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    Be sure to keep your hamster wheel well oiled otherwise he will not let you hear the last of it.
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    Mechanic: Your car's got a flat

    Me: It's called a garage
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    edited April 27
    I got a job as a mechanic. On the first day, someone came in and asked for a quote. I said,
    ”Give me liberty or give me death“.
    The customer said,
    “I meant for the truck“.
    I said,
    “Oh, sorry. Here you go, Autobots, roll out“.
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    My friend says he can communicate with vegetables. Jack and the beans talk.
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    Five ants rent a flat with another five ants.

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    My friend Joe went on the Dolly Parton diet.

    It made Joe lean. Joe lean. Joe lean. Joe lean.
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    seth plum said:
    Why did the French chef kill himself?

    He lost his huile d’olive
    Why do French chefs only serve one egg?

    because one egg is un oeuf
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    edited April 29
    Man walks into a pub with a new exotic pet. Everyone stares at them, and the pet keeps blurting out "he wants to cheat on his wife but can't find anyone to cheat with! He always worries that he's never good enough! You're overcharging but he comes here anyway because he's lonely!"

    Man sits down, sighs, and points to his new pet. "It's aardvark, but it's honest."
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    Hey all, 
    I'm feeling quite proud of my self today. I've just completed seven marathons, in seven days. 

    Or Snickers, as they're known nowadays.
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    seth plum said:
    Magician: I can make anything disappear.
    Tom (holding cup): Make my tea disappear.
    Magician: Shazammm!
    om: Nothing happened.

    Heard it.
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    seth plum said:
    Magician: I can make anything disappear.
    Tom (holding cup): Make my tea disappear.
    Magician: Shazammm!
    om: Nothing happened.
    Ok, I give in……I admit I don’t get that? 🧐
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    Remove the letter T from Tom.
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    Solidgone said:
    Remove the letter T from Tom.
    Aaaaargh! 🤨
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    Much better quality of dad joke today. Take a bow @seth plum
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    From the same site;
    Police have confirmed that an ex Premiership footballer and a current one have had their houses burgled on the same night. 

    Ryan Giggs lost 2 Champions League medals, 13 Premiership, 4 FA Cup and 4 League Cup medals. 

    Harry Kane lost a kettle and a toaster.
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    seth plum said:
    hanks axi Lad.

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    Bought myself a pet termite. I called it Clint.

    Clint Eatswood.
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    "Good morning vicar, that's a lovely church, how old is it?"

    "It's Norman".

    "Good morning Norman, that's a lovely church, how old is it?"
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