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General things that Annoy you



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    edited January 2019
    It is what it is Fiish, you need to live in the moment with no regrets yeah?
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    Fiiish said:

    "Live your best life."

    Repeated by boring trollops who waste their lives on social media, instead of going outside and actually living.

    You alright Hun, text if ya wanna talk x ;)
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    The last Weetabix.

    Why is it always 50% crumbs? You spend more time cleaning up than eating it and still find bits all over the place throughout the morning.

    My wife’s going to wake up in a minute. If she finds any Weetabix residue it will have been the most underwhelming last meal in history.
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    Heard an owner (might even have been a jocky) on the radio the other week talking about the whip. Didn't realise it was so light & made of plastic. And there are very strict rules of how many times they can use it. Said they go round schools & events showing the whip & everyone is so amazed that it is so different to what they imagined.

    Just giving a contrarian view.
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    Heard an owner (might even have been a jocky) on the radio the other week talking about the whip. Didn't realise it was so light & made of plastic. And there are very strict rules of how many times they can use it. Said they go round schools & events showing the whip & everyone is so amazed that it is so different to what they imagined.

    Just giving a contrarian view.
    I wouldn’t have thought the horse likes being whipped even if its the maximum amount of times allowed.
    I do like the idea of going to schools and showing the yoofs the whip, it was the cane or slipper in my day.
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    edited February 2019
    The excess use of the whip rule is to stop jockeys over exerting the horse rather than pain purposes. They react to the crack rather than any pain. You can whip a humans hand with one and it wouldn’t hurt a bit. The whip is an imperative part of horsemanship and keeps both jockey and horse safe.
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    edited February 2019
    Made similar to one of those swimming noodles. And as Gary said, it’s about the noise not the feel.
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    Being told that having a transrectal ultrasound examination and biopsy yesterday would be uncomfortable and not painful if I had a local anaesthetic !

    The result was as soon as the Urologist rammed his hand up first to pave the way for the probe with the needles to take a biopsy I screamed out JESUS at the top of my voice despite being an Atheist.

    The next 12 minutes was surreal as the middle aged female Polish nurse came over and covered up my diminishing penis (where was the gown ?) and held my hand and we talked about how good a striker Robert Lewandowski is while my voice sounded like Joe Pasquale one second and Lee Marvin the next as the doctor and the male nurse were by the back passage and the Doctor was firing a staple gun(sounded like) where the sun don't shine.

    And relax and go back to worrying about CAFC until the next appointment in Two weeks time to be given good/bad news.

    Thanks for sharing, best laugh for ages!
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    Being told that having a transrectal ultrasound examination and biopsy yesterday would be uncomfortable and not painful if I had a local anaesthetic !

    The result was as soon as the Urologist rammed his hand up first to pave the way for the probe with the needles to take a biopsy I screamed out JESUS at the top of my voice despite being an Atheist.

    The next 12 minutes was surreal as the middle aged female Polish nurse came over and covered up my diminishing penis (where was the gown ?) and held my hand and we talked about how good a striker Robert Lewandowski is while my voice sounded like Joe Pasquale one second and Lee Marvin the next as the doctor and the male nurse were by the back passage and the Doctor was firing a staple gun(sounded like) where the sun don't shine.

    And relax and go back to worrying about CAFC until the next appointment in Two weeks time to be given good/bad news.

    That sounds fucking awful, I hope you are cured soon
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    fuck all means nothing, zero. the square root of 0 is 0 so the square root of fuck all is fuck all. it's just a way of emphasising. absolutely nothing would be the less sweary way of saying it
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    edited February 2019
    Thanks for clarifying, your reply makes sense

    And of course if fuck all is 0.25, the square root of it could be -0.5, so it could still work
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    “So, this is my back-story”
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    Umpires Call.

    Watching the typical England batting collapse & Butler gets hit on the pads. Given out but he reviews......result is Umpires call & so he is out.

    Rewind back to Windies 1st innings & same thing happened. This time given not out & on review it's Umpires call again. Ball hitting same place on the stumps.
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    Love a bit of polystyrene on a bottom
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    The presumption of a machine I bought telling me I've been watching too long.
    What the fuck is the point of a tv? It exists to be on and watched. Nothing else. So if I go out of the room and don't turn it off or fall asleep whilst watching so what.
    Fucking AI.

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    Bit like the

    My watch bleeps -“MOVE.....”

    Whilst I’m having a shit !!
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    MrLargo said:

    When your TV warns you it's gonna switch itself off in 1 minute, after you've been watching it for a certain amount off time. It's like it's making a comment on my lifestyle - "You've been watching me for 6 and a half hours, why don't you do something useful with your life, you fat w*#ker". F*%k you Samsung!

    I think you'll find in the set up menu there's a way to disable this function.
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    MrLargo said:

    MrLargo said:

    When your TV warns you it's gonna switch itself off in 1 minute, after you've been watching it for a certain amount off time. It's like it's making a comment on my lifestyle - "You've been watching me for 6 and a half hours, why don't you do something useful with your life, you fat w*#ker". F*%k you Samsung!

    I think you'll find in the set up menu there's a way to disable this function.
    There are those of us who buy a new gadget and start off by reading every page of the instruction manual, and there are those of us who just cannot be bothered, so we turn it on and hope for the best.

    I'm in the latter group, which also explains why the clock in my car is only ever correct during British Summertime.
    If any bloke reads the instructions on something they should be ashamed of themselves - Its should always be a case of hitting the power button, and hoping for the best...
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