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8,065 Season Tickets Sold (8,934 this time last year)



  • impressive
  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]impressive

    Wouldn't say so.

    To be expected and holding up decently in the circumstances but not impressive IMHO
  • Considering all the negative people who on here and other sites saying im not renewing etc and people i have spoke to i expected it to be lower
  • The spanners still celebrating the fact they've sold "5,000" !
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]The spanners still celebrating the fact they've sold "5,000" !

    lets not joke, they'll end up close to selling out their season tickets this yr, like the rats who left us when we went down, they will return as clubs go up a league.
  • We've basically sold less than 100 st's in 2 weeks then. I suspect there will be a little spike in the week before the Bournemouth game but I can't imagine we will top 8,500 before the season starts. What was the total amount we sold last season? Around the 10,000 mark? In a way 8,000+ is very good indeed and eclipses our S. London rivals considering they are in a higher league, but we've been hemorrhaging 10-15% of our ST base every season for the last 5 now, surely?
  • Well said EG.
  • Think this number is quite good actually. The number of people both on here and friends I know that from next season will be buying tickets game by game is unreal, factoring that in think its OK.
  • I reckon there will be a last minute 'rush' and we'll shift around 9k before the big kick-off. A few decent signings might help the waverers decide.
  • More importantly the story is illustrated with a pic of a Lifer.
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  • [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]
    lets not joke, they'll end up close to selling out their season tickets this yr, like the rats who left us when we went down, they will return as clubs go up a league.

    I very much doubt we'll get anywhere near selling out our season tickets!! Would be a miracle if that happened.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]More importantly the story is illustrated with a pic of a Lifer.
    There is also a couple of us in
  • [cite]Posted By: EGAddick[/cite]We've basically sold less than 100 st's in 2 weeks then. I suspect there will be a little spike in the week before the Bournemouth game but I can't imagine we will top 8,500 before the season starts. What was the total amount we sold last season? Around the 10,000 mark? In a way 8,000+ is very good indeed and eclipses our S. London rivals considering they are in a higher league, but we've been hemorrhaging 10-15% of our ST base every season for the last 5 now, surely?

    I don't have figures for last week, but we are up 215 in 15 days from the last breakdown I do have. There is some turbulence in those numbers because a few people haven't completed the Zebra Finance process, but 100 a week is about right. It should pick up from here and I'd be surprised if we have less than 8,500 at August 7th. My guess is 8,750. I'd think the final figure will tip 9,000.

    Although we ended the season with 10,434 paid STs, we took an unusual number in the autumn and run-up to Christmas, which of course will depend this time on what is happening on the pitch. We were at 9,738 at the start of the season.

    We lost virtually nothing - 0.7 per cent from recollection - on relegation from the PL.
  • edited July 2010
    I tend to take the optimistic view on this and that surprises me somewhat as I have been verging on suicidal for the last few years supporting the Addicks. On the back of what has been some woeful football from the team and some desperate decision making from our otherwise lauded board of directors, Airmans guesstimate is not bad in my humble opinion. If I could shift my old carcass up from Kent on a more regular basis I would even consider a s/t again, seeing as we are now a "proper team" in a "proper" league....It's almost like we are back to those halcyon days when you waited feverishley till Thursdays edition of the Mercury before finding out we had bought Steve Gatting and Garry Nelson ! Ah the smell of a fresh lick of paint on the old Covered End ! The exited purchase of the new rejigged matchday program at the first home fixture !
  • Thanks Airman. I guess those figures from when we fell out of the PL were boosted by the offer of a free st if we had been promoted that season, from my experience it certainly swayed a handful of supporters I know into renewing, but they have fallen by the way side in recent seasons as that offer is no longer, and quite rightfully, not available.

    That still in a year the club has lost the best part of 1,000 st holders. The combination of Charlton's poor performances and the uncertainty of the future, as well as economic worries for all of us, has made the job very hard but I've always commended the club with the pricing of seats. Most of 'my lot' have renewed, indeed those that didn't last season or the year before found themselves coming to several home matches where justifying a ST for this season is a little bit more realistic.
  • thanks,

    Any noticable Kyel Reid bump?
  • Add three more to that. Have moved to the back row of the north lower
  • So a near 10% drop in season ticket sales, so if reflected in home/away fans that would knock 1,600 off the gate.

    Will the away support be down a bit more though, Leeds, Norwich and Millwall going up and replaced with lesser away followings in Peterboro and Plymouth and the novelty factor gone for the rest which usually knocks a lot off the away following.
  • The unusual amount of season tickets sold in the run up towards Xmas must have been the millwall fans so they got to see there cup final
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  • nice cup final for them.
  • Nolly/O-Randy

    Talk of cup finals is a bit silly as most have been to the 'actual' FA Cup Final in 2004.

    Anyone here alive in 40s to see your lot in one?
  • as a comparison Southampton have sold 13,000, up already by a 1,000 on last years 12k maximum.
  • Do we have one of the lowest average home game to away game attendance ratio's?
    Im guessing brighton probably have one of the highest.
  • [cite]Posted By: FreeThinker[/cite]Nolly/O-Randy

    Talk of cup finals is a bit silly as most have been to the 'actual' FA Cup Final in 2004.

    Anyone here alive in 40s to see your lot in one?

    so explain why you rarely sell out, and oddly did so when we played at yours
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: razil[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: FreeThinker[/cite]Nolly/O-Randy

    Talk of cup finals is a bit silly as most have been to the 'actual' FA Cup Final in 2004.

    Anyone here alive in 40s to see your lot in one?[/quote]

    so explain why you rarely sell out, and oddly did so when we played at yours[/quote]

    You didn't answer the question!

    On your question, it might have had something to do with a successful promotion campaign. They are rare for both of us, your last one was over a decade ago!
  • [cite]Posted By: FreeThinker[/cite]
    You didn't answer the question!

    On your question, it might have had something to do with a successful promotion campaign. They are rare for both of us, your last one was over a decade ago!

    Gobby Spanner alert.

    I give him a week
  • edited July 2010
    Only an occassional visitor, just looking up what was said about the Icelandic fella you had on trial as hes been linked to us!

    Whats the feeling on your chances, obviously everyone is looking at Southampton, but the other automatic promotion place must be wide open.
  • [cite]Posted By: FreeThinker[/cite]
    You didn't answer the question!

    On your question, it might have had something to do with a successful promotion campaign. They are rare for both of us, your last one was over a decade ago!

    You were supposed to be in that final but your team didn't turn up as I recall..

  • As is Stands we will be lucky to get near the playoff's. Still several bodies short.

    A couple of half decent Striker signings would go a long way to improving our chances.
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