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Racon Could Be Key To Us Winning Against Millwall



  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    Sorry but if your playing 451 Jonjo is the best player to play in behind. Also Burton is the best forward for playing that system which means you drop Akpo who has 3 in 3 and as any footballer will tell you thats a no no. Forwards thrive on confidence and to drop him in the middle of a goal a game spell would be wrong. I think you are just trying to hard to fit your favourite player into a game where he may not best be suited.

    We can't just recall Jonjo to a high pressure game like this after some bad performances, although I would have him on the bench for sure. As I've said before managers sometimes just have to go with their best team regardless of form so I think Burton should play ahead of Akpo and Sam Sodje should play ahead of Llera, I mean lets face it Our true XI with everyone on form includes Burton and Sodje ahead of those two and the instant either one makes a mistake they're gonna lose their place and rather than give them that chance I would much rather go with two players that are more likely to give us a performance then two players of worse ability that are just in a decent run of form and there's no way Akpo and Llera's form has been spectacular.

    Now of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but I just think playing 4-4-2 and having Semedo and Bailey would be bottling it and we would get zero creativity in the middle and would have to rely on the wings and if Sam doesn't have a good game then basically all our hopes of winning are on Kyel Reid.

    I'm not sure Racon is my favourite player btw, I think it would be Deon but he is amongest my favs.
  • Well as you say its all about opinions and i for one wouldn't have racon int the center of our true X1 in a 442 having Racon there with bailey restricts bailey going forward and lets face it Bailey brings much more to the table as an attacking force from midfield than Racon does. Also semedo is better defensively than Bailey so its sort of picking itself now in a 442. Unless of course you drop bailey
  • Reid & Sam are the key for this. They need to see as much as the ball as possible and get at Dunne & Craig. I think if Reid plays well, we can nick all three points.
  • Steve Morison scored at weekend, Harris is on a good run of form, I reckon Milwall may go 4-4-2.
  • Harris came off after 60 mins, think it may have been through injury. Not sure how serious though.
  • We've played 4-4-2 pretty much every game this season.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]We've played 4-4-2 pretty much every game this season.

    Is Harris injured?
  • "millwall will play 5 across the middle eradicating any 'space' to be exploited"

    No we wont.
  • Gary - he came off at the start of the second half, picked up a knock in the first, not read anything yet about the extent of the knock.

    If he is injured then I'd imagine Batt or Obika would partner Morison up front, or perhaps Schofield would play just off Morison.

    Think you seem to forget that we've got the second best home defence in the league (somehow Gillingham have only conceded 9 at home!) and we've lost one home game all season, inexplicably to Whycombe! We won't be going into this game worrying too much about Charlton & changing our shape & system to nulify you. We'd expect you to be worrying more about us.
  • You havent had to play against Kyle Reid yet tho, he's gonna give Dunne a torid afternoon!
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  • Personally my only change would be mcenzie for mooney. Shelvey just isn't good enough for me, Thinks he better than he really is. I couldn't give a monkeys about his age. If you can't get into a league 1 side due to bad performances and attitude, then he needs to take a long look in the mirror and get back to reality
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc_4life[/cite]Personally my only change would be mcenzie for mooney. Shelvey just isn't good enough for me, Thinks he better than he really is. I couldn't give a monkeys about his age. If you can't get into a league 1 side due to bad performances and attitude, then he needs to take a long look in the mirror and get back to reality

    Where the hell has that come from. When has is attitude ever been called into play?
  • Parky has always praised Shelvey's attitude, I don't think that's the reason he's not in the team. More to do with him not being able to do Semedo's job, Bailey being more consistent and us now playing 2 up front.
  • edited March 2010
    With their quality forwards surely Milwall will play a 442. Therefore it'll be down to which of the central midfields stamps their authority on the game. Clearly Baily and Rack have the quality, but they've been a let down before. I think stretching it out and Reid and Sam having a good day will actually be the key. If we aren't able to do that and get stuck in the trenches, we'll come unstuck IMO

    EDIT: Sorry, Groucho, just spotted that you already drew attention to the fact that you won't be playing a 451
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]You havent had to play against Kyle Reid yet tho, he's gonna give Dunne a torid afternoon!

    Arguably our player of the season so far. It'll be an interesting battle indeed.
  • It's only my opinion. Sometimes I see him complaining at team mates for not giving him a perfectly placed ball. Or he's head drops when he isn't playing well. Just think he feels he deserves to be at a better club wen I think he is lucky to be at Charlton let alone at a higher level
  • Its ok to have an opinion mate, but i think your comments about his attitude are pretty strong. I think he is just a young footballer who wants to be playing every week, and frustrated that he is not.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Its ok to have an opinion mate, but i think your comments about his attitude are pretty strong. I think he is just a young footballer who wants to be playing every week, and frustrated that he is not.

    Quite right. And I'm sure I'd bollock some of my 5 a side mates for making passes similar to those made by Bailey at the moment!
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc_4life[/cite]Personally my only change would be mcenzie for mooney. Shelvey just isn't good enough for me, Thinks he better than he really is. I couldn't give a monkeys about his age. If you can't get into a league 1 side due to bad performances and attitude, then he needs to take a long look in the mirror and get back to reality

    Absolute plum...But thats just my opinion. You know nothing about him as your post proves. I on the other hand know nothing about you, and feel my life is so much better for that
  • you got your millwall ticket uncle?
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  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]you got your millwall ticket uncle?

    Na i never get them till the day. Cant i pay on the door then ;-)
  • well theres a good chance i may have two spares,not hundred percent sell for going rate.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]well theres a good chance i may have two spares,not hundred percent sell for going rate.

    Count me in for one of those mate if it comes off not sure the other half wants to come with me for this one for some reason. Otherwise i'm going to turn up late and force my way through the turnstiles ;-)
  • il let you no weds around 4.
  • Top man cheers
  • il meet you in californias in beckton if it comes off
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]il meet you in californias in beckton if it comes off


    Nolly he is the one who is a little bit taller than AFKA but not much you might want to make sure he dont expect kiddie prices
  • Did I hit a sensitive spot uncle? Wanna calm down mate. just because someone has a differnet opinion about your brilliant jonjo. Everyone has their own vues and there not always gonna be the ones you wanna here.
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]il meet you in californias in beckton if it comes off


    Nolly he is the one who is a little bit taller than AFKA but not much you might want to make sure he dont expect kiddie prices

    Thats enough of that from you
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