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  • [cite]Posted By: VSB Sparrow[/cite]Yesterday, from the guy in front of me, two to the left, who looks like Father Christmas, I heard the takeover is waiting for the end of Ramadam!! I never knew that Ramadam could prevent business but, assuming there is truth in this, it started on 20 August? and lasts a month. Dates are disputed amongst different Islamic groups and the story is that Charlton were to announce the deal pre Ramadam but were assuming a different Ramadam deadline to the other party and were then ready too late. This all sounds hilarious and of course would have implications for future transfer windows but it made me giggle so I thought I would share.

    LMFAO...That's the best conspiracy theory yet
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Ian darke on sky said 2 interested parties had walked away (does that include zebel?) Dean kiely seemed more positive talking about 'when' it happens, he still talks to the players and staff apparently so would know inside news, curbs no comment on the football league programme last night seemed very cagey to me all things cafc.[/quote]

    Cagey, or knows nothing?
  • The latter I would say mate.. claridge and curbs now there's a bundle of laughs...
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Ian darke on sky said 2 interested parties had walked away (does that include zebel?) Dean kiely seemed more positive talking about 'when' it happens, he still talks to the players and staff apparently so would know inside news, curbs no comment on the football league programme last night seemed very cagey to me all things cafc.

    Cagey, or knows nothing?

    I took it as either
    - I know something and I'm not saying, or,
    - I wouldn't go back to CAFC in a month of Sundays but I'm too diplomatic to say

    Personally I think the position is that the directors are still trying to sell the club with no firm buyer currently in the frame
  • Manish said to him would u consider going back to charlton in any capacity... as mentioned on here director of football ala sven etc.. seems an odd question to ask a football manager, manish must be a member on here ;-)
  • I wouldn't get too carried away with Ian Darkes comment. I would be astonished if there were not at least 2 interested groups who have been looking at taking us over. My guess would be more than two. Why, because the "negotiations" have been going on for so long now? If the Board are so potless and there was only one Group in discussion, they would have cut a deal by now even if it meant the existing board writing everything off and effectively "giving" the club away? The reason is if they didn't they would just be making their losses worse.

    I think it is significant that we didn't sell any of our prized assets in the window, that we have just offered JJ an extended contract. It suggests to me that money is there to manage the club and gives them the flexibility to negotiate with a number of potential buyers and play it long if required.
  • [cite]Posted By: VSB Sparrow[/cite]Yesterday, from the guy in front of me, two to the left, who looks like Father Christmas, I heard the takeover is waiting for the end of Ramadam!! I never knew that Ramadam could prevent business but, assuming there is truth in this, it started on 20 August? and lasts a month. Dates are disputed amongst different Islamic groups and the story is that Charlton were to announce the deal pre Ramadam but were assuming a different Ramadam deadline to the other party and were then ready too late. This all sounds hilarious and of course would have implications for future transfer windows but it made me giggle so I thought I would share.

    I heard that we were waiting to mid December to announce it as a Christmas present to the fans.
  • [cite]Posted By: VSB Sparrow[/cite]Yesterday, from the guy in front of me, two to the left, who looks like Father Christmas, I heard the takeover is waiting for the end of Ramadam!! I never knew that Ramadam could prevent business but, assuming there is truth in this, it started on 20 August? and lasts a month. Dates are disputed amongst different Islamic groups and the story is that Charlton were to announce the deal pre Ramadam but were assuming a different Ramadam deadline to the other party and were then ready too late. This all sounds hilarious and of course would have implications for future transfer windows but it made me giggle so I thought I would share.

    See page 40 of this thread................. it is all there
  • As i said last week we should get the fans forum to ask the club yet again for a statement.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]As i said last week we should get the fans forum to ask the club yet again for a statement.

    start a petition
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  • [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]As i said last week we should get the fans forum to ask the club yet again for a statement.

    Why? How many more times can the board say, "sorry we can't say anything as the whole process is protected by an NDA"
  • Can we just sink this thread please. To be honest the whole thing has become a bit of a bore. Why can't we have a thread with 2000+ comments on how good the team is doing this season instead of wasting our time talking about something that isn't going to happen.
  • [cite]Posted By: SE7[/cite]Can we just sink this thread please. To be honest the whole thing has become a bit of a bore. Why can't we have a thread with 2000+ comments on how good the team is doing this season instead of wasting our time talking about something that isn't going to happen.

    Agree that people should be focusing on the football - you can be certain that if we had started poorly and were in the bottom half there would have been a number of threads bemoaning the football.

    Disagree that it won't happen.
  • see the thread on the last fans forum minutes.

    TO mentioned there.
  • Still counting on tis being the Christmas No.1 thread! (with no bumping either).
  • edited September 2009
    [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]As i said last week we should get the fans forum to ask the club yet again for a statement.

    The Manager has said that people are working 18 hour days to try to sort things out. The minutes of the last FF meeting just produced has reference to the on-going discussions. Steve Waggott in the programme on Saturday referred to the fact that Parky had to amend his player requirements to fit the changing financial position as it unfolded. It's clear they are still trying to get something sorted. Until them, irritating as it is, we just have to wait for things to be sorted out one way or another.

    What do you expect anyone can do if a takeover doesn't happen? Because from where I sit, apart from praying that the current board can keep the club afloat without wholesale cuts in playing staff and this season continues to go well, or that some other investors come along, there really is nothing us ordinary fans can do except what is being done constructively at the moment like the Supporters Trust.

    Some people were calling for direct action a few weeks ago. Against what or who? Other than the general feeling that things were crap, what else was there to moan about? That Richard Murray hasn't got any more spare cash in his back pocket? That Derek Chappell has bags under his eyes, or that Steve Waggott is a geordie who smiles alot?

    Please get some sense of proportion. The club has no spare money, inspite of that, we have signed six players in this window, all of whom have been met with approval. The team has just won six on the spin playing some delightful football, the best young player we have produced for years has just signed an extension to his contract. The Board are trying their best to resolve things just try to be patient.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: March51[/cite]Still counting on tis being the Christmas No.1 thread! (with no bumping either).[/quote]

    The takeover is all but done so this thread will be history by then.
  • edited September 2009
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]As i said last week we should get the fans forum to ask the club yet again for a statement.

    The Manager has said that people are working 18 hour days to try to sort things out. The minutes of the last FF meeting just produced has reference to the on-going discussions. Steve Waggott in the programme on Saturday referred to the fact that Parky had to amend his player requirements to fit the changing financial position as it unfolded. It's clear they are still trying to get something sorted. Until them, irritating as it is, we just have to wait for things to be sorted out one way or another.

    What do you expect anyone can do if a takeover doesn't happen? Because from where I sit, apart from praying that the current board can keep the club afloat without wholesale cuts in playing staff and this season continues to go well, or that some other investors come along, there really is nothing us ordinary fans can do except what is being done constructively at the moment like the Supporters Trust.

    Some people were calling for direct action a few weeks ago. Against what or who? Other than the general feeling that things were crap, what else was there to moan about? That Richard Murray hasn't got any more spare cash in his back pocket? That Derek Chappell has bags under his eyes, or that Steve Waggott is a geordie who smiles alot?

    Please get some sense of proportion. The club has no spare money, inspite of that, we have signed six players in this window, all of whom have been met with approval. The team has just won six on the spin playing some delightful football, the best young player we have produced for years has just signed an extension to his contract. The Board are trying their best to resolve things just try to be patient.

    I make this 100% right. Let's enjoy this start while we can, and wait and see what will happen about things we can neither know nor influence.
  • [cite]Posted By: SE7[/cite]Can we just sink this thread please. To be honest the whole thing has become a bit of a bore. Why can't we have a thread with 2000+ comments on how good the team is doing this season instead of wasting our time talking about something that isn't going to happen.

    Yep, close this thread and sink all new ones until something concrete has been announced
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]

    Some people were calling for direct action a few weeks ago. Against what or who? Other than the general feeling that things were crap, what else was there to moan about? That Richard Murray hasn't got any more spare cash in his back pocket? That Derek Chappell has bags under his eyes, or that Steve Waggott is a geordie who smiles alot?

    My comment on Derek Chapples mince pies was not meant as a derogatory statement.It was a positive one ,suggesting he looks like he's had an hours sleep a night for the good of the club.
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  • Close this thread?
    Where am i meant to put my rumours then???

    tsk tsk tsk
  • Why close the thread ? If you don't want to read it vote with your keyboard.
  • As long as we kept the squad together i vowed not to let this stuff bother me and i dont care if it aint done by xmas as it wont make a difference to the squad.

    i am just loving the football right now

    do you remember when the last time was that you just cared about the football?

    not the mgr? who's Leaving ? are we going into admin?

    I cant so i am enjoying it right now
  • Are the naysayers trying to sink this thread? I think it is the new consortium behind this, trying to play down the takeover before we spend big in the january transfer window and not wanting the prices inflated too much. Canny lot them arabs, how else did they become so rich without such astute financial wisdom! Still Chelsea not being able to buy anyone in january will help as it will stop us being involved in bidding wars with them for the next big thing in the isle of Man league.
  • dont think it will happen now personally.
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]

    Some people were calling for direct action a few weeks ago. Against what or who? Other than the general feeling that things were crap, what else was there to moan about? That Richard Murray hasn't got any more spare cash in his back pocket? That Derek Chappell has bags under his eyes, or that Steve Waggott is a geordie who smiles alot?

    My comment on Derek Chapples mince pies was not meant as a derogatory statement.It was a positive one ,suggesting he looks like he's had an hours sleep a night for the good of the club.

    I wasn't having a pop at you. I was talking about those calling for some kind of direct action against the board and the Chappell comment was mean't to be a joke. Ho hum.........:o)
  • Good grief - in my occasional absence can someone please take responsibility for keeping this thread up where it belongs. Half way down the 2nd page indeed !

    If you read this and didn't want to, why did you ?
  • I am very disappointed with the lack of factual information on here today. Surely someone must of seen someone in the directors box on Saturday who they did not know? Or heard some new FACTS in the pub before the game?
  • I got a jackpot ticket at the game on saturday and was ONLY 60 away from getting the jackpot.

    This to me is a sign that the takeover will be completed by a saturday sometime in the future

  • MoG pressed F5 and the TO has been put back another week.
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