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lucky to get to tranmere alive



  • Glad to hear that airman sounds shocking what happened
  • that's absolutely shocking, hope the club push this as hard as they can.

    As an aside though, we've all thought about it though haven't we ?? :-)

    Sat stationary in traffic with two lanes coned off. You look to the left and think 'if i could just squeeze through these cones i could get a quick two miles under my belt here'. Would never give in to the temptation, and it would be just my luck there's a dozy great big JCB in the way 200yds down, but i bet i'm not the only sitting in the traffic thinking it !
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]that's absolutely shocking, hope the club push this as hard as they can.

    As an aside though, we've all thought about it though haven't we ?? :-)

    Sat stationary in traffic with two lanes coned off. You look to the left and think 'if i could just squeeze through these cones i could get a quick two miles under my belt here'. Would never give in to the temptation, and it would be just my luck there's a dozy great big JCB in the way 200yds down, but i bet i'm not the only sitting in the traffic thinking it ![/quote]

    The differance is, we are not daft enough to do it!
  • Wondering whether this is the same driver who took us to Grimsby for the 5-2 win on a Friday night a few years back.

    Got hopelessly lost, so much so that he waas driving round a one way system in Nottingham 2 hours before kick off!!!

    He eventually got us there for half-time! Having hurtled along country lanes in the pitch black for an hour. Terrifying.
  • wish id been on there, could have got some interesting video footage by the sound of it

    ps: iv got a pcv license, if id been on there i think i would have kicked him out the coach and taken over
  • cant wait till Plymouth after reading this, will be first coach journey iv done for years. might get train now lol
  • I thought you were under a coach ban from the late 80's still choice?
  • I remember a few years ago the coach got lost coming out of the Blackwall tunnel and drive towards docklands and had to do a u-turn near Bowyers Maconalds, then when we finally got to Old Trafford took us to the home end and in front of several thousand Man U fans had to reverse down a small street with them all laughing at us.

    God, I miss coach travel!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite]I thought you were under a coach ban from the late 80's still choice?

    lol intriguing. whats that supposed to mean then?
  • Detailed letter on this going out this afternoon.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]Detailed letter on this going out this afternoon.

    Sorry, a detailed letter going out?

    What to me about my supposed coach ban which never happened sometime in the 80s lol

    or on the events of Saturday at Tranmere?
  • Very good choice!
  • Well done Airman.......

    We can all make mistakes, but the driver seems to have acted completly unprofessionally......

    Still as you say, let us see what the response is from the company.
  • Am I missing something but isn't this possibly a case of dangerous driving and therefore a matter for the police?
  • [cite]Posted By: stilladdicted[/cite]Am I missing something but isn't this possibly a case of dangerous driving and therefore a matter for the police?

    If not, it case of driving without due care & attention.
  • Coach drivers never fail to amaze me. I'm staggered that there hasn't been a major pile up on the A2 in the rush hour, the way some of them drive. Many's the night I got cut up by a Kings Ferry/Reliance vehicle. Chalkwell were the worst I found.

    Thank god I take the train now.
  • [cite]Airman Brown said:[/cite]
    Detailed letter on this going out this afternoon.

    Or should I say verge...?
  • On the coach to and from Austria when I went a few weeks ago was rather scary, on the way there the driver decides to do a slalom between cones at about 60mph, then on the way back was contemplating crossing 5 lanes of the Autobahn to get to a slip road the other side, I swear some of these people learnt to drive in the army
  • Stll not as bad as cyclists though :-)

    Good to see the club following up on this plum.
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  • AFKABartram 10 hours ago quote# 32
    that's absolutely shocking, hope the club push this as hard as they can.

    As an aside though, we've all thought about it though haven't we ?? :-)

    Sat stationary in traffic with two lanes coned off. You look to the left and think 'if i could just squeeze through these cones i could get a quick two miles under my belt here'. Would never give in to the temptation, and it would be just my luck there's a dozy great big JCB in the way 200yds down, but i bet i'm not the only sitting in the traffic thinking it !

    the thing was we were not in traffic , he hit this dirt path at 55mph he said the signs mislead him
  • [cite]Posted By: NathanPrior[/cite]On the coach to and from Austria when I went a few weeks ago was rather scary, on the way there the driver decides to do a slalom between cones at about 60mph, then on the way back was contemplating crossing 5 lanes of the Autobahn to get to a slip road the other side, I swear some of these people learnt to drive in the army

    Try getting on a transfer coach from Dalaman airport (turkey) travelling to Olu Deniz. 60 mph minimum around steep twisty 1 way mountain rounds

    An experience i never want to repeat
  • I thought the journey up mount tedi was bad scared the shite out of me
  • This type of driving has been going on for years ,does not make it correct.
    Back in the 80s coming back from Bradford City night cup game,the driver of the coach almost had us bouncing off the walls of the Blackwall Tunnell a letter was also sent too coach firm involved (not the same company) and a few weeks later we had a different coach firm to away games,as i seem to remember.Forgive me if this is incorrect going back almost 25years.
  • They've built a tunnel through the mountain now so it isn't so bad. I went white water rafting though when I was out there this year and we got picked up in one of those little white bus things. We then proceeded to travel up tge mountain for 2 hours with a sheer drop of probably 200-300 foot all the way up on a road that was only wide enough for one car.
    I'm not exaggerating when I say I've never been so scared. It didn't help that the driver spent half the time on his mobile. I was having cold sweats all the way and spent most of the journey with my eyes closed!
  • I know i am opening myself up here for a beating BUT

    Why tip a driver he is paid a wage?

    I dont walk round my office at the end of the day with a bucket asking for tips for the work i have done.

    You dont bung your GP a couple of quid when you get your prescription.

    The dustman does not knock on your door every week holding his hand out.

    Whats different?
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]I know i am opening myself up here for a beating BUT

    Why tip a driver he is paid a wage?

    I dont walk round my office at the end of the day with a bucket asking for tips for the work i have done.

    You dont bung your GP a couple of quid when you get your prescription.

    The dustman does not knock on your door every week holding his hand out.

    Whats different?

    I know that redwing take into account the tips the drivers get when it comes to paying them.
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: guinnessaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]I know i am opening myself up here for a beating BUT

    Why tip a driver he is paid a wage?

    I dont walk round my office at the end of the day with a bucket asking for tips for the work i have done.

    You dont bung your GP a couple of quid when you get your prescription.

    The dustman does not knock on your door every week holding his hand out.

    Whats different?

    I know that redwing take into account the tips the drivers get when it comes to paying them.

    I have done a bit of work on the coaches and have to disagree with that. A coach driver gets paid between about £8-£10 per hour depending on the company, very similar to a bus driver.

    Since I got my PCV license in 1998 I did bus work before starting my own business. After that I did the occasional bit of agency coach work. I did school runs, school trips, communter runs and days out like at Thorpe Park etc and on those type of trips there isnt a tip run at the end. It only seems to be on football journeys for some reason, I did a couple of jobs for Reliance and tried to get on the Charlton away coach trips so i could get to the games for free but the drivers who get the Charlton jobs seem to be untouchable, its jobs for the boys etc. Theres no way a company could take into account the tips as so few drivers would be affected because most of the work a coach company gets is council, school and communter contract jobs

    The only other jobs that would tip would be adult holiday trips abroad but they make up a very small percentage of a companys work again it would be jobs for the boys because they are sought after, similar to mini cabbing in the old days. I used to work for a company called data cars when they were based in Eltham High Street, it was the same old drivers that got fed up with work. Airport Runs, a nice job home or point to point work
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: NathanPrior[/cite]On the coach to and from Austria when I went a few weeks ago was rather scary, on the way there the driver decides to do a slalom between cones at about 60mph, then on the way back was contemplating crossing 5 lanes of the Autobahn to get to a slip road the other side, I swear some of these people learnt to drive in the army[/quote]

    I went on a coach to Austria. The problem was they decided to take a double deck. Halfway up a mountain they realised a double decker is not powerful enough to cope with mountains.

    We began sliding back down the mountain with the driver helpless at the wheel until we came to a stop thank to a tree - right near a cliff drop.

    Needless to say the coach company had to hire two local coaches to complete the trip and they sent two coaches from the UK to bring us home.
  • Ah Data Cars, the worst cab company ever
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