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General things that Annoy you



  • Cyclists on pavements. Epidemic proportions here in Japan.

    People using the latest hard-man wannabe London gangster phrases such as 'to dig one out'. People using spoken vernacular when writing, such as 'fella'.

    Wicketkeepers that take the bails off when the batman's never looking like leaving the crease.

    Being asked which premier league side I support.

    Explaining who Charlton are to Asian 'football fans', who apparently have no memory of the premier league beyond the last 4 seasons.

    would of, could of....

    Young british tourists 'on a shoestring' in Asia, talking about the cost of everything.
  • Certain family that live near me who play the system, disabled badge holders (joke) carers allowance, watching him going into the doctors with walking sticks then seeing him the next day building his pergola then telling me they're spending a month in the south of France. Leaving home at 5am this morning in the pouring rain and driving past their house knowing they will be tucked up in bed until at least 9.
  • Film them and shop them faversham - such people are a disgrace
  • [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite]Computer systems that refuse to acknowledge more than one capital letter in a surname

    Companies that insist on sending me friendly letters with my the spelling of my surname wrong because they neglect the second.

    Same here.
  • All 47 people on the M5 last night with their fog lights on
    Learn that 'dark' is not the same as 'fog'
  • People who use "finger quotes".
    Whwn you're quietly enjoying your lunch at your desk and a passing bore has to comment on the smell or ask what you've got. My lunch, none of your business, piss off to your own desk.
    Indian help desks. What's the point, can't understand each other=get nowhere & give up.
  • Drivers who put on their fog lights just because it's raining...........and take a week to realise that they're still ON.
    Drivers that don't know how to navigate a roundabout or how to indicate correctly on them.
    Doctor's receptionists that ask you whats wrong with you , and get shirty when you won't tell them (they'll look at your files anyway)
    Teenagers that demand "RESPECT" (don't diss me) yet don't know the first thing about showing it to others or that respect should be earned.
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Macronate[/cite]
    Whwn you're quietly enjoying your lunch at your desk and a passing bore has to comment on the smell or ask what you've got. My lunch, none of your business, piss off to your own desk.

    Totally agree. Usually followed by, "did you make it yourself". I got so fed up with it I started answering, "poo sandwich".
  • People who try and talk whilst yawning.
  • Nothing actually
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]People who try and talk whilst yawning.
    People who claim to be listening whilst yawning.

    People that are in high-earning jobs that still can't spell!
    Men taking half an hour to have a poo, just squeeze it out, wipe, flush and wash. Not sit there reading a paper breathing in your own waste fumes!
    Bus drivers that wait for you whilst you run towards them then drive off as you get to the door.
    School teachers that talk down to you, just because I am a parent of a child in your class it doesn't mean I am less intelligent than you!
  • Cash machine is a big one. I always seem so fast and people in front of me so slow. In terms of traffic, I usually let one in -hat's my rule unless the driver is exceedingly attractive (hope wife doesn't read this). At Charlton after a match a coupl of seasons ago, the second car indicated he wanted to go right so I let him through and the bas***d joined the traffic on the left. Didn't cost me much time but took me ages to stop smarting. Getting angry typing this now- it's not nice when people pull a fast one on you!

    Also annoys me on Blackwall Tunnel when getting to game when people drive up the wrong lane in order to push in nearer the tunnel. Also when they do the same when a lane is closed on motorway. Nobody should let them in.
  • When some tit of a supporter from a different club, types crap on this forum, clearly looking for a rise from charlton fans, our very own keyboard warriors give the terry fuckwit exactly what he wants rather than just ignoring the post .....
  • edited January 2011
    My blackberry continually duplicating posts
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: MuttleyCAFC[/cite]Cash machine is a big one. I always seem so fast and people in front of me so slow. In terms of traffic, I usually let one in -hat's my rule unless the driver is exceedingly attractive (hope wife doesn't read this). At Charlton after a match a coupl of seasons ago, the second car indicated he wanted to go right so I let him through and the bas***d joined the traffic on the left. Didn't cost me much time but took me ages to stop smarting. Getting angry typing this now- it's not nice when people pull a fast one on you!

    Also annoys me on Blackwall Tunnel when getting to game when people drive up the wrong lane in order to push in nearer the tunnel. Also when they do the same when a lane is closed on motorway. Nobody should let them in.

    To avoid jams in roadworks on motorways you should use the available space and alternately let a vehicle in and then progress yourself. Nobody letting them in is why there are delays!

    I do understand the thinking though!
  • The mother's mafia with their attitude problem and armoured twin baby CHOSE to have that thing, don't take it out on me!
  • crystal palace
  • [cite]Posted By: geecare[/cite]crystal palace

    people that think it's actually a place!
  • People who think they know everything about football when it's the World Cup when they have never seen football before it.
  • Dog shit on the pavement
    Bad manners
    Feral teenagers
    Bank managers
    Traffic wardens
    The occasions when the countdown bird thread is not on page one
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: StubleyAddick[/cite]People who think they know everything about football when it's the World Cup when they have never seen football before it.
  • Anything Ricky Gervais is in
    TV shows feasting on people's misery (as in the current flood crisis here)
    Length of advert breaks on TV (here in Oz but have also got longer in UK)
    Inconsiderate drivers
    The wife's snoring
  • Cyclists on pavements. Epidemic proportions here in Japan.
    The best thing to do in Japan is just buy a bike. And a see through umbrella in case it rains so you can cyle along the pavement, holding an umbrella and use your mobile phone at the same time. Great fun.
  • When I lose something, People asking "where did you lose it" ?
  • People who don't take threads away from their original subject when the thread is about taking threads away from their original subject.
  • People who dance whilst sitting on a chair.
    Artwork of dogs in suits, smoking cigars and playing cards.
  • 1, Division 1
    2, Patronising People
    3, Dancing Dads
    4, Conformists
    5, Female Commentators
    6, Prime Ministers, who actually believe they are cool - and with it. (David Cameron)
  • [cite]Posted By: E=mc2[/cite]6, Prime Ministers, who actually believe they are cool - and with it. Blair
  • [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: E=mc2[/cite]6, Prime Ministers, who actually believe they are cool - and with it. Blair

    Any MP who believes they know what it's like for "the working man".
    F@ck off do they, like it's really hard having daddy pay for your private school so you can suck off other equally clueless tw@ts in parliament.
  • [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: E=mc2[/cite]6, Prime Ministers, who actually believe they are cool - and with it. Blair

    Agreed, Blair - two in one decade.
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