[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
Silly statement of the night came when someone told PP that Sam played too deep. PP disagreed and said that tracking back too much was not Sam's problem and as an attacking force they wanted him up the pitch when possible to which the fan replied "you watch the next game" as if PP never did.
There you go .......... proof that a fan knows more about the game than a Professional with 25 years experience as player, captain and manager.
That's brilliant, did he also comment how he gets man of the match and scores 3 goals everygame when he manages on the PC
Thanks very much for detailing some of what I should've made more effort to get to. Great to hear that PP comes across in person as the type of person we've needed at the helm since Curbs. Also so good to know that - for now at least - his commendable attitude towards team spirit and hard work can still bear fruit; surely those are the sentiments of most genuine supporters beyond the glory boys that know only the likes of Drogba and Robinho. Imposing that ethic on highly-paid young players (and their loathsome agents) can't be easy, and taking a team where he has yet to be able to spend a fee on a player to our current level should not be underestimated. Long may it continue, long may he continue.
Thanks Phil, and thanks guys for taking the trouble to chronicle it (and to stage it in the first place). Charlton Athletic Football CLUB is still pretty special.
[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
Silly statement of the night came when someone told PP that Sam played too deep. PP disagreed and said that tracking back too much was not Sam's problem and as an attacking force they wanted him up the pitch when possible to which the fan replied "you watch the next game" as if PP never did.
There you go .......... proof that a fan knows more about the game than a Professional with 25 years experience as player, captain and manager.
That's brilliant, did he also comment how he gets man of the match and scores 3 goals everygame when he manages on the PC
He was too old to know what a pc is!
Sid was brilliant henners spoke about some real random stuff that PP would never know! I.e do teams receive compensation for postponed games? Lol
Although detatched from all this, i have enjoyed reading everything, so thank you guys for the organisation and the reporting back. There is a universal agreement that PP is a great bloke....my personal position is to judge him on results, and in league terms they are excellent. I do still feel bitter about our relegation and the Northwich result, and for me, and perhaps others, I will need more convincing that Parkinson is an OK manager....right now the direction is positive, but I don't want to endorse him on nice blokeness alone....keep the results coming I say.
Northwich - was deeply embaressed as were the players
Mcleod - could still have a part to play was going to appeal on fine given to him by PP until PP told him you won't do yourself anyfavours with the fans if you try to appeal take the fine and ban like a man and get on with it( said mcleod said he was trying to block the player PP sounded like he made the point of don't BS your manager and the fans)
Thank you for the writeup, Henry. For me it just hammers home that Parky is definitely the right man for the job. I particularly liked this comment:
[cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]"I will not allow anyone to disturb the team spirit and work ethic I've worked so hard to create here" which drew a spontaneous round of applause from the audience.
Well i must say it all makes very good reading, i've never been fully won over by PP but reading this and his explanation of a lot of things he seems to talk a lot of sense and i'm now glad we kept him.
Interestingly on Pardew when he said "he told Pardew that we were bringing in too many players who "could be" good players rather than "ready made CCC players" who could have done a job", makes me think Pardew actually took that on board as his signings for Southampton have most definitely been players proven at the level they're at (Lambert, Jaidi, Hammond, Connolly).
Good to see his reasoning on Dickson not coming back (his agent sounds a right pr*ck), also encouraged by what he's done with Youga and his thoughts on Basey being a midfielder.
One final thing, McLeod wanted to appeal his fine as he said he was just blocking the player, yeah good one mate. Just confirms even more that i think you're a c*nt.
I gotta get me a mind-map, Henry, that's astounding.
I think Parky proved he totally understands what the fans want from a Charlton team, the values and spirit that we think embodies the club. I went up at the end to just say goodbye and tell him that I thought he'd put his views across tremendously well, and he took the time to expound at some length the fact that he wanted players who would show the commitment and basic will to win that we loved so much in guys like Brownie and Kins.
I asked him why he thought Racon had lost form recently, adn he said he was surprised that he hadn't been asked that in the meeting, which was a bit revealing. He said Racon had pretty much talked himself out of the team with his insistence that he didn't want to play wide left if asked, and that Parky had strongly told him that any player that effectively asked not to play if they couldn't play in their favoured position wasn't going to last under him. He thought he was a fundamentally good lad though who would succeed with a kick up the behind.
In the meeting itself, it was interesting (not sure if was covered higher up) that he wanted to interview for three management jobs elsewhere in the early/middle period of Pardew's tenure, but was specifically asked by RM not to, as they wanted him to definitely take over from Pards when he moved on. The implication was that as soon as Pards did well, and a halfway decent job at a "bigger" club was offered, he'd be off, and the board had learnt by their mistakes with poor succession planning towards the end of Curbs' time. Obviously RM was brave enough to keep his word in teh face of the three draws in 8 games, and probably wasn't grateful to Waggie for giving it the "he'll be judged by results" at the time.
He was quite detailed about the lessons he'd learned in losing his job at Hull, and was confident enough to say that even Adam Pearson had agreed he was doing the right things there as he sacked him.
He also said that Phil Parkinson the player wouldn't have got into a side with Bailey and Semedo as first-choice centre-mids.
I have to say he impressed me immensely. I told him this wouldn't automatically help him, as we'd seen his predecessor be able to sound articulate, say all the right things, appear totally confident and still end up being shown to be a clueless idiot, and he smiled and repeated that his starting point was the strength of character in his group of players, what they were actually about as men, the dynamic of the group and having a team that played for each other. He sounded like a more articulate version of Curbs in many ways.
A really interesting and highly reassuring evening. It feels like the club is in good hands
Thanks very much for organising teh meeting. Good to meet Soundas, too.
[cite]Posted By: JVL[/cite]I gotta get me a mind-map, Henry, that's astounding.
I think Parky proved he totally understands what the fans want from a Charlton team, the values and spirit that we think embodies the club. I went up at the end to just say goodbye and tell him that I thought he'd put his views across tremendously well, and he took the time to expound at some length the fact that he wanted players who would show the commitment and basic will to win that we loved so much in guys like Brownie and Kins.
I asked him why he thought Racon had lost form recently, adn he said he was surprised that he hadn't been asked that in the meeting, which was a bit revealing. He said Racon had pretty much talked himself out of the team with his insistence that he didn't want to play wide left if asked, and that Parky had strongly told him that any player that effectively asked not to play if they couldn't play in their favoured position wasn't going to last under him. He thought he was a fundamentally good lad though who would succeed with a kick up the behind.
In the meeting itself, it was interesting (not sure if was covered higher up) that he wanted to interview for three management jobs elsewhere in the early/middle period of Pardew's tenure, but was specifically asked by RM not to, as they wanted him to definitely take over from Pards when he moved on. The implication was that as soon as Pards did well, and a halfway decent job at a "bigger" club was offered, he'd be off, and the board had learnt by their mistakes with poor succession planning towards the end of Curbs' time. Obviously RM was brave enough to keep his word in teh face of the three draws in 8 games, and probably wasn't grateful to Waggie for giving it the "he'll be judged by results" at the time.
He was quite detailed about the lessons he'd learned in losing his job at Hull, and was confident enough to say that even Adam Pearson had agreed he was doing the right things there as he sacked him.
He also said that Phil Parkinson the player wouldn't have got into a side with Bailey and Semedo as first-choice centre-mids.
I have to say he impressed me immensely. I told him this wouldn't automatically help him, as we'd seen his predecessor be able to sound articulate, say all the right things, appear totally confident and still end up being shown to be a clueless idiot, and he smiled and repeated that his starting point was the strength of character in his group of players, what they were actually about as men, the dynamic of the group and having a team that played for each other. He sounded like a more articulate version of Curbs in many ways.
A really interesting and highly reassuring evening. It feels like the club is in good hands
Thanks very much for organising teh meeting. Good to meet Soundas, too.
I was very impressed with what Parky had to say last night and he came across as a nice guy but also one that wouldn't take any shit. I believe the most important thing is that he has brought in characters, has got a good team spirit and won't allow any 'bad eggs' to affect that.
However, I do have doubts about people say at these meetings. Two weeks ago RM said that Parky was more than ok about scrapping the Reserve team. Last night Parky completely contradicted that by saying he advised the Board to keep it going in the League but it was pulled as a financial decision. Who to believe ?
[cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]I was very impressed with what Parky had to say last night and he came across as a nice guy but also one that wouldn't take any shit. I believe the most important thing is that he has brought in characters, has got a good team spirit and won't allow any 'bad eggs' to affect that.
However, I do have doubts about people say at these meetings. Two weeks ago RM said that Parky was more than ok about scrapping the Reserve team. Last night Parky completely contradicted that by saying he advised the Board to keep it going in the League but it was pulled as a financial decision. Who to believe ?
Or more likely that it was actually a half-way house of "I want to keep the reserves", "We simply can't afford it", "Ok, but I want to play a load of friendlies at Sparrows Lane in that case".
[cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]I was very impressed with what Parky had to say last night and he came across as a nice guy but also one that wouldn't take any shit. I believe the most important thing is that he has brought in characters, has got a good team spirit and won't allow any 'bad eggs' to affect that.
However, I do have doubts about people say at these meetings. Two weeks ago RM said that Parky was more than ok about scrapping the Reserve team. Last night Parky completely contradicted that by saying he advised the Board to keep it going in the League but it was pulled as a financial decision. Who to believe ?
Both of them I reckon.
If RM put it to Parky that the alternative to scrapping the reserves was selling (say) Bailey and Shelvey Parky would almost certainly have said ok scrap the reserve team even though previously he had advised them to keep it.
RM can then say Phil was ok and Phil can say he'd rather have kept it.
Geat stuff and thank you to all for your feedback - it's very much appreciated by those of us who are more remote from the hub of the supporters clubs action.
The more we learn about Parky's opinions and philosphy the more he sounds like Curbs and that can be no bad thing, particluarly the understanding and acceptance of financial restraints, value placed on good characters and the 'my way or the high way' attitude (as long as this doesn't manifest itself in blind pig-headed stubborness).
Also very encouraging to hear detail on how he's working to improve players both on and off the pitch and I think this is one area he's really impressed me over the last 12 months - there are several players who have improved since he took over as manager or since he brought them to the club when so many players seemed to stagnate or go backwards under Pardew.
Was it just me, or did Parky seem genuinly offended no one wanted his signed photo? The guy who mentioned Lloyd Sam playing too deep annoyed the hell out of me! Hope Parky realises he doesn't in fact represent the thoughts of most/all the other supporters. "Watch the next match!" Think he should take his own advice. Parky seemed pretty annoyed at the reserves situation to me and players like Luke Holden have become a victim of circumstance as he just doesn't have a proper opportunity to crack on. The most important thing to come from the evening was the realisation that Parky is a 'Charlton' type of manager who is bringing back that mentality which we have missed for the past few years and I'm delighted that he won't tolerate the likes of Dickson's agent.
[cite]Posted By: Ollywozere[/cite]Was it just me, or did Parky seem genuinly offended no one wanted his signed photo?
The guy who mentioned Lloyd Sam playing too deep annoyed the hell out of me! Hope Parky realises he doesn't in fact represent the thoughts of most/all the other supporters. "Watch the next match!" Think he should take his own advice.
Parky seemed pretty annoyed at the reserves situation to me and players like Luke Holden have become a victim of circumstance as he just doesn't have a proper opportunity to crack on.
The most important thing to come from the evening was the realisation that Parky is a 'Charlton' type of manager who is bringing back that mentality which we have missed for the past few years and I'm delighted that he won't tolerate the likes of Dickson's agent.
Dickson's agent is ruining Dicko's chances of actually doing well!
Thanks very much to the organisers, the contributions on here and of course to Parky himself.
Very interesting reading this and I like what I hear. From what I can gather - methodical, down to earth, honest, a realist and pragmatic... just what we need.
Keep it up Parky, you seem to have more Charlton in your little finger than your predecessor had in his whole body, despite his past "history".
That's brilliant, did he also comment how he gets man of the match and scores 3 goals everygame when he manages on the PC
Thanks Phil, and thanks guys for taking the trouble to chronicle it (and to stage it in the first place). Charlton Athletic Football CLUB is still pretty special.
Sid was brilliant henners spoke about some real random stuff that PP would never know! I.e do teams receive compensation for postponed games? Lol
Northwich - was deeply embaressed as were the players
Mcleod - could still have a part to play was going to appeal on fine given to him by PP until PP told him you won't do yourself anyfavours with the fans if you try to appeal take the fine and ban like a man and get on with it( said mcleod said he was trying to block the player PP sounded like he made the point of don't BS your manager and the fans)
Said he used the cup defeat to remind the players what happens when you dont work, dont put ypu foot in etc.
Interestingly on Pardew when he said "he told Pardew that we were bringing in too many players who "could be" good players rather than "ready made CCC players" who could have done a job", makes me think Pardew actually took that on board as his signings for Southampton have most definitely been players proven at the level they're at (Lambert, Jaidi, Hammond, Connolly).
Good to see his reasoning on Dickson not coming back (his agent sounds a right pr*ck), also encouraged by what he's done with Youga and his thoughts on Basey being a midfielder.
One final thing, McLeod wanted to appeal his fine as he said he was just blocking the player, yeah good one mate. Just confirms even more that i think you're a c*nt.
I think Parky proved he totally understands what the fans want from a Charlton team, the values and spirit that we think embodies the club. I went up at the end to just say goodbye and tell him that I thought he'd put his views across tremendously well, and he took the time to expound at some length the fact that he wanted players who would show the commitment and basic will to win that we loved so much in guys like Brownie and Kins.
I asked him why he thought Racon had lost form recently, adn he said he was surprised that he hadn't been asked that in the meeting, which was a bit revealing. He said Racon had pretty much talked himself out of the team with his insistence that he didn't want to play wide left if asked, and that Parky had strongly told him that any player that effectively asked not to play if they couldn't play in their favoured position wasn't going to last under him. He thought he was a fundamentally good lad though who would succeed with a kick up the behind.
In the meeting itself, it was interesting (not sure if was covered higher up) that he wanted to interview for three management jobs elsewhere in the early/middle period of Pardew's tenure, but was specifically asked by RM not to, as they wanted him to definitely take over from Pards when he moved on. The implication was that as soon as Pards did well, and a halfway decent job at a "bigger" club was offered, he'd be off, and the board had learnt by their mistakes with poor succession planning towards the end of Curbs' time. Obviously RM was brave enough to keep his word in teh face of the three draws in 8 games, and probably wasn't grateful to Waggie for giving it the "he'll be judged by results" at the time.
He was quite detailed about the lessons he'd learned in losing his job at Hull, and was confident enough to say that even Adam Pearson had agreed he was doing the right things there as he sacked him.
He also said that Phil Parkinson the player wouldn't have got into a side with Bailey and Semedo as first-choice centre-mids.
I have to say he impressed me immensely. I told him this wouldn't automatically help him, as we'd seen his predecessor be able to sound articulate, say all the right things, appear totally confident and still end up being shown to be a clueless idiot, and he smiled and repeated that his starting point was the strength of character in his group of players, what they were actually about as men, the dynamic of the group and having a team that played for each other. He sounded like a more articulate version of Curbs in many ways.
A really interesting and highly reassuring evening. It feels like the club is in good hands
Thanks very much for organising teh meeting. Good to meet Soundas, too.
Ermm............... I wasn't there mate?
Hahaha. Are there really people out there who impersonate people they don't know from internet forums?!
Was Oggy there ..... ?
Parky certainly seems to come across as the right sort both as a man and in his footballing ideals.
I still need to know ......did Parky wear his schoolteacher woolly, jacket and tie ......?
Correct and great to meet you JVL
However, I do have doubts about people say at these meetings. Two weeks ago RM said that Parky was more than ok about scrapping the Reserve team. Last night Parky completely contradicted that by saying he advised the Board to keep it going in the League but it was pulled as a financial decision. Who to believe ?
Both of them I reckon.
If RM put it to Parky that the alternative to scrapping the reserves was selling (say) Bailey and Shelvey Parky would almost certainly have said ok scrap the reserve team even though previously he had advised them to keep it.
RM can then say Phil was ok and Phil can say he'd rather have kept it.
The more we learn about Parky's opinions and philosphy the more he sounds like Curbs and that can be no bad thing, particluarly the understanding and acceptance of financial restraints, value placed on good characters and the 'my way or the high way' attitude (as long as this doesn't manifest itself in blind pig-headed stubborness).
Also very encouraging to hear detail on how he's working to improve players both on and off the pitch and I think this is one area he's really impressed me over the last 12 months - there are several players who have improved since he took over as manager or since he brought them to the club when so many players seemed to stagnate or go backwards under Pardew.
The guy who mentioned Lloyd Sam playing too deep annoyed the hell out of me! Hope Parky realises he doesn't in fact represent the thoughts of most/all the other supporters. "Watch the next match!" Think he should take his own advice.
Parky seemed pretty annoyed at the reserves situation to me and players like Luke Holden have become a victim of circumstance as he just doesn't have a proper opportunity to crack on.
The most important thing to come from the evening was the realisation that Parky is a 'Charlton' type of manager who is bringing back that mentality which we have missed for the past few years and I'm delighted that he won't tolerate the likes of Dickson's agent.
Dickson's agent is ruining Dicko's chances of actually doing well!
Very interesting reading this and I like what I hear. From what I can gather - methodical, down to earth, honest, a realist and pragmatic... just what we need.
Keep it up Parky, you seem to have more Charlton in your little finger than your predecessor had in his whole body, despite his past "history".