craigcafc[/cite]Got to play Lllera imo. Dont want to risk Youga getting another injury and be out for the rest of the season for the sake of one game.

    PP can probably bring someone else in after saturday on loan. We need our big players for this game imo.
  • Pity about Omozusi, he could have filled in.

    Now Youga has declared himself fit, I'd play him, we have no one else who has experience there and even if Youga gets an injury, would not surprise me if we get another loan in. Jacksons loan has ended anyway so hopefully there is room in the finances for another LB
  • edited March 2010
    That's frustrating, won't be seeing him again this season then. Maybe next season if he signs in the summer.

    Semedo left back Spring DM I think then. Not the right game for Solly out of position, much like Wagstaff in the home game.

    Llera I guess is the other option. At least we've seen Semedo at left back before though, not sure how Llera would do out wide (edit: Parky has just said on the OS Llera can play there).

    Don't risk Youga - it's one game, only worth 3 points at the most like every other.
  • I have just given Parky a call and declared myself fit and available and able to slot in at LB if needed. FFS, no way can Youga play, he's been out for months and Parky said just last week that he nearly needs to do a pre-season to get fit. Plus if he got injured again or suffered a setback then we'd be buggered for weeks not just one game. We need to cover that position from elsewhere within the squad, Llera or Solly imo.
  • Encouraging that Youga has declared himself available.

    I'm not sure if it would be wise to throw him straight back in but I'm impressed with Kelly's attitude in sticking his head above the parapet for this one.
  • Where did Youga declare himself fit? Are there quotes from the player himself then?
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  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Where did Youga declare himself fit? Are there quotes from the player himself then?

    Says on the OS that Youga has declared himself available. No quotes that I've seen.

    Parky said Kelly has made himself available.
  • Sir chris back on loan? Not sure he's getting games at leicester... would he still do a job in league 1?
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Sir chris back on loan? Not sure he's getting games at leicester... would he still do a job in league 1?

    That is a quality shout. Yes he would still do a job in League 1.
  • Youga missing has been what has made us look less effective in my opinion

    never thought i would say it but we have really missed him
  • Good riddance to Jackson. Just another loan player who came to get himself fit and never put in any effort.

    Total waste of time and money and must have totally pished off Solly, Cousins and Youga seeing him play instead of them.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Good riddance to Jackson. Just another loan player who came to get himself fit and never put in any effort.

    Total waste of time and money and must have totally pished off Solly, Cousins and Youga seeing him play instead of them.

    Cousins won't be happy if he hasn't made his debut as a schoolboy just like Jonjo, even if the final game of the season is a must win.
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]Youga missing has been what has made us look less effective in my opinion
    Do agree it's played a part, hard to say just how much, but has made a clear difference. We've missed his ability to take the ball forward with pace or skill, not many full backs have both in this league.
  • edited March 2010
    Sir Chris is Leicester's development coach now so unlikely to be available on loan sadly....

    EDIT: Cannot get the link to work, sorry.
  • News Shopper in not creating a new thread for a link shocker ;)
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]At least we've seen Semedo at left back before though

    When did this happen?

    Given my concerns about Semedo's positioning in a midfield role, I'm not confident he'd be able to help hold the line at the back either.

    LLERA for LB
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  • Didn't Semedo play at right back rather than left.

    Anyway I heard he flipping hates Millwall.
  • Was it against Sheffield Wednesday at home when we came back from 2-0 to win 3-2 Semedo was LB? I could be wrong but I thought he played some of the match there.

    How about Richardson at LB, and then Semedo/Solly at RB?

    Semedo was perhaps MOM against Ipswich when he played RB last season in the 2-1 home win.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Was it against Sheffield Wednesday at home when we came back from 2-0 to win 3-2 Semedo was LB? I could be wrong but I thought he played some of the match there.

    How about Richardson at LB, and then Semedo/Solly at RB?

    Semedo was perhaps MOM against Ipswich when he played RB last season in the 2-1 home win.

    You are right. He played most if not all the second half of that Sheffield Wednesday game at left back and we looked fine.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: dabos[/cite]News Shopper in not creating a new thread for a link shocker ;)
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]At least we've seen Semedo at left back before though

    When did this happen?

    Given my concerns about Semedo's positioning in a midfield role, I'm not confident he'd be able to help hold the line at the back either.

    LLERA for LB
    Really don't remember now, just know he's definitely played there for us. Even if it was just half a game, or a couple of games at the most. Was probably in the first half of 07/08 though, so a while back now. He did a job, but probably won't offer much getting forward.
  • Well thats it then.....It looks like I'll have to get me boots out of the cupboard and play left back! Shit as I was looking forward to watching this match....!
  • If Youga is 100%, i say play Youga at Left Back for Saturday. If hes not 100%, then we have to play Solly. Semedo doesnt cut it as a fullback, he is a CB at best when not in the middle. Solly will offer pace, stamina, and heart for the big game Saturday.
  • Sorry but Solly would be well and truely 'targeted' by Millwall and if the Bristol Rovers game was anything to go by, then it's a big NO from me....Semedo all day long there.

    Actually I spent many a year playing at Left Back myself...more than happy to clean my boots and fill in...I'm only 35 (younger than Powell !)
  • [cite]Posted By: addick16[/cite]If Youga is 100%, i say play Youga at Left Back for Saturday. If hes not 100%, then we have to play Solly. Semedo doesnt cut it as a fullback, he is a CB at best when not in the middle. Solly will offer pace, stamina, and heart for the big game Saturday.
    Youga's said he'll play, but there's no way he's 100%. Has he even played any reserve friendlies yet?
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]Sorry but Solly would be well and truely 'targeted' by Millwall and if the Bristol Rovers game was anything to go by, then it's a big NO from me....Semedo all day long there.

    Agreed. If Solly was their left back I'd be over the moon. A small, right footer on the left just means that every chance Millwall will play down their right wing. Plus with Reidy and Sam out on the wings he's hardly got a combatative, back tracking left mid in front of him.

    Move Llera to LB and place Sam Sodje back in the centre. Then we can look for a more permanent solution after the weekend.
  • It could come down to what is the "least worse" option?

    An inexperienced Solly out of position or a willing but untried since his injury and inevitably not fully fit Youga in position.
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