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Taking threads away from their original subjects



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    On teleprinter:

    Blackburn 0 - 1 Charlton Church

    We need to sign a goalscorer called Lane.
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    Kenny Noye once said to me 'help yourself to one of my PG Tips'.
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    David Ginola doesn't appreciate fashion tips....
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    Today's brunch at Maria's Cafe at Borough Market - Liver, Bacon, Onion Gravy, Mustard Mayo & Rocket Bap, with a cup of tea you could stand your spoon in.
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    The main reason I'd like to experience life as a woman for just one day is so I can appreciate what the female orgasm feels like.
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    Burton Port returns to the track tomorrow at Aintree after a 563 day absence. Only a 3m hurdle tomorrow and now with Jonjo but would be great if the 9 y-o 2010 Hennessy 2nd could get a shot at the National.
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    ....and we are told via Twitter that Ed Milliband is a lifelong Red Sox fan................................pass the sick bag.
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    I am so lucky to still be having sex at 76. Now the woman at 75 is showing interest, I'm going home to 54 before the wife gets suspicious.
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    What happend to cruncy saveloys.. Used to love the crunch and stabbing the roof of you mouth on the end bits now there all soaked in water and mush. That is all.
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    Just sitting here, doing nothing, wandering why in the last two games at the Valley the referees has worn black socks, black shorts and a dark top when the away teams have been in black. Why not wear a green or yellow shirt ? (Funny how you think of things sometimes ain't it).
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    I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.
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    edited November 2013
    Very nice return to action for Tidal Bay today, staying on for back-to-back wins in the Grade 2 3m hurdle at Wetherby.
    Looks in good shape and, despite top-weight, who's to say he can't go one better this year and take the Hennessy?
    Will be a 13 year old come Aintree on 5 April. Last 13 y-o to win the GN was Sergeant Murphy in 1923. Could well be allocated top-weight again, though sure to benefit theoretically from weight compression. Last top-weight to win, of course, was Rummy in 1974 but wouldn't bet against him busting two long-standing records. Still, a poorish run in the 2011 GN when with Howard Johnson is a negative and may or may not make the Peanuts' shortlist but a big show at Newbury in 4 weeks time could swing it.
    154 days to go.
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    edited November 2013
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    Mind that ninja.
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    Blimey, Captain Picard is just about to ring the opening bell on Wall Street....make it so.
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    There are days when you have to do things you really don't want to do. Today was one of those days :-(
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    So how's this for irony?
    3 weeks ago it was the Republicans trying to get it deferred for a year.
    Now, it's the Democrats (especially those up for re-election next year) that are desperate to persuade the White House to defer it.
    Such is the train wreck that is Obamacare.....LOL
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    8 runners in the 3.45 at Auteuil and all of their names start with the letter U..........ooh la la
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    If the answer is a bowling ball, a dehydrated ferret and two thirds of a Subway foot longer then the question baffles me.
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    As regards the most useful innovation in the history of Mankind, some say it is the wheel, some say penicillin, some the WorldWideWeb.
    For me, right up there with them has to be microwavable mashed potato.
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    I've got GTA 5's final mission to do tonight. It's been fun but easier than expected. I'm not sure if I want tonight to change that, there have been some horrible last ones in the past.
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    Is it me or is it moist?
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    edited November 2013
    Cappa Bleu returns to action this afternoon at Carlisle in the corresponding race in which he started his GN prep last season. Seems weird that a GN runner-up (made the frame twice of course) has only 1 chase win to his name and, thus, is still qualified at the grand age of 11 to run in a "Graduation Chase".
    The handicapper put him up just 2lbs for his patiently-ridden, staying-on 2nd at Aintree in April (with hindsight the spring ground-loving winner was clearly thrown in at the weights) and presumably he'll be doing just enough this afternoon to blow away some cobwebs and nothing more that might persuade Phil Smith to up him again..
    ...............4th, jumped well, no worries.
    145 days to go.
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    edited November 2013
    Bugger, finger slipped.
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    edited November 2013
    Many a mickle makes a muckle.
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    edited November 2013
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    What's up MOG? You seem to be lost for words.
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    Why are all people with the Surname "Smith" nicknamed "Smudger" ?
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    blacksmith? dirty? smudges?
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