Remember this one?
Local lower or non-league football team reach 3rd round of the FA Cup. They are led to the local tailors to get suited and booted.
The manager, who I think is played by Bill Dean(Harry Cross from Brookside) says something like..."This lot have reached the 3rd round of the cup"
" I know" says the sales assistant, "the whole town's talking about it"
Then someone pokes their head round the door of the shop...." Hey boss! We've drawn Arsenal away!"
"Put'em back" says the manager to his disappointed players as they were just trying on their new clobber.
Anyone remember it? Or what it was actually advertising! I can't.
And less of the old git ;-)
From memory I think the book 'Fly fishing' was fictional but subsequently someone published a book with that name on the back of the popularity of the advert.
That's the one!!! Doesn't look anywhere near as old as I remember it though...
Top 100
The Best advert of all time
Never trust a paramedic!
Top bombing
Watch out there's a Humphrey about....