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  • no-one listens, they just keep posting
  • on & on & on they go...............

  • Has anyone got the latest Football Manager PC game, any clues to the Takeover on there??
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]ITS NO GOOD ASKING NICELY


    That'll tell 'em ;-)
  • i bloody hope so cos they just aint listening
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Has anyone got the latest Football Manager PC game, any clues to the Takeover on there??

    Murray stepped aside and Simmons took over about jan 2012. But we are back mid table Prem. ;)
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]STOP F*****G POSTING S**T ON THIS F****** THREAD

    " oooo you are awful but i like you "
  • [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]STOP F*****G POSTING S**T ON THIS F****** THREAD

    " oooo you are awful but i like you "
    Don't make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry...
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  • edited September 2009
    sorry, when whispers go wrong 25,613.
  • Good evening all

    Just left the England game and was looking at the OS and seemed strange that it was left to Rick Everitt to write about the discounted season tickets.

    Is it not usually Murray or Chappell that would give that news out.?

    Does anybody else seem to think this strange.

    Back to England now
  • [cite]Posted By: CHARLTONHESTON[/cite]Good evening all

    Just left the England game and was looking at the OS and seemed strange that it was left to Rick Everitt to write about the discounted season tickets.

    Is it not usually Murray or Chappell that would give that news out.?

    Does anybody else seem to think this strange.

    Back to England now

    I thought getting more season tickets in was part of Rick's job, but i may be wrong.
  • yeah target 40,000 init?
  • yes Head of Club development. No conspiracy there.
  • Well that clears that up then, nothing else to report on here for now, toodle pip.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]WHAT THE F**K IS IT GOING TO TAKE WITH YOU FOOOKING STOOOPID LOT[/quote]

    Stop looking at the thread then.
  • You have to admit, it is not the smartest thing to do.
  • [cite]Posted By: DessieValley[/cite]Kiely was the studio guest for the game in Sky on Saturday. He said "I understand a takeover is imminent"

    I remember reading he was a good friend of Peter Varney - wonder whether he's comment was based on inside knowledge or rumours the rest of us have been reading?

    No, his comments are based on the facts in this discussion..... informed, educated and not just idle gossip.
  • So how is the Irish, japenese, Arabic, american & Canadian consortium getting on?
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  • So much has happened you just wouldn`t believe it if you were told Dazzler.
  • Is Deano now part of the consortium? He seemed pretty sure that the takeover is imminent. Sky wouldn't let him say something that wasn't a FACT - FACT
  • Its been sodding imminent for weeks if not months !
  • edited September 2009
    I better reveal the truth as your all going nuts, I did not get made redundant in may... I was in my garden diging out a hole for a water feature when all of a sudden a strange black liquid started bubling out of it... turned out I have the equlivent of 25 wembley stadiums full of crude oil under my lawn, I sold this to this to british petrolum for a healthy profit of 5 billion pounds, I am in talks with the club the hold up is because I I'm currently loading all my belongings on to my car with granny banham on the roof in her rocking chair and heading off to hollywood to find myself a wife... I will of course try to hurry things up. Adam 'jed' addick.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]I better reveal the truth as your all going nuts, I did not get made redundant in may... I was in my garden diging out a hole for a water feature when all of a sudden a strange black liquid started bubling out of it... turned out I have the equlivent of 25 wembley stadiums full of crude oil under my lawn, I sold this to this to british petrolum for a healthy profit of 5 billion pounds, I am in talks with the club the hold up is because I I'm currently loading all my belongings on to my car with granny banham on the roof in her rocking chair and heading off to hollywood to find myself a wife... I will of course try to hurry things up. Adam 'jed' addick.

    Blimey Adam, you could have told us before we started the 2200+ comments!
  • It's working NLA, nearly at the bottom of the page!
  • I think you mistakenly bumped it back to the top again now, schoolboy error.
  • Right, I've opened all my birthday cards and collected all the money.

    Will be emailing my offer over in the next 30mins or so..... not long to go guys.
  • Unbump

    That should knock it back down again.
  • So if I get this right, every time we write something and press the "Add your comments" button, this thread rises to the top of the list of threads?
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