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Charlton 2 - 0 Stockport - Post match views



  • i hear you nolly ...... my stomachs churning already .... we need this sooo badly !!
  • rember mate it took a loanee from spurs to break the 14 year hoodoo at upton park,not robert lee a fucking loanee
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]rember mate it took a loanee from spurs to break the 14 year hoodoo at upton park,not robert lee a fucking loanee

    Akpo or Mooney to score next week then!

  • fire away lads.
  • yep hendrie was my first experience of beating them... beauutiful
  • i was there as a child in 78 or something, real real young
  • anyway rember the kent derby is week after so we have that to go for,se7 postcode but still kent derby.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]i was there as a child in 78 or something, real real young
    Me too - sitting with my Dad in the Millwall bit, absolutely praying we'd see the game out.
    Walking out of the place feeling about 10 feet tall, which would be about 6 foot higher that I was back then.

    I just looked up the attendance for that one. Anyone care to hazard a guess....?
  • I've been watching Charlton regularly since 1968. In all that time I have NEVER seen us beat Millwall!! Coming from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 at Selhurst Park was the nearest, along with this season's 4-4 draw. Oh well, maybe a lifetime of waiting will change next Saturday. Here's hoping!!
  • i was in the tolets when the black steward barged the lad out the way to get the person who was smoking , the lad said to the steward not to barge into him like that , the steward then said something and grabbed the lad , he said to the steward take your hands off me , the steward called for more stewards on his radio .
    the steward then seemed to hit the lad on the back of his neck .
    the lad told the steward to take his hands off him , or he will knock him out .
    it then went out on to the concourse where the lad said get of me , the person who the steward wanted in the first place now walks off back to his seat .
    at no point whatsoever did the lad head butt or hit the steward , all he seemed to do was push him away
    the only person who hit anybody was the steward ,
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  • Just thought i'd like to add, his son was not left alone, as its my nephew. It was still kicking off outside, and the steward hardly said a thing, Daniel wasn't smoking he was waiting to go to the toilet, hence being in the toilet.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: charltontotty[/cite]Just thought i'd like to add, his son was not left alone, as its my nephew. It was still kicking off outside, and the steward hardly said a thing, Daniel wasn't smoking he was waiting to go to the toilet, hence being in the toilet.

    Let me say from the off that I didn't see any of this....but I have to say that if all he was doing was waiting to go to the toilet then about half the crowd could be thrown out every game, so why was he singled out one has to ask....there simply HAD to be something else going on(not that I'm impressed in any shape or form by the average football match steward)....I've no idea what and I don't really care to be honest but to say all he was doing was waiting to go to the toilet is stretching things a bit isn't it totty?
    I realise he's a relative and all that and I fully understand you're loyalty....... but come on!
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: charltontotty[/cite]Just thought i'd like to add, his son was not left alone, as its my nephew. It was still kicking off outside, and the steward hardly said a thing, Daniel wasn't smoking he was waiting to go to the toilet, hence being in the toilet.

    Let me say from the off that I didn't see any of this....but I have to say that if all he was doing was waiting to go to the toilet then about half the crowd could be thrown out every game, so why was he singled out one has to ask....there simply HAD to be something else going on(not that I'm impressed in any shape or form by the average football match steward)....I've no idea what and I don't really care to be honest but to say all he was doing was waiting to go to the toilet is stretching things a bit isn't it totty?
    I realise he's a relative and all that and I fully understand you're loyalty....... but come on!

    Relative or not i'd admit when Daniel is in the wrong, and if you must not the steward PUSHED him forward to get to the people who were smoking! witch then escalted from that point.
  • *and if you must no* sorry
  • what the situation with him watching further charlton games ?
  • back to the game ..........

    You are playing the team rock bottom of the table. a) they are not very good b) they are low on confidence. What would your teamtalk be before the start of the game. It would be get to get at them, get an early goal or two and their fragile confidence would be were and truely shot. Then you can go on to give them a right out seeing to. So, two up after ten minutes and what do we do. We stop playing, completely. It took until 85 minutes for another effort on target. We talk about catching Leeds but let's not forget that their superior good difference is worth another point to them. And what did Parky say to them at half time ?? What does Racon do to actually justify his place ? I'd rather Spring in there at the moment. His experience will be invaluable in the run-in. I'm not sure it's the place for Jonjo right now. As for Sam, I's rather see the more direct Wagstaff given a few games. Sam is really offering very little at the moment. Llera is doing really well at the moment and Dailly seems to have recovered after a couple of dodgy performances. Jackson's injury is a worry. Mooney continues to worry me and I'd pair Burton and Sodje next week for what will be a physical encounter. All in all three points but a chance lost for a confidence inspiring performance and a chance to improve the GD.
  • no im asking a question.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the situation with him watching further charlton games ?

    Urm hes at court in two weeks got charged with 'common assult' the steward said he called him a 'black c**t' witch he didnt, but the police would have charged him with rascism so they ovbiously didnt believe that, but Dan dont own a season ticket so were lucky, and now all we got to do is wait for the court case.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]back to the game ..........

    You are playing the team rock bottom of the table. a) they are not very good b) they are low on confidence. What would your teamtalk be before the start of the game. It would be get to get at them, get an early goal or two and their fragile confidence would be were and truely shot. Then you can go on to give them a right out seeing to. So, two up after ten minutes and what do we do. We stop playing, completely. It took until 85 minutes for another effort on target. We talk about catching Leeds but let's not forget that their superior good difference is worth another point to them. And what did Parky say to them at half time ?? What does Racon do to actually justify his place ? I'd rather Spring in there at the moment. His experience will be invaluable in the run-in. I'm not sure it's the place for Jonjo right now. As for Sam, I's rather see the more direct Wagstaff given a few games. Sam is really offering very little at the moment. Llera is doing really well at the moment and Dailly seems to have recovered after a couple of dodgy performances. Jackson's injury is a worry. Mooney continues to worry me and I'd pair Burton and Sodje next week for what will be a physical encounter. All in all three points but a chance lost for a confidence inspiring performance and a chance to improve the GD.
    What Large said.

    For me Mooney must be replaced by Burton for next week - he's looked lightweight, ineffective and his shooting is, embarassing. Burton's fizzer in the last 5 minutes showed what a centre forward should do, he turned his man and hit the target. Apko scored - he's not a footballer, but next week we'll need 11 strong men. Sam should not play next week - he goes missing as soon as he's clobbered in the first 5 minutes - as he will be. Play Wagstaff and bring back Semedo to allow Bailey to be more box to box - he's been too defensive recently.

    I worry for us at the back if Solly plays left back as Millwall will target him playing out of position.

    A special mention for Christian Dailly who didn't put a foot wrong all game on Saturday - his timing, interceptions and positional play were immense. And thank god for Reid - a winger who is an outlet!
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  • I can understand dropping Sam, but I'd still worry about Wagstaff, he's more often been better off the bench. He won't be as quiet as Sam if he's having a bad game, but he could go through the game making just as little impact.

    Would be happy with Burton and Akpo, as long as they don't try and play the same role. Can't both be there just trying to hold up the ball for each other.

    Racon I agree isn't doing enough. He's not good defensively but he doesn't create or score very often either. Just gets through games with simple passing a bit of skill along the way to no real effect.
  • edited March 2010
    What an odd game.

    We had won it within 10 minutes but Stockport rather than chasing the game seemed to tighten up at the back to try and avoid a thrashing while we seemed happy to play in 2nd gear and just expect the goals to come.

    Jackson's injury was perhaps just the sort of thing they were trying to avoid.

    Bailey and Racon were most noticeable by their absence, Llera had a torrid time with Ibere while players like Mooney and Sam (who should shine we we are on top) seemed to lack any conviction to make things happen.

    So were we that bad? No, not really. We did enough and that was that. Can we play better when needed? Ah the £6m question. Well, yes but there has been little evidence of that recently.

    Are Stockport that terrible? Well they drew with Colchester, Leeds needed two late goals to finish them off and the mighty free scoring Southampton beat them by the same 2 - 0 scoreline as we did.

    3 points and a comfortable win and five games since anyone other than Owen Goall or a loanee scored.

    Other points.

    Our support was quieter than a very quiet thing on World Quiet Day.

    Great photo in the programme of Owen Tudor-Jones taking that hit to his gonads.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    Our support was quieter than a very quiet thing on World Quiet Day..

    Very true, but as you say it was an odd game and hard to 'get up for' after the first 10 mins.

    Our fans are only vocal when things are going wrong ;-)
  • When is World quiet day? I must know
  • [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]When is World quiet day? I mustknow

    sshhhhhhhhhhhhh its today
  • Strange to hear you say Llera had a torrid time................I didn't notice that.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Strange to hear you say Llera had a torrid time................I didn't notice that.

    Thought Llera was good but the big number 10 did put himself about and Llera handled him quite well I thought.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite] Are Stockport that terrible?

  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    Are Stockport that terrible? Well they drew with Colchester, Leeds needed two late goals to finish them off and the mighty free scoring Southampton beat them by the same 2 - 0 scoreline as we did.

    So how do you explain the above?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    Are Stockport that terrible? Well they drew with Colchester, Leeds needed two late goals to finish them off and the mighty free scoring Southampton beat them by the same 2 - 0 scoreline as we did.

    So how do you explain the above?

    Stats can work both ways Henry. You fail to mention that Leeds also put 4 past them at Edgeley Park. Stockport also lost 4-0 at home to Millwall, 3-1 at home to Exeter, 4-1 at Swindon and best of all 4-0 at home to Torquay in the cup. They also lost away at Wycombe and Gillingham and at home to Brsitol rovers and carlisle.
    The facts are that Stockport are a dreadful side, probably the worst we'll face all season, but it doesn't matter too much because 3 points is all you get whether you win 1-0 or 10-0.
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