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    An arrogant gazelle walks up to a bunch of lions and tells them how much better he is than them.
    He was consumed by pride.
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    edited January 26
    an englishman, a welshman, and a pakistani are sitting in the waiting room in the maternity wing,
    its the first time for each of them.
    anyway, a short time later the doctor comes in and said congratulations, you're all fathers but there been a mix up and we cant be sure which baby belong to which father.
    the englishman say "dont worry doc, we'll sort it out ourself"
    he then gets up and walks into the maternity ward, after a short wait he come back out holding what is clearly a pakistani baby.
    the pakistani bloke gets up and says "oi mate, that clearly a pakistani baby so is mine"
    "fuck off", says the english bloke, "im having this one as one of those fuckers in there is welsh"
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    Any comment Seth?
    I do like to live life on the edge.
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    Didn't make me laugh.
    Lacked the element of surprise.
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    Michael was impressed with the chain saw advert, 'Easily cut down 40 trees a day!'

    After purchasing he struggled to get past 20 trees a day and took it back to the store.  The store keeper was most surprised, he said, 'this is our best model, let's take a look' ... he pulled the rip cord and Michael jumped back ... "What's that noise?"
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    edited February 16

    Three dogs were sitting in the waiting room at the vet, discussing why they were there. The first dog, a poodle, told his woeful tale.

    "My owners bought the great new sports car with leather seats. They took me for a ride in it one day, and I was so excited, I couldn't help myself. I wet all over the backseat. I'm here to be put down." 

    The other two dogs nodded sympathetically, then the second, a Labrador, explained his situation.

    "A brand new Persian rug had just been placed in the lounge room, and it was very expensive. My owners made a big fuss of it, when it came. Then, once when I was in the room, I had an incredible urge to roll all over it. So I did, and ended up getting quite a bit of my fur over the mat. My owners were very annoyed, and sent me here to be put to sleep." 

    The other two dogs nodded, and the first dog asked the third, a German Shepherd, what he was there for.

    "My owner has this habit of cleaning the house in the nude, and yesterday when she was cleaning under the sofa, I just couldn't help myself. I jumped on and had the ride of my life."

    The other dogs simultaneously asked: "So you're here to be put down too?".

    The German Shepherd shook his head.

    "No, I'm here to get my nails clipped!"

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    I think this may be the funniest video on the internet
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    edited February 16
    I think this may be the funniest video on the internet
    really? the funniest video on the internet? seriously?
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    Agreed, it's barely funny at all. 
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    Agreed, it's barely funny at all. 
    Im guessing cafcnick must work as a christmas cracker joke writer.
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    seth plum said:
    I went to a friend’s house and he had a new vivarium, inside was a lizard standing on its hind legs, telling jokes and amusing anecdotes.

    I said to my mate “that lizard’s amazing “ to which he replied: “he’s not a lizard, he’s a stand up chameleon.”
    so a vivarium isn’t where you keep your Vauxhall Viva?
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    Hal1x said:

    Fujitsu software led to 700 incorrect convictions. 
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    Two goldfish in a tank. One says to the other.
    “do you know how to drive this thing?”.
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    Fella on a Beano with his pals gets totally slaughtered and toward the end of the night throws up in the middle of the bar all down his brand new expensive shirt.
    "What am I going to do?!!" He says to his pals. "My wife bought me this shirt.She's going to go f******g  mental when she sees sick all over it!"
    "Don't worry" says one of his mates. " Say it was someone else. Say you were walking through the bar and some bloke threw up all over your shirt as you walked past. Say he offered to pay for the cleaning and put money in the shirt pocket to cover it..Here, I' m putting £20 in there now" said his ever loyal friend.
    *Brilliant!" Says the fella as he starts heading off on the long walk home.
    He finally gets through his front door and there waiting on the stairs is his wife. She hits the roof when she sees the vomit all over his expensive shirt. But the fella explains what happened and how the bloke who did it put £20 in the shirt pocket to pay for the damage.
    His wife reaches into the pocket. "Hold on." she says "There's £40 in there??"

    The fella says " Oh yeah..He also shit in my pants."
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