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Last Q&A of the season sunday: CAST - save the best to last



  • edited April 2017
    cafcwill said:

    - as well as the asbestos issue, She said theirs 'potential' in Jimmy Seed stand. This worried me.

    This worries me too, was chatting to someone today that has my respect in that what they're saying isn't just hearsay, but that C Parkes confirmed there's plans for the South Stand and that when asked he didn't dismiss the talk of flats, eek.
  • She doesn't know Karl Robinson is our current manager does she!
  • 3blokes said:

    My take on this is he's got previous for doing this at other clubs he owns. It is completely the type of thing he wants to do, and you can bet that if he can do it he will.

    Exactly, this is very worrying times...
  • cafcwill said:

    - as well as the asbestos issue, She said theirs 'potential' in Jimmy Seed stand. This worried me.

    This worries me too, was chatting to someone today that has my respect in that what they're saying isn't just hearsay, but that C Parkes confirmed there's plans for the South Stand and that when asked he didn't dismiss the talk of flats, eek.
    Building flats in the corners of the Jimmy Seed Stand? Surely this isn't the reason they've conveniently cleared the adjacent East and West stand sections? No, they wouldn't spin up safety issues to cover their subterfuge would they?

    Whatever they say they will be doing it for the best of the club.

    Now, where's my medication.
  • edited April 2017
    I have mentioned before that his club St Truiden is so awful in it's architecture and design it is almost as if the building has been established to actively drive fans away.
    If Roland is salivating about sweating the asset of the South Stand I bet it happens quicker than the training ground.
    Seriously St Truidens ground makes Dartford's Princes Park seem like the San Siro.

    Edit and apology.
  • edited April 2017
    cafcwill said:

    All the way through she looked like she was disinterested, annoyed and quite frankly bored. I didn't think it would be possible but my opinion of her is even less after meeting her.

    If she's still there next year, we're in huge trouble

    Disturbingly I can see no reason why the utterly dreadful woman will not be here come August. Same goes for her grinning puppet Robinson who celebrated the first goal by looking straight up at the directors' box and punching the air. He knows who he has to keep sweet.
  • cafcwill said:

    - as well as the asbestos issue, She said theirs 'potential' in Jimmy Seed stand. This worried me.

    This worries me too, was chatting to someone today that has my respect in that what they're saying isn't just hearsay, but that C Parkes confirmed there's plans for the South Stand and that when asked he didn't dismiss the talk of flats, eek.
    Building flats in the corners of the Jimmy Seed Stand? Surely this isn't the reason they've conveniently cleared the adjacent East and West stand sections? No, they wouldn't spin up safety issues to cover their subterfuge would they?

    Whatever they say they will be doing it for the best of the club.

    Now, where's my medication.
    I honestly didn't think of that. Have a horrible feeling you may be right but hopefully the planning permission will either fall through or, based on their training ground scheme, will take 20 years to go through. Hopefully by then they would have long gone!
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    Got it yet?

    I didn't think had 5 stands , but just 4. North, East, South & West.
  • To be honest, it's Roland's money to fritter. The club recently advertised for a painter with a whopping 8 pounds an hour zero hours contract. If Katrien is earning more than that, it's too much. In fact for the damage she has done, I would hope for simply hsving zero hours.
  • Macronate said:

    She doesn't know Karl Robinson is our current manager does she!

    I wish I didn't
  • Good god... when WHEN, WWHHHEEENNNN DOES IT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • seth plum said:

    I have mentioned before that his club St Truiden is so awful in it's architecture and design it is almost as if the building has been established to actively drive fans away.
    If Roland is salivating about sweating the asset of the South Stand I bet it happens quicker than the training ground.
    Seriously St Truidens ground makes Dartford's Princes Park seem like the San Siro.

    Edit and apology.

    I went to the pre-season game there in 2015.

    If you did not know this was the ground you could have carried on walking past thinking it was a retail unit with offices and restaurants.
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  • She was asked if there had been any work whatsoever on looking at alternative uses for any part of The Valley and her first words in response were something like 'nothing concrete' she then moved on to talk about the training ground and putting a roof on the concourse of the East Stand.

    She was also asked whether there was ever a scenario she could see where the club was sold and ground retained by RD and her response was along the lines of 'that is not on the agenda so I won't answer'

    Overall she looked nervous and not happy to be there (not really surprising as it was never going to be an easy audience).

    I do think her salary is a non-issue, it's a private company and therefore up to them as to whether they release that information. Personally I would take the same stance as her in the situation and I found that line of questioning a little uncomfortable because of that, but that is just me!

    Oh and as for Tony Keohone, (I think that is how it is spelt) he did not come across at all well to me, I really hope he does not have much influence or pay !

    His sandwiches are chite.
  • Oi you lot those of us that are blindly hoping they are off soon don't like to be reminded how unlikely it is and what they intend to force upon us next.

    Where can I order a bunker? I need to wait this lot out like the fallout from anow atomic bomb..........hopefully they don't last as long.
  • Clearly if it is against the law it is an issue but I suspect there are a number of loopholes which can be exploited by a cleaver accountant and that is what will have happened here.
  • edited May 2017
    Joyce's is not our accountant though. You can see who that is by seeing who it was Who signed them off and then googling the company and him. He seems of reasonable pedigree and I would be surprised if someone like that would put his name to something not legal.
  • She was asked if there had been any work whatsoever on looking at alternative uses for any part of The Valley and her first words in response were something like 'nothing concrete' she then moved on to talk about the training ground and putting a roof on the concourse of the East Stand.

    She was also asked whether there was ever a scenario she could see where the club was sold and ground retained by RD and her response was along the lines of 'that is not on the agenda so I won't answer'

    Overall she looked nervous and not happy to be there (not really surprising as it was never going to be an easy audience).

    I do think her salary is a non-issue, it's a private company and therefore up to them as to whether they release that information. Personally I would take the same stance as her in the situation and I found that line of questioning a little uncomfortable because of that, but that is just me!

    Oh and as for Tony Keohone, (I think that is how it is spelt) he did not come across at all well to me, I really hope he does not have much influence or pay !

    Her salary and terms of employment are definitely an issue. Her employment seems deliberately set up to conceal it. She is a director, but receives zero remuneration for that position. She is supposedly the CEO of Charlton but her salary doesn't appear anywhere in the company accounts. I can only assume she is a Staprix employee, sub-contracted to provide management services (badly!) to Charlton Athletic.

    It is a pretty poor example of corporate governance when the only directors are the sole 100% shareholder, an employee entirely dependent on the patronage of the 100% shareholder and a desperate hanger-on waiting for a £4m pay-off. No accountability whatsoever.
  • Missed It said:

    She was asked if there had been any work whatsoever on looking at alternative uses for any part of The Valley and her first words in response were something like 'nothing concrete' she then moved on to talk about the training ground and putting a roof on the concourse of the East Stand.

    She was also asked whether there was ever a scenario she could see where the club was sold and ground retained by RD and her response was along the lines of 'that is not on the agenda so I won't answer'

    Overall she looked nervous and not happy to be there (not really surprising as it was never going to be an easy audience).

    I do think her salary is a non-issue, it's a private company and therefore up to them as to whether they release that information. Personally I would take the same stance as her in the situation and I found that line of questioning a little uncomfortable because of that, but that is just me!

    Oh and as for Tony Keohone, (I think that is how it is spelt) he did not come across at all well to me, I really hope he does not have much influence or pay !

    Her salary and terms of employment are definitely an issue. Her employment seems deliberately set up to conceal it. She is a director, but receives zero remuneration for that position. She is supposedly the CEO of Charlton but her salary doesn't appear anywhere in the company accounts. I can only assume she is a Staprix employee, sub-contracted to provide management services (badly!) to Charlton Athletic.

    It is a pretty poor example of corporate governance when the only directors are the sole 100% shareholder, an employee entirely dependent on the patronage of the 100% shareholder and a desperate hanger-on waiting for a £4m pay-off. No accountability whatsoever.
    She definitely 'said' she was employed by Charlton, and that her salary appears in the accounts (but lumped in with everyone else).
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Roland Out Forever!