The purpose of this submission is to add a new and annual test rule 9.1.1 to cover the master copy of tests and annual test inventories that are maintained by Air Force test control officers. The recommended disposition is "destroy after 10 years". These master copies of test are needed for long-term reference and trend analysis.
Okay, so here I am, in the Rose and Crown in Leysdown watching the semi, and I've met the lady (Catherine) who worked for the electric company who cut off our power in 1985.
Would someone kindly explain to these cocks commentating on the Play Off semi-finals, it's "We hold what we have", not "we have what we hold". WTF would that mean you dicks?
Applicable Air Force-wide
The purpose of this submission is to add a new and annual test rule 9.1.1 to cover the master copy of tests and annual test inventories that are maintained by Air Force test control officers.
The recommended disposition is "destroy after 10 years". These master copies of test are needed for long-term reference and trend analysis.
9 Apr - Belgian Pro League Group stage
16 Apr - Belgian Pro League Group stage
23 Apr - Belgian Pro League Group stage
30 Apr - Belgian Pro League Group stage
7 May - Belgian Pro League Group stage
All times are in United Kingdom Time
Me neither.
jZ[hlgb f_klZ :
1. Kh\_lgbd – h^]\j_g kf_ldh\^b_e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)ba\jrl_e ;
2. IhfeZ^ khjZ[lgbd aZ dhfmgZeb jZ[hlb b aZrlb gZ `b\hlgZ kj_^bgZ . . . . . . . . . (1)ba\jrl_e .
IhdjZ• ^hdZabl_ aZ bkihegm\Zƒ_ gZ hirlb_ mkeh\b aZ ijb_f gZ ^j`Z\gb kem`[_gbp , ij_^\bg \h qe_g 9
klZ\ 1 h^ AZdhgl aZ ^j`Z\gb kem`[_gbp , dZg^bl_ lj_[Z ^Z ]b bkihegm\Zl b ihk_[gbl mkeh\b ij_^\bg
\h IjZ\begdhl aZ kbl_fZapb• gZ jZ[hlgb_ f_klZ gZ hirlbgkdZ Z^fbgkljZpb• gZ HirlbgZ A_egbdh\
b lhZ :
1. AZ jZ[hlg f_klh : Kh\_lgbd – h^]\j_g kf_ldh\^b_e
− VII/1kl_ig – ?dhgfkb nZdmel_ ;
− 5(i_l ) ]h^bg jZ[hlg bkdml\h ;
− jZ[hl gZ dhfi•ml_jb kh nbgZkd ijh]Zfb .
2. AZ jZ[hlg f_klh : IhfeZ^ khjZ[lgbd aZ dhfmgZeb jZ[hlb b aZrlb gZ `b\hlgZ kj_^bgZ
− VII/1kl_ig – <bkhd h[jZa\gb_ - Bgl_j^bkpiegZjb klm^b ih bg`_jkl\h gZ `b\hlgZ
kj_^bgZ ;
− [_a jZ[hlg bkdml\h .
Dhg ijb•Z\l , \h dh•Z lj_[Z ^Z k_ gZ\_^ jZ[hlg f_klh aZ dh_ k_ dhgmjbZ , dZg^bl_ _ ihlj_[g ^Z
^hklZ\ : djZl [bh]jZn• ; ^hdZa aZ hirlZ a^jZ\kl_g kih[gl (e_dZjkh m\_jgb aZ \jZ[hlm\ƒ_ , g_
ihklZj h^ 12 f_kpb ); m\_jgb aZ aZ\jr_gh \bkhd h[jZa\gb_ (kh hp_gdb ); ^hdZa aZ ihagZ\ƒ_ jZ[hl kh
dhfi•ml_jb aZ dZg^bl_ dhb dhgmjbZl aZ jZ[hlg f_klh [jh• 1); jZ[hlg dgbrZ \h hjb]gZe be dhib•Z
aZ\_jg dZ• ghlZj dZh ^hdZa aZ ihk_^m\Zƒ ij_loh^g jZ[hlg bkdml\h ; dZg^bl_ dhb dhgmjbZl aZ
jZ[hlg f_klh [jh• 2) lj_[Z ^Z •Z ^hklZ\ jZ[hlg dgbrZ \h hj]bgZe ; m\_jgb aZ ^j`Z\•gklh ; m\_jgb aZ
g_hkm^\Zghkl (g_ ihklZj h^ 6 f_kpb ).
Ihlj_[gZ ^hdmf_glZpb• dZg^bl_ k_ ^he`gb ^Z •Z ^hklZ\ \h hjb]gZe be dhib•Z aZ\_jg dZ• ghlZj .
Jhdl aZ ^hklZ\mƒ_ gZ ijb•Z\l_ bag_km\Z 5 (i_l ) ^_gZ , kf_lZgh h^ ^_ghl gZ h[•Z\mƒ_lh gZ h]eZkl (g_
kf_lZ•…b ]h ^_ghl gZ kZfhl h[•Z\mƒ_ ).
DZg^bl_ iheZ]l kljmq_g bkil , dh• k_ kijh\_^mZ \h jhd h^ 3 (ljb ) f_kpb , kf
This is a list of fictional characters from the 'Forgotten Realms' campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.
Choice of words:
i-tyfk_ _
it-yfk_ _
ity-fk_ _
ityf-k_ _
ityfk-_ _
ityfk:_ _ _ _
ityfk_ _ _ _
ityfk_ - _ _ _
ityfk-_ _ _ _
ityfk _ _ _ _ _
ityfk a_t_r_i_e_n
Steps to Make It
Gather the ingredients.
Grate the mature Cheddar into a large bowl. Add to this the mustard, the egg yolk, Worcestershire sauce, Guinness, and the salt and pepper.
Cut four thick slices of sourdough, or the baguette then grill the slices of bread on one side.
Sprinkle the cheese mixture between each of the toasts on the un-toasted side.
Grill for 2 to 3 minutes or until the cheese is melting. Serve immediately
"We hold what we have", not "we have what we hold". WTF would that mean you dicks?