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Taking threads away from their original subjects



  • That Luke should've gone. He's getting right on my tits.
  • Sorry, I have to put a warning up for those at work, those with kids, any living, breathing sea animals or even those easily offended, although they're not sure why!
    (Think I've covered everyone).
  • Jamelia is fit.
  • What's the money on it turning up in Kazakhstan after all?
  • The latest GCSE English literature set texts include Meera Syal but no American authors.
  • edited May 2014
    Some classic OG Whistle Test on BBC2 at the mo - Bob Marley, Capt Beefheart et al. Those were the days..........Johnny Winter's drummer - shit, that's some mullet.
  • There's a lot of dunnocks about at the moment.
  • Hiya.
    Wot I missed since May 20th ?
    (Answers in less than 100 words.........)
  • Where there's tea there's hope.
  • Sponsored links:

  • If my computer goes blue, what does that mean?
  • Hiya.
    Wot I missed since May 20th ?
    (Answers in less than 100 words.........)

    Nothing at all ?

  • Fumbluff said:

    If my computer goes blue, what does that mean?

    Anthony hasn't made his initial investment.
  • You're right, I did used to get twice as many for about half as much. I guess it is true what they always say about inflation. Isn't it.
  • Analysis of US relations in the Middle East:

    My enemy's enemy is my friend
    but my enemy's friend, who was once my enemy, is now my friend
    and my friend's enemy, who was once my enemy, is also now my friend.
    If my enemy's friend is now my friend
    and my friend's enemy is also now also my friend
    why the hell does everyone still hate us?
  • Police are hunting the 'knitting needle nutter', who has stabbed six people in the bottom
    in the last 48 hours - it is believed the attacker could be following some kind of pattern...
  • Gherkins are flippin' lovely.
  • Is it me or is it moist?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Whenever you build bridges, you're going to get walked on from both sides.
  • A very drunk man stumbles across the local Baptist minister conducting his Sunday service down by the river. He proceeds to venture into the water and stand next to the minister. The minister turns, notices the man and says, "Mister, are you ready to find Jesus?".
    The man looks back and says, "Yes Reverend, I am". The minister then dunks the fellow under the water and pulls him right back up.
    "Have you found Jesus?" the minister asks. "No, I didn't!" says the man.
    The minister then dunks him under for a little longer, brings him up and says, "Now, brother, have you found Jesus?". "No, I did not!" says the drunken man again.
    Disgusted, the minister holds the man under for at least thirty seconds this time, brings him up and demands, "For the grace of God, have you found Jesus yet?"
    The man wipes his eyes and pleads, "No, but are you sure this is where he fell in?"
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
    ― Mae West
  • I think it's quite sad that I can't remember what the girl I lost my virginity to looked like. Truly. It's in my top five regrets.
  • “People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.” Thomas Merton.
  • Blimey, I've really missed you Guys......
    Speak soon.
  • Porky's right. We're all too comfortable.
  • Around the back, turn left and then it's just after the lights.
  • Sometimes the TV really wind me up
  • Harold: Who's having a go at me? Can you think of anyone who might have an old score to settle or something?
    Razors: Who's big enough to take you on?
    Harold: Well, there were a few.
    Razors: Like who?
    Harold: Yeah, they're all dead.

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