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  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Like you know anything about editing on the BBC website!


    Heh! Just seen the BBC story's from BBC London, so ignore what I said anyway :-)
  • A rollercoaster arcs euphorically upwards as well as plunging with terrifying dips down.

    This is more like a spiral with inexorable movement in one direction only, isn't it?
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]i still think we have and should be asking more questions about tyhe board, Curbs wanted to sign a one year deal that would have kept us up that year and brought in the 30m plus the tv deal would have put in the coffers, murray and others wanted him to sign a longer deal and would not accept the one year deal, if we had we would have been able to have gone for a top manager with a good prem squad with x amounts of cash to spend and not the parade of muppets we have had since.
    With hindsight, absolutely. A lot of good managers have had very poor times in the last year of a deal when they know that they're going to be going, but I don't think we'd have got relegated under Curbs.

    That said the "Dowie signings" weren't as bad as is made out. Faye was disappointing, but I saw him put in a decent shift against City on Saturday - I felt we failed to use him to best advantage. Trajore was poor, definitely, but a lot of folk thought it was a good deal - Champions League winner and all that cack. Reid exceeded expectations. Gibbs and Sorrondo were nothing to do with him. Diawara was very solid and the player we missed most when we went down. It's not that dreadful. There's no Deon Burtons in there.
  • We are at the top of the 'big one'

    The only way is DOWN.

    *hands in the air*
  • Would you also enjoy getting skinned alive Falconwood?

    This season is not my idea of fun - its a slow, painful demise of a beloved football club.

    We might have to wait an awful long time for the ups. In fact they might not ever come again.
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Would you also enjoy getting skinned alive Falconwood?

    This season is not my idea of fun - its a slow, painful demise of a beloved football club.

    We might have to wait an awful long time for the ups. In fact they might not ever come again.

    Chin up mate, remember every down is an up waiting to happen.
    I've known darker times and we're not down yet....I think thats next month.
  • Friday nights watching us play the likes of Middlesbrough, Carlisle and I think Barnsley, mid winter, in front of 4-4,500 is bad.

    Some of you lot have no backbone whatsoever.

    As for skinned alive. Yeah righto, get over yourself its only football.
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