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Moot's and Parky



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    Well for all his faults he should definitely be playing now, although I completely get why he hasn't been a more regular starter.

    Lets face it - we've had it for this year, so can we PLEASE give kids like Moots some game time. If it even improves his defending by 20% he could be a massive asset in League 1 which is sadly what we have to be prepairing for as we can get a 2 month head start on our competitors if we start now. Bit like being promoted automatically instead of via the playoffs, but in reverse.

    He really should sit down and say to each player: "If/when we go down, are you gonna stick around and will your heart be in it." If not your free to go (assuming someone will want them) and there will be no hard feelings. If yes, then get them in and around the side NOW even if they're only 4th bloody choice. If they're truly terrible between now and May then get rid in the summer, but lets give those who really want to play (of which Moots is surely 1) the chance to play and improve.

    I've backed the policy of relying on more talented/experienced pros to try and get us out but they've failed and I see no benefit continuing to fail with them. Might as well fail with kids who have something to learn.
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    In some ways we'd all like to see that but realistically Parkinson won't do that. Much more likely he'll bring in a couple more Murty/Gillespie (older players wanting a game) type loans and keep saying he believes will can still do it.
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    Agree Scoham and the real trouble that is brewing in that philosophy is that we are not getting a settled / established core ready for the start of next season.
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    Well sadly I think that is what will happen too, but it'll be a bad call imo.
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    I think Yassin will be off and I won't blame him.

    When he signed for us he was a French U21 international (and was he captain??) and it was rumoured that quite a few clubs were looking at him. I imagine he was sold on Charlton being a London club, and that he'd be replacing an England international at RB in Luke Young and that several other players had gone on to become internationals. So instead of sitting on the bench and getting reserve football he thinks that he'll be getting first team action at a club that nutures young players. Instead a succession of loan signings of varying quality are brought in and automatically get first preference, when he does get into the team he promptly gets dropped for the next match. So perhaps last night he was thinking something along the lines of "what's the sodding point", we've lost another match and anything I do will be forgotten by tomorrow morning.

    If he's frustrated and angry I don't blame him. His club and international career have stalled, he doesn't get on with his manager and I bet he can't wait for the summer and a move back home.
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    Spot bloody on BFR
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    100% here as well.
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    Sorry i know this is going to sound like a terrible comparison, but I really believe its instances like this that make the difference between average players and top ones.

    David Beckham is a top, top player (who am I, Harry Redknapp?) and a great deal of that is down to attitude. When at Real Madrid, Capello refused to play him and left him out in the cold. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he put in twice as much effort, and forced Capello to pick him through his effort and performances.

    I understand what people are saying when he must be feeling angry and frustrated, as I'm sure we all would. I completely understand how pissed off he would be that loanees keep coming in and taking his place, but I really find it annoying when players' reaction to that is to look like they don't care. How would all the players in the past that we love(d) so much have reacted to being dropped continuously? I don't think it would have been to hide, they would have battled harder and longer to FORCE their way back in.
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    Thats a decent point tricky but reading some of the "rumours" that are starting to emerge from the club it seems all is not well in the dressing room. IF true then the morale of all players will be rock bottom and those who feel hard done by ie Moots will be on the floor. I wouldn`t know if there is any truth in them but I will say that I can see nothing that makes me think that they are not.
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    Just checked - Moutaouakil signed a four-year contract when he joined, so in theory we should at least get some sort of fee (undisclosed of course) for him.
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    You're right Tricky. There are three types of player:

    1) Talented and really want it (e.g. Beckham)
    2) Less talented but also really want it (e.g. Matt Holland)
    3) Talented but don't really want it enough (e.g Rommedahl)

    All can make a good living in the game depending on just how talented/motivated they are but on ly 1 will make it to the very top and only 1 & 2 will fulfill their potential.

    Of course, no-one ever fulfilled their potential sitting on the bench!
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    Tricky Beckham signed a multi million pound deal with another club for being left out and he's 32/33 not 22!
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    Exiled you missed the 4th type of player, talentless and doesn't want it (e.g. Marcus Bent)
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    The reason Yassin has not made it at Charlton is not because he is a Muslim (although we don't know for certain that he is anyway, that he does not drink or that he is not a good mixer socially it is because.....HE CAN'T BLOODY WELL DEFEND!!!!

    This was obvious to anyone who saw Liam Lawrence tear him apart at Stoke when we lost 2-1.
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    With respect, OA, he is most definitely a Muslim and he has a Muslim name.

    Yasin was another of the names of the prophet Mohammed.

    Nothong to do with the fact that he can't defend, of course. But possibly quite a lot to do with not fitting easily in the Charlton dressing room... although Bougherra didn't seem to have any problems...
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    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]With respect, OA, he is most definitely a Muslim and he has a Muslim name.

    Yasin was another of the names of the prophet Mohammed.

    Nothong to do with the fact that he can't defend, of course. But possibly quite a lot to do with not fitting easily in the Charlton dressing room... although Bougherra didn't seem to have any problems...

    Really? Well, Nigel, I doff my hat to you old chap because I did not know that about the name Yassin!!! I knew he could be a Muslim because he was obviously of North African descent but you can never be certain.

    I travel sometimes to Asia and the Middle-East for work and its always dangerous to make assumptions about people's relgious backgrounds because you can be totally wrong and make yourself look a complete arse! I have done this once and vowed not to repeat the mistake.

    I agree that its irrelevant though to his lack of defensive nous!
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    Yeah he's of Moroccan descent.
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    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]With respect, OA, he is most definitely a Muslim and he has a Muslim name.

    (To the tune of 'My Old Man's a Dustman')

    Oh Yassin is a Muslim,
    He's got a Muslim name,
    And when Parky says "please defend",
    He says that's not my game!
    But when he comes off the pitch.
    You can say he ran and ran,
    But rather than head down the pub,
    He just reads his Qu'ran!
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    if we let him go we will regret it like we have done with Turner & Primus.
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    [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]With respect, OA, he is most definitely a Muslim and he has a Muslim name.

    (To the tune of 'My Old Man's a Dustman')

    Oh Yassin is a Muslim,
    He's got a Muslim name,
    And when Parky says "please defend",
    He says that's not my game!
    But when he comes off the pitch.
    You can say he ran and ran,
    But rather than head down the pub,
    He just reads his Qu'ran!

    Now, THAT is very funny, made me laugh big time!!!
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    Based on what golfie???

    For ages you have told us that the teams we put out can not do the jobs they are given that the mgr is wrong and incompetent, for most of it i can see your point but what the feck do people base this yassin bollox on.

    he has had one good game to my mind reading at home and in that game no one could defend so he did well in an attacking role but hey varney looked good that day too.

    moutakil is a defender he is not a winger he was brought as a defender started and made his career as a defender, like many defenders that come from abroad he was found out defensivly, yes going 4wd he looks good i agree however if he was to be moved in to the wide position he would still have to track back and defend something he can not do.

    so what would be the point ???

    The bloke is gutless he has not tried to put his errors behind him and knuckle down he was one of the gutlees 4 who tried to sneak out after the cpolchester game when my son had waited in the rain for an hour after one of the worst performances at home in ages imo, and i said then Pardew needs to look at who he has bought in because they are gutless and have no fight in them.

    Who was right me or Pardew?? Me i would suggest as look at the shit that he bought in and what they have achieved.

    i hope he fuks off i hope i never see him again as he summed his career at charlton up on tuesday night, dropped, given the oportunity to turn it on and show what he can do and he puts in a gutless inept and wasted effort he let all of us down and yet again disrespected our fans

    the bloke is a tosser through and through and he aint even good enough in his position to displace some shockers this season
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    I started off being one of the many who really wanted mooto to get regular first team experiance, however having seen him play a few times in the last month, it is obvious he is not the sort of defender we need at the moment. Even if he went on to be a prem player, it does not change the fact that he is not right for us . Maybe as part of a team that was steady and strong defensively his speed and attacking prowess would come to the fore. That is not the case here. We need players who are not going to get out of position or commit themselves too early. We need solid consistant defending.
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    Bottom line on Mouataokil - If he was any good we would not have to bring in 34 barely fit year old loanees to cover his arse. That tells you all you need to know about him.
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    another simon walton .. utter chuff but cos we've bought him he must be good !!
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    All so negative - The few games i have seen him play he has played really quite well - too attacking for RB - hand him, a RM role.
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    Jesus, what are you lot on, get rid of him, he can't defend and has a poor attitude.

    Solly was supposed to play the Norwich game but picked up an injury, that's how highly Moo2 is rated.
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    at last some common sense

    you can not play aperson in midfield just because they can attack you must track back and put it in also and he dont give a shit
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    To be fair this thread is an exercise in pointlesness. He wasn't warmed up and so had a discussion with the mangager and then warmed up. I don't doubt he is as pissed off and mystified as anyone as to why the club continues to loan in a string of utterly shit and often crocked players to do the job he is paid for, but there wasn't really an argument was there.

    Henry, I didn't mean to imply Parkinson had said that about any of them. It has however been said on here (hearsay) - probably speculating about some of his more baffling (non) selections
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    Doesn't matter how good the ability of the player - he has to do his own job well, and fit into the gameplan.
    He's a square peg in a round hole otherwise.
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    err Moots was got injured pretty early in that Stoke game
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