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Parky is beginning to get on my tits..

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc


  • Too right. He should be saying:

    "I can't believe we couldnt beat a team with ten men - all the players I have at my disposal are absolutely sh*t. We're never going to win again"
  • There might be a middle ground.
  • edited February 2010
    Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Too right. He should be saying:

    "I can't believe we couldnt beat a team with ten men - all the players I have at my disposal are absolutely sh*t. We're never going to win again"
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.

    What he said
  • And, as someone who was there on Tuesday - I thought the players other than Bailey did play well (as much as their ability allows them).
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.

    In. A. Nutshell.
  • Thought Nicky was fine on Tuesday myself, sprayed some quality passes across to the flanks. Nothing particularly special overall, but I think pressure from his own high standards and tendency to carry the team means that you do get the odd run of not being at the races out of Nicky.
  • Fair point.
  • Its what PP says to his players in the dressing room and on the training ground that matters, not what he says to the media after a game.
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  • I think we need to be aware of Nicky's limitations a bit more. He's a fighter and a battler and he's got a great eye for goal and eye for a pass. But at the end of the day, he's one of us, he's a Division Three player, who is a step lower than what I believe is his natural level, just like we are. If he could play 8 or 9 out of 10 every week and shoulder the pressure of being "the man" week in week out, he'd be a Premier League player... fortunately for us, he can't, cos we are a million miles away from there!
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.

    I do agree with this but let's not forget Parky is supposed to instill confidence in the team. At the moment, it's just not happening and a lot people are getting the feeling that something is missing.
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc

    How do you think they played then ?
  • Players always play better in a better balanced team.

    An average player can look good, in a good team.

    A good player can look great, in a good team.
  • Don't forget Razil - you aren't allowed an opinion on anything unless you were at the game !
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.

    sums it up nicely i think, i agree 100%.
  • Silly post tbh, particularly the 'against 10 men' when that was only the case for 12 minutes.

    A fairer question if you want to question the manager is are players playing to the best of their ability, and if not, why ? Is it down to the manager, the set up, or the individual ?
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc

    I know you're only playing Devil's advocate, lol ..... but Walsall spent that 10 minutes with almost everyone behind the ball, denying us space and time.

    Which of course, is what every determined team should do reduced to 10 men for the final few minutes.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc

    I know you're only playing Devil's advocate, lol ..... but Walsall spent that 10 minutes with almost everyone behind the ball, denying us space and time.

    Which of course, is what every determined team should do reduced to 10 men for the final few minutes.

    Except Charlton who would equalise with 9 men ; - )
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc

    what walsall had 10 men for 90 minutes FUCKING HELL PARKY
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  • Not only did Walsall only have 10 men for 10 minutes but they also has a striker sent off which meant they did not have to re shuffle too much. If a defender had been sent off (eg the number 26 i think, the beast) then surely we may have got a couple more chances. As it turned out, the red card did not seem to affect them too much, saying that I think if he had gone 10 minutes before, we may have had a breakthrough.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]every player apparently played well, yet we couldn't beat a team with ten men, etc

    I know you're only playing Devil's advocate, lol ..... but Walsall spent that 10 minutes with almost everyone behind the ball, denying us space and time.

    Which of course, is what every determined team should do reduced to 10 men for the final few minutes.

    Except Charlton who would equalise with 9 men ; - )

    or millwall, who would also equalise twice whilst playing with 10 for an hour.
  • edited February 2010
    Agree with the comments that some players need to do that little bit more. When they're confident they take more gambles and it pays off. An example is that ball Shelvey played across the goal against Leyton Orient, Sam should have been ready for that. Earlier on in the season we might have taken chances like that. Same defensively, Dailly especially we need to him to step up and play like he can. Getting a few little things right will turn a draw or 1-0 defeat into a win. If we can do that we will win games and the confidence will return. Parky was right when he said the team needed to relax and up the tempo a bit more.
  • Razil i understand your frustration, as do all of us!But jeez give the man a break!ISawLeaburn summed it up perfectly,blame the players not Parky, someone else said he can still instill confidence into the team. Maybe he tries, but i dont think they need anything more of an incentive to go out there and give it their all than winning promotion!But still recently we havent looked anywhere near our maximum potential, Parky can only do and say so much, the rest is down to the 11 players out on the field!
  • essentially the team are underperforming any idiot can see that week in week out, its not good enough, and to keep saying the players done good etc, is wearing very thin in my book, we have a huge wage bill and a dearth of talent apparently, and are getting poor to average results against teams we 'should be beating' .....but then you all knew this is what I meant.

  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Hasn't been given a penny to spend on anything apart from wages. Third in the league. Lost three league games all season. Yes he's made a few questionable tactical choices such as subs, sometimes it's paid off, sometimes it clearly hasn't but every manager makes mistakes. Blame the players not Parkinson, the likes of Bailey, Semedo, Shelvey, Sam, Racon, Reid, Sodje would form half a Championship team that could get results tomorrow and with the attitudes of Dailly, Wagstaff and Burton they should have enough to get out of this league. Parkinson doesn't put a shirt on and cross the white line. Parkinson doesn't miss one-on-one's or tap-in's. It's time the players stepped up to the plate and pulled it out of the bag, starting on Saturday.

    Just to play devils advocate, does this mean he wont get any praise if we go up, as he doesnt cross the white line ?
  • I doubt he'd get any praise if he turned water into wine.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]I doubt he'd get any praise if he turned water into wine.
    Or if he signed Cristiano Ronaldo someone would ask why didn't he sign Messi.
  • edited February 2010
    Edit: duplicate post
  • edited February 2010
    A non tongue in cheek answer: no he won't get hardly any praise... the majority will point to the fact that we had X Y and Z top players and that we'd just got relegated and should have expected to go up. Look at McLeish at Birmingham. Until their run of good form started in the Autumn plenty of Bluenoses I know wanted rid of him. "All he'd done" was get a team that should have been promoted, promoted (after being left with dross and taking them down in the first place)... parallels? Too many to mention I think.
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