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Last Q&A of the season sunday: CAST - save the best to last



  • Macronate said:

    Specifically, why is the Jimmy Seed stand unsafe?

    It's an absolute cert that she'll have someone checking this site and will now have a pre-prepared bullshit answer to this question.
  • Just ask her what our esteemed ex coaches are doing now. They were so in demand I expect theye are all managing top clubs or internationally.
  • Do not ask her questions just give your opinions of her.

    "Good Morning squirrel face, Mel Baroni has morals and principles, you have neither".
  • What's your favourite Beatles album?
  • cabbles said:

    Last empty Q&A of the season - managed to secure myself a place.....

    Cannot wait. Am preparing my questions now

    Look forward to seeing you cabbles.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cabbles said:

    Last empty Q&A of the season - managed to secure myself a place.....

    Cannot wait. Am preparing my questions now

    Look forward to seeing you cabbles.
    See you there mate.
  • HarryLime said:

    My Question would be - If you could be any animal what would it be and why?

    A wooden puppet with a big nose
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  • Can somebody ask her when I can get the Sue Parks gif out again please?

  • Hold up a picture of Dave Mehmet and ask..

    Would ya?

    C'mon I know we want these Belgians gone but no one should have to be asked that question!!
  • bobmunro said:

    I think it would be marvellous if everyone asked nonsense questions at this session.

    Maybe something like:

    Which great opponent of Cartesian dualism resists the reduction of psychological phenomena to a physical state and insists there is no point of contact between the extended and the unextended?
    Henri Bergson.

  • Or why do men have nipples.
  • If all the World's a stage, where does the audience sit?
  • Why is 0 on a telephone after the 1?
  • If swimming is good for your figure, why are whales the shape they are?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Ask her what's it like going to work and having all your customers singing that they hate you?
  • What are earthquakes on Mars called?
  • Guarantee she'll deny saying she's said anything about the Jimmy Seed. If she does then the follow up needs to ask why we sent reps to Orient.
  • Keeping with the space questions Katrien, what colour is the back of Uranus?
  • Can someone ask Keohane who his favourite cartoon characters is?

    Please say Mr Potato head!
  • Should she have a member of the playing or coaching staff there to act as a human shield can someone please ask if that is appropriate on a match day?
  • Guarantee she'll deny saying she's said anything about the Jimmy Seed. If she does then the follow up needs to ask why we sent reps to Orient.

    We know Keohane visited Orient last season or thereabouts, to see how they had developed their stadium.
    He accepted this, at a meeting I attended.

    2 weeks ago at another meeting I attended. Meire said they had no plans to develop the Jimmy Seed Stand, as the management could only cope with one major project and that is the Training Ground (or words to that effect).
  • And now they've decided not to develop the training ground, they can demolish the Jimmy seed stand and put up Duchatelet Towers Stand.
  • And now they've decided not to develop the training ground, they can demolish the Jimmy seed stand and put up Duchatelet Towers Stand.

    My mate says there's a load of work going on at the training ground.
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