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Parky is beginning to get on my tits..



  • Give him time, he's still trying to find his best 11...cough.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]Curbs had it easy in terms of fans expectations.
    Maybe at the start, but in the second Premiership period I really dont think that is true.
    Europe anyone?

    "Boring mid table football" "Curbishley should just go he can't take us to the next level" blah, blah, blah.

    If I read or heard those comments or close to it once I did it a thousand times.

    does make me laugh when they deny that though

    why is the Curbishley holier than though I told you so argument coming back again?

    It was a belief circulated by the mindless minority that the media picked up on and whipped into a frenzy. Johnny come latelys... anyone with their head screwed on the right way knew we were sodding lucky to be up there, spending £5-10M per season, relatively secure in the financial long term and occasionally putting one up a "bigger" club.

    Somebody higher up the thread said that Curbishley did not have the pressure of expectation from fans.

    The posts quoted are in response to that assertion.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]why is the Curbishley holier than though I told you so argument coming back again?

    peter shirtliff brought it up in his pre match views.
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]They were an established Premier League club when Alan Curbishley was manager, and then it was strange how events unfolded when he left the club

    jimmy yesterday was supported by oggy in that it was easier for curbs.
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    Curbs .......he worked in at atmosphere of positvity, a bright outlook and happy colleagues and fans.
    Compare that to what Parky has faced.

    What a good post, Jimmy.

    floyd disagreed and len remembered that the fans had higher expectations under sir alan

    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    Maybe at the start, but in the second Premiership period I really dont think that is true.
    Europe anyone?

    "Boring mid table football" "Curbishley should just go he can't take us to the next level" blah, blah, blah.

    If I read or heard those comments or close to it once I did it a thousand times.

    not sure where the holier than thou stuff is,just counter points.
  • He did but not in the same way.

    What does annoy me is when pundits say "The Charlton fans wanted Curbishley out as they wanted a manager to take them to the next level", when as said it was a minority. You don't get talk in the media when fans are
    happy with the manager, but when a few think the club is bigger than it is it's made out that all fans are like that.
  • just like at the valley where there is a minority of booers i guess.
  • Yeah I'm sure there will always be some unhappy fans however well or poorly we are doing.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]Curbs had it easy in terms of fans expectations.
    Maybe at the start, but in the second Premiership period I really dont think that is true.
    Europe anyone?

    "Boring mid table football" "Curbishley should just go he can't take us to the next level" blah, blah, blah.

    If I read or heard those comments or close to it once I did it a thousand times.

    does make me laugh when they deny that though

    why is the Curbishley holier than though I told you so argument coming back again?

    It was a belief circulated by the mindless minority that the media picked up on and whipped into a frenzy. Johnny come latelys... anyone with their head screwed on the right way knew we were sodding lucky to be up there, spending £5-10M per season, relatively secure in the financial long term and occasionally putting one up a "bigger" club.

    '.....sodding lucky to be up there..'

    If by that you mean we, the fans, were lucky to have our team established in the premiership for 6 or 7 seasons, I agree we were lucky. But if you mean the club were lucky to stay there for that long I disagree. I don't think it had anything to do with luck. I would guess the total squad salary was probably always in the bottom 4 or 5 in the premiership during those years and and yet we mostly always looked a solid mid table side. Often we were the better team in terms of possession and passing football but did not get the breaks. I think one year we only had one penalty.That was solely down to good management and coaching by the board and Alan Curbishley.

    This season, I believe our squad is in the top 2 or 3 in terms of total salary. Most neutrals would say our squad is in the top 2 or 3 in terms of strength. Yet, in my opinion, only 2 or 3 times have we completely outplayed the opposition, we have settled into a long ball up to Burton style of play, and we have had more than our fair share of lucky breaks this season but still we are falling well behind the top 2.

    Continuing the hyperthetical thread theme that has been on here of late what would people say to the following question?

    For the final run in you have the choice of either taking any two players from the top two teams or the manager of one of the top 2 teams, would you take the players or the manager and which players/manager would you take?

    I would not hesitate in taking Paul lambert.
  • edited February 2010
    Your first sentence was what I meant just to clarify, we were lucky being there as fans and having that privilege for such a sustained period of time, look at clubs who have had one glimmer for one, or even two seasons and not had it again
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]He should just be honest, you can't paper over cracks for this long and be taken seriously.

    The players/coaching staff aren't producing good enough football with the resources we have, come out and admit and he might not get on my "tits" so much - he's beginning to sound like his predecessor.

    So you want him to come out and say it's just not happening at the moment, it's all my fault, we should be top of the league yadda yadda yadda... what kind of a message does that send out? And why should he do it? For any of our benefits? Is that going to be motivational is it, coming across beaten and defeated? There is a way of handling the media mate, a way of putting out soundbytes that most probably reflect nothing near what is being said behind closed doors, and neither you, me, or anyone else on here know 100% exactly what is being said.

    By the same token as the approach that you want him to adopt when we lose, when we win a game then, would you be content if he came out and stated that he was the tactical mastermind behind the win?

    As for honesty, I happen to think he's miles ahead the most honest manager we've had since Curbs. He tells it like it is and by all accounts came across open, friendly and very "charlton" at the Q and A.

    Sure there is a motivational element, but saying the team and or a players did all they could is hardly motivational.. in my view it tells them carry on playing that badly, and I won't get on your case.
  • But I think in all fairness with his "we've taken the foot off the pedal" speech and changes Parky has implicitly done exactly what you are saying without upsetting the apple cart. He has publicly acknowledged our lack of form, our recent below par performances and put forward his intent to change this and you can be guaranteed he's done that speech ten times stronger on the training pitch.
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  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Sure there is a motivational element, but saying the team and or a players did all they could is hardly motivational.. in my view it tells them carry on playing that badly, and I won't get on your case.
    As a person, he doesn't like to upset people. He believes unhappy players won't perform. Other than the ones that he's deemed bad-attitude, who can presumably go and fuck themselves in his mind. But by and large, he likes the bulk of the first team squad to feel happy with themselves. Which is how he managed to knock in a few records last season.

    You're spot on.
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