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edited February 2010 in Not Sports Related
just been removed by daughter on her friends


  • lol that must hurt lol
  • edited February 2010
    she has been rewarded with bad behaviour by being able to go on that,if she lived with me she would be shut in a room with no dinner,thats not a joke either
  • Never a good sign, i used to delete my parents/ realitives if i got into a realtionship ;)
  • only went on it to keep eye on her,nothing but arguements that site.
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]only went on it to keep eye on her,nothing but arguements that site.

    Nothing like here then. LoL
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]only went on it to keep eye on her,nothing but arguements that site.

    No-one likes a facebook stalk! Agree though it's more trouble than it's worth, especially when it comes to exes and women in general :p
  • edited February 2010
    you can add me im one short at the moment
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]you can add me im one short at the moment

  • the thing is about Facebook is people add friends one there because they went to school with them, orlived on the same street, or went out with their brothers' best friends' cousin. then you end up with 300+ friends consisting of people you know of or maybe spoke to once or twice but will never speak to or see again. It's just dawned on me that on mine I have 60+ facebook friends that I went to school with but only actually liked about 12 of them it's crazy!!
  • I like to have a cull of my ''friends'' now and then. People who i don't actually speak to.

    I remember once i deleted my mates ex [never spoke to her] and within about 20 mins she had re-added me?! How on earth would you know?

    People from Primary school who don't get the fact i have ignored their request annoy me.
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  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]I like to have a cull of my ''friends'' now and then. People who i don't actually speak to.

    I remember once i deleted my mates ex [never spoke to her] and within about 20 mins she had re-added me?! How on earth would you know?

    People from Primary school who don't get the fact i have ignored their request annoy me.

    Same as mate very annoying!

    Im not a adder myself, i wait for the request ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]I like to have a cull of my ''friends'' now and then. People who i don't actually speak to.

    I remember once i deleted my mates ex [never spoke to her] and within about 20 mins she had re-added me?! How on earth would you know?

    People from Primary school who don't get the fact i have ignored their request annoy me.

    Mate, you have no idea, I did the entire 'cull' thing recently and bam, next day 3 to 4 of them are sending friend requests again, some people clearly need to get a life.

    Having said that I really like facebook and find it really usefull.
  • Its only good to look through mates photos and stumble across them posing with John and Edward :-)
  • edited March 2010
    i really just find it so weird that people will add others that they have never met before .i don't have any old school friends on mine,hopefully just an age thing there of course.......
  • if i dont really know them then it all depends what they look like. Fit bird = Add. I mean facebook for blokes is just a polite perv.
  • i dont understand any of it
  • 101101
    edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]I removed my grandson from my account because of his racist comments...thankfully I have better quality friends than family!

    So often the way my friend can choose your friends not your family.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]if i dont really know them then it all depends what they look like. Fit bird = Add. I mean facebook for blokes is just a polite perv.

    lol defo a bloke thing, accept if there fit with a polite do i know you ;-) X haha
  • Generally have a cull over things such as status updates with excessive references to X Factor (at the tail end of last year), or those that leave a cryptic status update such as '...has had another bad day, when will all this end?', await all the responses such as 'oh whats up hon', etc, and then ignore it - if you've got something to say, just say it, if not, dont leave the comment int he first place. Grrrggh makes my blood boil it does.

    Oh and poor spelling and grammar, they get deleted (hopes that I've made no errors here) ;)

    And those people who will request you as a friend but cannot even be bothered to say hello at the drinks machine - they get my goat.

    And couples that have a wall to wall comment online, when you know they are in the same room, at the very least, the same house for fecks sake!!!!!

    Infact, I don't know why I fricking bother!!!!!!
  • got 46 replies on one picture once
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  • [cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]got 46 replies on one picture once

    What was the picture of?!!

    Best recent photos on Facebook - Frazer in his pants and Mankini streaker :-)
  • it was my last baby scan picture
  • [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]Can anyone beat this? The wifes cousin has in one week posted 54 baby pics...thats bad enough but whats worse is that their are 167 replies mostly saying...."Ah, they're sooooooooooo cute"

    I know, people are capable of being nice to eatch other, amazing or what!
  • [cite]Posted By: Wilma[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]got 46 replies on one picture once

    What was the picture of?!!

    Best recent photos on Facebook - Frazer in his pants and Mankini streaker :-)

    I was just about to say frazer in his pants - who and how did i miss that then realised it was mine!
  • [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]Can anyone beat this? The wifes cousin has in one week posted 54 baby pics...thats bad enough but whats worse is that their are 167 replies mostly saying...."Ah, they're sooooooooooo cute"

    Not a 'comment' based win for me, but when I saw a picture on Facebook of a new born baby with umbilical cord still attached... that was a step too far!
  • What a sh*t stain on society facebook is!

    A place where peodophiles can gang up in their hundreds and share stories and photos of their 'conquests'.

    A place where thousands of people can show their twisted remorse to a man who blew his girlfriends new fella and a copper to bits.

    And the people who run it refuse to do anything about it.They should be prosecuted.

    If it can't be policed then shut the f****** thing down!
  • I agree. Although when i've complained about something "destructive" on there before, its been removed in literally a couple of minutes. As for the Raoul Moat "legend" group surely they can't do anything about that as its freedom of speech?
  • Okay Carly, but what about the people like me who just use it to keep in touch and share photos with family and (real)friends around the country?
  • edited July 2010
    If Paedo's ARE (which I doubt) using facebook to share photos then what an easy way for the police to catch them.

    Facebook just installed a panic button after being asked to do so, so they are prepared to do something about it.

    Thought I was reading the daily mail for a minute there.
  • Currently got a bloke on there in Bermuda who did a runner from court yesterday. Facebooking all of his mates and them all replying. Clever.
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