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This week I have been reading



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    The Great British Dream Factory - Dominic Sandbrook.

    Superb book, basically a history of British culture - film, music, tv, theatre, books etc. Totally enthralling.
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    Just finished Stephen King's " Cell".

    Enjoyable but nothing can touch his earlier books for me, I'm afraid.
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    edited January 2017
    stonemuse said:

    The Great British Dream Factory - Dominic Sandbrook.

    Superb book, basically a history of British culture - film, music, tv, theatre, books etc. Totally enthralling.

    That does sound interesting. Added to my ever increasing reading pile.

    I'm guessing you bought it on Amazon... It said the book was frequently bought with "The Railways: Nation, Network and People"
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    Going off Alarming by Danny Baker. Second volume of his autobiography, laugh out loud funny in places, always amusing.
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    Going off Alarming by Danny Baker. Second volume of his autobiography, laugh out loud funny in places, always amusing.

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    Exile by Denise Mina, excellent slice of tartan noir. Very dark, but brilliantly written with a pacey, riveting plot.
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    Nomad-James Swallow. Very good so far
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    Blucher said:

    Sabbath's Theater by Philip Roth

    Mickey Sabbath is an lecherous, oversexed, 64 year old former puppeteer who suffers a kind of existential crisis when his long term mistress dies, causing him to reflect upon his troubled but highly colourful past. In creating this depraved anti-hero, the energy of Roth’s writing almost jumps at you off the page. It is certainly an interesting (and graphic) read. I enjoyed it but I can see that it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

    Not to undermine the Sabbath character who I've not read but sounds along the line of the Rabbit trilogy by John Updike? Another lecherous anti-hero. A good read although several decades ago.
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    Blucher said:

    Sabbath's Theater by Philip Roth

    Mickey Sabbath is an lecherous, oversexed, 64 year old former puppeteer who suffers a kind of existential crisis when his long term mistress dies, causing him to reflect upon his troubled but highly colourful past. In creating this depraved anti-hero, the energy of Roth’s writing almost jumps at you off the page. It is certainly an interesting (and graphic) read. I enjoyed it but I can see that it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

    Not to undermine the Sabbath character who I've not read but sounds along the line of the Rabbit trilogy by John Updike? Another lecherous anti-hero. A good read although several decades ago.
    Rabbit certainly had some trouble in the trouser department but I don't think he was a patch on Sabbath, who was a total degenerate.

    I loved the Rabbit series by John Updike. A pity he's not around to reflect the Trump era as it takes shape over the coming years.
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    Read all the Jack Reacher books in a month. Loved them. A bit formulamatic but good in that you know what he is going to do before he does it.

    You will really like the mitch rapp series by vince flynn. I would highly recomend them - try and read them in order if you can.
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    Dark tower by stephen king. I picked up the complete collection in a charity shop for a bargain 3.50. On the final book. Bit hard to follow in places but a fantastic series. Lookinf forward to seeing the film later in the year.
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    I've gone back to re-try Robert Penn Warren's "All the King's Men."

    It's quite a hard going US political novel, hopefully it's rewarding enough.
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    Dark tower by stephen king. I picked up the complete collection in a charity shop for a bargain 3.50. On the final book. Bit hard to follow in places but a fantastic series. Lookinf forward to seeing the film later in the year.

    I love Stephen King books but have never been able to get into this series.
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    Anyone here read a Claire north book? My mate raves about them. Sound interesting
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    I've started reading a couple things:
    1) "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Dick Russell. It's about a man named Richard Case Nagell who was working in intelligence with/around Lee Harvey Oswald in the early '60s. At times it reads a bit like a spy thriller. Nagell was considered by Judge Jim Garrison and many others to be one of the few people who could help explain the entire intelligence operation around Oswald. Unfortunately, he never quite did.

    2) "The Handmaid's Tale." I've never read any Atwood, so curious to see how this will go. It seems this is being made into a telly series and a radio play/series as well. I know a lot of people who love it, and having just started it last night it seems to be quite good. Like her writing style thus far.
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    RedPanda said:

    I've gone back to re-try Robert Penn Warren's "All the King's Men."

    It's quite a hard going US political novel, hopefully it's rewarding enough.

    I think I started reading it at one point, can't remember why I stopped (I start and stop a lot of books though).

    A lot of people really love it. I think now is as good a time as any as we've just had a "populist" take over.

    Let us know how you get on. I'm curious to know what you think of it overall, if it's worth the payoff, and how it stands up/relates to today's politics (if at all).
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    SDAddick said:

    I've started reading a couple things:
    1) "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Dick Russell. It's about a man named Richard Case Nagell who was working in intelligence with/around Lee Harvey Oswald in the early '60s. At times it reads a bit like a spy thriller. Nagell was considered by Judge Jim Garrison and many others to be one of the few people who could help explain the entire intelligence operation around Oswald. Unfortunately, he never quite did.

    2) "The Handmaid's Tale." I've never read any Atwood, so curious to see how this will go. It seems this is being made into a telly series and a radio play/series as well. I know a lot of people who love it, and having just started it last night it seems to be quite good. Like her writing style thus far.

    Handmaid's Tale is good. The wort of dystopian future I can almost see happening
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    McBobbin said:

    SDAddick said:

    I've started reading a couple things:
    1) "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Dick Russell. It's about a man named Richard Case Nagell who was working in intelligence with/around Lee Harvey Oswald in the early '60s. At times it reads a bit like a spy thriller. Nagell was considered by Judge Jim Garrison and many others to be one of the few people who could help explain the entire intelligence operation around Oswald. Unfortunately, he never quite did.

    2) "The Handmaid's Tale." I've never read any Atwood, so curious to see how this will go. It seems this is being made into a telly series and a radio play/series as well. I know a lot of people who love it, and having just started it last night it seems to be quite good. Like her writing style thus far.

    Handmaid's Tale is good. The wort of dystopian future I can almost see happening
    Are you confusing it with Day of the Triffids? :wink:
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    This is probably a 'must read' for Charlton fans. As it happens it's quite interesting.

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    Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates (1961)

    This is a portrait of a young couple's marriage unravelling, as they find their hopes and aspirations crippled by the boredom and conformity of 50s American suburban life. It sounds a depressing read but I found it anything but and I thought that Yates' writing and characterisation were outstanding.

    All For Nothing by Walter Kempowski (2006)

    This was the last novel of a German novelist, which was translated a year or two ago. It's about a quasi- aristocratic family in East Prussia and the various people they encounter as the Russian army closes in from the east during the winter of 1944/45 and the Third Reich begins to disintegrate. The characters are vividly portrayed as the novel quietly but steadily builds to a climax, with the trickle of refugees heading west becoming a chaotic flood. Very good (and, indeed, evocative of what is going on in certain parts of the world today).

    Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst (2004)

    I had never read anything by this author (or, indeed, heard of him) before but a mate recommended him as a writer of highly original novels about espionage in Europe before and during the Second World War. Furst has written over a dozen such novels, known as the 'Night Soldiers series', and although I wasn't able to find a couple of specific recommendations, I did manage to get hold of 'Spies of the Balkans'. Whilst the story focuses upon the principal character, a special branch detective in 1940 Salonika, the author is very adept at portraying the response of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. A good page turner and I'll certainly dip into the series again.
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    Exile by Denise Mina, excellent slice of tartan noir. Very dark, but brilliantly written with a pacey, riveting plot.

    Just finished Resolution, the follow up to Exile. Equally riveting and with a good twist at the end.
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    Just starting Murakami's "Hard-Boiled Wonderland". Have read a lot of his strange books and enjoyed most except for his short stories. 1984 - Books 1,2 and 3 were tough going but worth it.
    If you like surreal would recommend.
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    James Runcie - Canvey Island. I was given this by a friend who also grew up on the island. Interesting to have a novel set in your hometown. What started out as an entertaining nostalgia piece actually turned into a very good existential story.
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    Spaceman, Mike Massimino, x shuttle crew who did the repairs on hubble, he came the none military route which appealed to me.
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    When I say came I meant went via. Plonker.
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    edited February 2017
    Blucher said:

    Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates (1961)

    This is a portrait of a young couple's marriage unravelling, as they find their hopes and aspirations crippled by the boredom and conformity of 50s American suburban life. It sounds a depressing read but I found it anything but and I thought that Yates' writing and characterisation were outstanding.

    All For Nothing by Walter Kempowski (2006)

    This was the last novel of a German novelist, which was translated a year or two ago. It's about a quasi- aristocratic family in East Prussia and the various people they encounter as the Russian army closes in from the east during the winter of 1944/45 and the Third Reich begins to disintegrate. The characters are vividly portrayed as the novel quietly but steadily builds to a climax, with the trickle of refugees heading west becoming a chaotic flood. Very good (and, indeed, evocative of what is going on in certain parts of the world today).

    Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst (2004)

    I had never read anything by this author (or, indeed, heard of him) before but a mate recommended him as a writer of highly original novels about espionage in Europe before and during the Second World War. Furst has written over a dozen such novels, known as the 'Night Soldiers series', and although I wasn't able to find a couple of specific recommendations, I did manage to get hold of 'Spies of the Balkans'. Whilst the story focuses upon the principal character, a special branch detective in 1940 Salonika, the author is very adept at portraying the response of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. A good page turner and I'll certainly dip into the series again.

    agree what you write about Alan Furst .. an author from whom one can learn more about WW2 history than you can from the history books .. here's the Amazon list of his books .. you might also like Philip Kerr's 'Gunter ' series ..,aps,200&crid=1WL3305FQGUY9

    I am reading 'Lenin on the Train' .. a bigger cast than War & Peace with more difficult names .. good read though if a bit dry .. as you might guess from the title, the story of the machinations behind the rise to power of bald eagle after the prototype and world changing Russian revolution
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    Just finished reading Hanns and Rudolf by Thomas Harding.

    Brilliant non-fiction book that alternates between Hanns Alexander (the authors Great-Uncle) who was a Jew that managed to escape Nazi Germany and come to England, after the war he became a Nazi Hunter and caught Gustav Simon (Gaultier of Luxembourg)... The other chapters cover Rudolf Hoss and his life from when he was born to becoming the Kommendant at Auschwitz, the two combine as after capturing Simon; Alexander was then the man responsible for capturing Hoss.

    Excellent read and really do recommend it for those interested in the this sort of thing.
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    Cheers, @Lincsaddick - will try and have a look at the 'Gunter' series.
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    edited February 2017
    Not read Furst, but like Kerr and would put David Downing in the same group. Agree with @ForeverAddickted about Hanns and Rudolf being a decent read.

    All for nothing looks interesting @Blucher, and echoes in part of The Kindly Ones. Will pick up a copy of Lenin on the train @Lincsaddick.

    Just finishing The Sellout by Paul Beatty, satire, laugh out loud funny in parts. Albeit I preferred His Bloody Project, and had I awarded the Booker prize, it would probably have gone to All That Man Is.
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