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  • Just watched Oblivion. Moon meets The Matrix meets 2001 meets Portal 3.

    Derivative as hell, but I kinda loved it. Visually breathtaking, and the soundtrack (partly recorded with M83) is brilliant - especially the ultra-cheesy 'Fearful Odds' - which makes Hans Zimmer sound like a kid with a xylophone


    Love a bit of hans zimmer
  • Boom said:

    Just watched Oblivion. Moon meets The Matrix meets 2001 meets Portal 3.

    Derivative as hell, but I kinda loved it. Visually breathtaking, and the soundtrack (partly recorded with M83) is brilliant - especially the ultra-cheesy 'Fearful Odds' - which makes Hans Zimmer sound like a kid with a xylophone


    Love a bit of hans zimmer
    The Inception soundtrack is the best music ever written to run to. By the time it reaches the last song ('Time') you think you can run like Usain Bolt for hours.
  • Saw Elysium and really liked it, but it was topped by Now you see me......cheesy yes but really enjoyable.
  • Anyone seen 'Sightseers'? Watched it on DVD yesterday and laughed. A lot. Excellent British black comedy. Brown lipstick indeed.

    Just watched this. Not funny for the faint hearted. The world comedy can be used but very tenuously. It borders on horror. I liked it in a guilty way.

    If what I say sounds weird then just try the film. Now that's really weird.

    Dark, Bizarre but very good
  • cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    Oh blimey, my son really wanted to see this!

  • cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    having seen the trailers .. I'll give it a miss
  • cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    having seen the trailers .. I'll give it a miss

    cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    Oh blimey, my son really wanted to see this!

    Wow you are easily put off, I really enjoyed it
  • Went to see Blue Jasmine last weekend. Great performance by Cate Blanchett. Oscar nominee? Good movie. Written and directed by Woody Allen
  • Olympus has fallen - far fetched , a little bit too long but a hell of a lot of fun and much better than i was expecting.

    7 out of 10
  • edited September 2013
    Ah ok , point taken Tel!

    One mans meat is another mans poison i guess.
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  • Ah ok , point taken Tel!

    One mans meat is another mans poison i guess.

    Your son will love it......mine did.

  • Elysium is getting positive reviews that are tempered a little by the film not being as fresh as the director's previous hit, District 9. Of the dozen people that I know, the only dissenting voice is on this thread.

  • TEL said:

    cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    having seen the trailers .. I'll give it a miss

    cafc-west said:

    I'm looking forward to Elysium .. out soon I believe

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    Oh blimey, my son really wanted to see this!

    Wow you are easily put off, I really enjoyed it
    from the trailers it looks as though the movie is like 'Mad Max 99' .. Damon does not look convincing as a tattooed warrior
  • Seen many futuristic tattooed warriors recently?
  • Mud Reminded me a lot of " Stand By Me" . 7 out of 10
  • edited September 2013
    Richard Prior : Omit The Logic A superb documentary depicting an extremely talented man who lived life to the full yet was dealt a shit hand at the end . 8 out of 10
  • a bit late I know, but I saw The Conjuring a couple of weeks back. Very enjoyable & made me jump out of my seat more than any other film I reckon.
  • edited September 2013
    Elysium is a top film, clever plot and great effects.
    Of course, if you don't appreciate a worthy effort to portray life on planet Earth in the 21st century, where inequality has grown so huge that the privileged live on a spacestation, and/or can't see contemporary parallels with the politics of immigration or healthcare rationing, you may just take the view that there's 'nothing to see there'.
    cafc-west said:

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

  • Saw Riddick this afternoon. Much closer to Pitch Black than Chronicles of Riddick in style/tone, for the better in my opinion, but if you like the series this one is for you - but probably not one to go in cold.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Seen many futuristic tattooed warriors recently?

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  • a bit late I know, but I saw The Conjuring a couple of weeks back. Very enjoyable & made me jump out of my seat more than any other film I reckon.


    I saw it last week and i loved it. I lost count of yhe amount of times i jumped out of my seat. Made better by the fact it was based on a true story.

  • The one I'm excited for is Gravity, the one with Sandra Bullock getting blasted into space
  • cafckev said:

    a bit late I know, but I saw The Conjuring a couple of weeks back. Very enjoyable & made me jump out of my seat more than any other film I reckon.


    I saw it last week and i loved it. I lost count of yhe amount of times i jumped out of my seat. Made better by the fact it was based on a true story.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it must've been soooooo scary to know it really happened.
  • Watched " Insidious" last night on Channel 4 .

    Not bad for a "supernatural thriller" and the ending was a bit of a surprise...

    ..until I read today that the sequel opens in cinemas on Friday 13th September.

    Might be worth a look.
  • a bit late I know, but I saw The Conjuring a couple of weeks back. Very enjoyable & made me jump out of my seat more than any other film I reckon.

    Was ok.But all these scary thrillers just morph into one.Ask me what happened in paranormal activity/the conjuring/insidious etc and I'd struggle.They're all the bloody same!

  • edited September 2013
    Horrors never scare me I find them too entertaining. Woman in black was the only ok one recently. I'd like to see the stage show.

    Best film I've seen in ages was end of watch. I teared up at the end... Couldn't have been done any better.
  • edited September 2013

    Elysium is a top film, clever plot and great effects.
    Of course, if you don't appreciate a worthy effort to portray life on planet Earth in the 21st century, where inequality has grown so huge that the privileged live on a spacestation, and/or can't see contemporary parallels with the politics of immigration or healthcare rationing, you may just take the view that there's 'nothing to see there'.

    cafc-west said:

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    How pompous.
    You like it, the other bloke doesn't. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. So here's mine:
    Personally, I thought it had a half baked storyline. It had the potential to be excellent, but was let down by too many unanswered questions, too much papering over of cracks in the story and possibly the worst Jodie Foster performance I've seen. Ever. Her accent, which I still can't identify, made me want to cut my ears off.
    But if that floats your boat, knock yourself out.

    I'm afraid your attempt to take the high ground by suggesting others "don't appreciate" the portrayal of the premise or "can't see contemporary parallels" makes you look like a dick who's heard someone else review the film and are trying to pass those opinions off as your own.
    I thought the plot was clear, the portrayal was adequate and the parallels were pretty obvious, thanks.
    Trouble is, the film was shit.

    Just my opinion of course.
  • Elysium is a top film, clever plot and great effects.
    Of course, if you don't appreciate a worthy effort to portray life on planet Earth in the 21st century, where inequality has grown so huge that the privileged live on a spacestation, and/or can't see contemporary parallels with the politics of immigration or healthcare rationing, you may just take the view that there's 'nothing to see there'.

    cafc-west said:

    Saw it Friday night. Utter drivel. Poor plot , hardly any real dialogue -shoot 'em up cowboy film in space! 2/10 for the effects.

    How pompous.
    You like it, the other bloke doesn't. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. So here's mine:
    Personally, I thought it had a half baked storyline. It had the potential to be excellent, but was let down by too many unanswered questions, too much papering over of cracks in the story and possibly the worst Jodie Foster performance I've seen. Ever. Her accent, which I still can't identify, made me want to cut my ears off.
    But if that floats your boat, knock yourself out.

    I'm afraid your attempt to take the high ground by suggesting others "don't appreciate" the portrayal of the premise or "can't see contemporary parallels" makes you look like a dick who's heard someone else review the film and are trying to pass those opinions off as your own.
    I thought the plot was clear, the portrayal was adequate and the parallels were pretty obvious, thanks.
    Trouble is, the film was shit.

    Just my opinion of course.
    I thought exactly the same, it was enjoyable enough, but they could have spent some time explaining how Elysium worked, how it was powered, had a stable enviroment, despite being in space and not having a roof. - obviously you could go on for day about this part.

    Jodie Foster was wasted in the role - not a fan of hers but at least give the girl a chance!

    However for a popcorn film it was ok.
  • Jolie Foster. Now there's a would ya. Yes, I know technically it's a 'ya couldn't', but a man can dream. She's been near the top of my list pretty much forever
  • wow so much anger, be cool its just a thread about peoples opinions on films. I agree that Fosters accent was irritating and I didnt get the point, but I enjoyed the film for what it was.
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