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  • Saw Avengers in 2d last night, loved it. Glad I didn't see it in 3D as it just makes the screen darker.
  • Quite fancy seeing Dark Shadows. Might even break my cinema is an utter rip off rule and head to Greenwich. Had some decent reviews and am a big Tim Burton fan.
    Would quite like to see it myself.

    Picturehouse is always a better bet , less clowns in there that you're going to row with plus you can have a beer in your seat
  • Went to see Dark Shadows on Saturday night in Bromley. In the bigger of the screens, with less squeeky seats. It was entertaining, funny in places, silly in others. enjoyable though. would recommend for a light hearted cinema trip.
  • Not a new film, but finally got round to watching Telstar .. very impressed.

    Great acting and a superb soundtrack ... just a pity that it was produced by Simon Jordan ... oh well, just goes to show that even someone like him can do something right occasionally,
  • Saw "Jeff, who lives at home", on Saturday. Has the from How I Met Your Mother/Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Had some funny/cringe moments but not that memorable. Will divide opinions I think.
  • Saw Tyranosaur on Blu Ray. Peter Mullan is superb. Eddie Marsan is equally disturbing. He is one of those actors that would does menacing without trying. A worthy directorial debut from Paddy Considine who is also one of my favourite actors too.
  • Just got back from Prometheus. Some fantastic sequences, but a collosal mess of a movie. It is the Alien universe, but anyone expecting an Alien-style movie is going to be confused and/ or disappointed. Worth watching on IMAX for the experience. Fassbender is excellent. Effects excellent. Script bad. Plot messy.
  • Ted looks flipping amazing!!!
  • Just seen an advert for " Red Lights ". Due out 15th June.

    Said to be an " atmospheric, edge of your seat drama " and " jumpy psychological thriller" starring Sigourney Weaver & Robert De Niro .

    Sounds like my cuppa tea ...
  • Just got back from Prometheus. Some fantastic sequences, but a collosal mess of a movie. It is the Alien universe, but anyone expecting an Alien-style movie is going to be confused and/ or disappointed. Worth watching on IMAX for the experience. Fassbender is excellent. Effects excellent. Script bad. Plot messy.
    How was the 3d? Was it the typical post production 3d? Have no choice but to see it in 3d
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  • There is a 2D version of Prometheus showing (cineworld @ west India quay and curzon @ Shaftesbury ave)
    I loved it, but some alien fans will be left disappointed. Fastsbender is superb and as Jimmy said, some great set pieces
  • edited June 2012
    There is a 2D version of Prometheus showing (cineworld @ west India quay and curzon @ Shaftesbury ave)
    I loved it, but some alien fans will be left disappointed. Fastsbender is superb and as Jimmy said, some great set pieces
    Saw the 2D version last night with Mrs BA who is a serious Alien addict, I have to say that despite the obviously excellent special effects, and Fassbender who was great, we both thought overall the paucity of dialogue and the weakness of the plot left us frustrated and disappointed.

    There were characters who seemed there just for padding like the stunning Charlize Theron.

    Overall it just didn't hold my attention enough.
  • Watched Submarine on DVD - loved it. No action, but funny, touching and occasionally cringe making. Decent soundtrack too.
  • The 3D in Prometheus is ok, but not remotely necessary. In IMAX, however, it looks truly awesome in the traditional sense of the word.

    I've got lots of complaints about the movie. Illogical plot twists, plot holes and ridiculous dialogue etc. Really did expect much more, particularly after Ridley prattled on so much about how great it is.

    But then I got to see Lawless the next day, and I'm quite certain it'll be my favourite of 2012. Fantastic prohibition era thriller with Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce, Shia Labeouf (who puts in a steer best). Proper antidote to the blockbuster season.
  • Bought Iron Sky DVD yesterday - Only just been in Cinema so that should have been a warning. I liked the concept (Nazis who escaped WW2 on the Dark Side of the moon about to attack us) but needed to be played and written straight rather than for laughs.

    Sure it was better than Iron Lady though!!!
  • Bought Iron Sky DVD yesterday - Only just been in Cinema so that should have been a warning. I liked the concept (Nazis who escaped WW2 on the Dark Side of the moon about to attack us) but needed to be played and written straight rather than for laughs.

    Sure it was better than Iron Lady though!!!
    really interestingly made though, made by a very small team on a very small budget over many years. Was always meant to be a B movie concept and product.
  • Yes, for the budget I thought the effects were pretty good. The proposition is ridiculous so that in itself was enough, that's why I think played straight - a la Starship Troopers - It would have worked. Definitely some good ideas- I liked the Nazi scientist. Sat through it though but wife fell asleep!
  • Just back from Prometheus, really enjoyed it. The 3D in the opening scene was superb so was a bit of a pity that the rest of the 3D throughout the film was so bland, but id rather bland 3D than the nonsense in The Avengers, thought Noomi Rapace, Idris Elba and Michael Fassbender were superb in it but Charlize Theron seemed like a bit of a waste of time, biggest problem with the film was that it left more questions than answers. The tension in some of the scenes was frightening at times, and visually its superb.
  • Yes, for the budget I thought the effects were pretty good. The proposition is ridiculous so that in itself was enough, that's why I think played straight - a la Starship Troopers - It would have worked. Definitely some good ideas- I liked the Nazi scientist. Sat through it though but wife fell asleep!
    Thought it was utter tosh. The only comedy I've seen in the last 4-5 that hasn't raised a single laugh. Infact it didnt even raise a smirk.
  • Agree- tried to be funny but wasn't. That is why it needed to be played and written straight.
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  • it was delibaratley trying to be tosh though.
  • Saw the Passion of St.Tibulus, all I can say is - down with this sort of thing.
  • Careful now!
  • Just watched Contraband which was perfect for a rainy day
  • Snow White and the Huntsman

    Touch of lord of the rings about this ... really enjoyed it ... Bob Hoskins, Ian McShane and Ray Winstone great as dwarves
  • Saw Prometheus last night. Decent visually, some good performances (Fassbender as excellent as always.) I would say it's not quite as clever as it seems to think it is. One of the writers I seem to remember was also involved in Lost, which given the plot would not surprise me at all.
  • ill manors film directed by hip hop star plan b ment to be a brilliant film
  • Thenewbie - that's Damon Lindelof. He was the show runner on Lost. Likeable guy, has interesting ideas - good with mystery, rubbish with resolution. Gets hounded on Twitter a lot. Looks like the never nude in Arrested Development.
  • Saw The Dictator over the weekend, will not be everyones cup of tea but personally thought it was very funny. Offensive and crude but did not expect anything less.
  • Cafcdan18 agree mate quality.

    "Porsche 911"
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