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Players Marks & Ascore: FACup R2: Gillingham v Charlton (closes Sunday teatime)

at the match or on a steam your marks please

MBICK: n/a
KANU: n/a

Please leave your extraneous comments for the post match thread - thanks


  • I'm lost for words. Embarrassing 

    Applescore: 3
    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 5
    JONES: 6
    EDUN: 5
    DOBSON: 4
    L.WATSON: 4
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 3
    TEDIĆ: 4
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
  • Applescore: 5 what could he do? He has no striker. He could have played Hector. Probably should have. But what if a CB is injured? Someone has to play! I mean, it'd be Thomas now surely 
    AMB: 5 couple of good saves, went walkabout though (strewth) 
    ASIIMWE: 4 quite bad 
    NESS: 2 uuuuuuurrrrgghhhhh
    JONES: 7.5 good player isn't he 
    EDUN: 5 nah
    DOBSON: 4.5 rubbish 
    L.WATSON: 4 tripe 
    T.CAMPBELL: 1.5 I...uh...what?
    MAY: 5 wasteful with the two chances we fashioned 
    CBT: 4 bad
    TEDIĆ: 2 guh
    T.WATSON: 4 idk 
    FRASER: 6 passed the ball to a teammate a couple of times, which was refreshing 
    Referee 6 
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a
  • AMB: 6
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 2
    JONES: 6
    EDUN: 5
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 3
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 5
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
  • Applescore: 5
    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 3.5
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 5
    EDUN: 5
    DOBSON: 4.5
    L.WATSON: 4
    MAY: 5.5
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 4.5
    MBICK: n/a 
    KANU: n/a
  • edited December 2023
    Applescore: 4

    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    NESS: 5
    JONES: 5.5
    EDUN: 5
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 5
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 5
    TEDIĆ: 4
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 4

    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 4 Nothing wrong with the team selection but...............
    AMB: 5 Poor for the first
    ASIIMWE: 3
    NESS: 3 Come back Hector, all is forgiven!
    JONES: 6 The only player that looked vaguely League One standard
    EDUN: 4 Not sure why he was subbed rather tha Asiimwe
    DOBSON: 4 Poor
    L.WATSON: 3.5 Poorer
    T.CAMPBELL: 2 Lowest score since Kirk in the first round
    MAY: 5 relatively high score purely down to workrate
    CBT: 3,5 Nothing went right today
    TEDIĆ: 2 See Campbell. Almost a point for every touch!
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 4
    Referee 7
    MBICK: n/a 
    KANU: n/a
  • Apple Score: 4

    Maynard-Brewer: 5
    Asiimwe: 4
    Ness: 4
    Jones: 6
    Edun: 4
    Dobson: 5
    L.Watson: 4
    T.Campbell: 4
    May: 6
    Blackett-Taylor: 4
    Tedic: 4

    T.Watson: 4
    Fraser: 4

    Referee: 6
  • edited December 2023
    Dobson booked for a great zilch.
  • edited December 2023
    Applescore: 2 Clueless - made no impact at HT.
    AMB: 7
    ASIIMWE: 5 Struggled to make a 5-yard pass. 
    NESS: 2 Non-league player, or lower. 
    JONES: 4 Tried to play offside for their first that was never there to play. 
    EDUN: 6
    DOBSON: 4
    L.WATSON: 3
    T.CAMPBELL: 1 One of the all-time worst performances
    MAY: 5 
    CBT: 3 Not bothered today
    TEDIĆ: 2 Specialises in falling over
    T.WATSON: 7 Tried at least
    FRASER: 6 
    Referee: 6
  • edited December 2023
    Applescore: 5 starting line up on paper appeared ok against a average league 2 side, sort of understand no changes at half time if he gave them a bollocking and told them to go out and sort mess of first half out, but when didn’t happen after 55mins shud of been 3-4 changes with another 1-2 at 65 not as late as he did.
    AMB: 5 couple good saves but really needs to sort kicking out at times 
    ASIIMWE: 3 raw as hell. There is a player there but not a consistent league 1 full back. needs a loan but don’t appear to have squad depth to do that 
    NESS: 2.5 one of worst CB performances I have seen. If hector performs like that everyone going crazy. He showing the met police player and needs a loan and we need alot better, need to sign a CB jan desperately 
    JONES: 5 best of a shaky defence 
    EDUN: 4 he is lucky we don’t really have any real competition for proper lb so stays in by default 
    DOBSON: 5 like May at least he tries n couple great blocks albeit not a dobbo masterclass today 
    L.WATSON: 4 fan of his but wasn’t at it today 
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 another who shud be at best am impact sub and if only had players so cud send him on loan somewhere 
    MAY: 5 not his day but as always at least he tries n runs 
    CBT: 3 he is the quickest in our team but slowest to bother chasing down and harassing selling him wouldn’t bother me if money was fully reinvested in sqaud 
    TEDIĆ: 1.5 the extra .5 for lacing his boots up and getting out in the cold, what a awful footballer need to find his agent quick get myself a move from Sunday league to a pro team 
    T.WATSON: 4 not great but came on to a shit show like this 
    FRASER: 4.5 tried to play on front foot when come on at least 
    Referee 5 not great Espesh on the dobbo tackle for booking for 
    MBICK: n/a looked ok when came on 
    KANU: n/a - not on for long but did he have more than 1 touch 
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  • edited December 2023
    Applescore: 2
    AMB: 2
    ASIIMWE: 2
    NESS: 2
    JONES: 4
    EDUN: 2
    DOBSON: 3
    L.WATSON: 2
    T.CAMPBELL: 1 piss poor awful
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 2 doesn’t like the cold weather does he. Useless again 
    TEDIĆ: 2 fuck him back off to city in Jan 
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 4

    complete sack of shit lazy gutless arseholes 
  • Applescore: 5 waited too long with subs
    AMB: 6
    ASIIMWE: 5
    NESS: 3.5 poor
    JONES: 7 solid, pity about those around him
    EDUN: 5.5
    DOBSON: 6 Not at his best
    L.WATSON: 4 got a lot worse lately
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 poor
    MAY: 5.5 seemed to loose heart in 2nd half (don't blame him) 
    CBT: 5
    TEDIĆ: 4 ineffective 
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee 6.5
  • edited December 2023

    Applescore: 4
    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 7
    EDUN: 5
    DOBSON: 6 
    L.WATSON: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 4 
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 4
    ref 5

  • Applescore: 4
    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 3
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 6
    EDUN: 3
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 2
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 3
    TEDIĆ: 2
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 6
    Referee: 7
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a
  • Applescore: 6 done what the fans wanted 
    AMB: 4 mistake for the first changed the game 
    ASIIMWE: 4 errors after errors 
    NESS: 4 not good enough 
    JONES: 6 struggled without Hector 
    EDUN: 6
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 4 that’s why he not playing 
    T.CAMPBELL: 1 awful

    MAY: 6 got frustrated 
    CBT: 1 rip up that contract offer 
    TEDIĆ: 4 not sure what more he could do no service 
    T.WATSON: 5 
    FRASER: 6 tired to create but already 2 down 
    Referee 5 
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a 
  • Applescore: 3
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 4
    JONES: 5
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 4
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 2
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee 4
  • Applescore: 4 
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 3
    NESS: 5
    JONES: 7
    EDUN: 2
    DOBSON: 3
    L.WATSON: 1
    T.CAMPBELL: 0.5
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 3
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 2
    Referee 5
    The worst set of marks ever given
  • Applescore: 4
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 2
    NESS: 2
    JONES: 6
    EDUN: 2
    DOBSON: 4
    L.WATSON: 3
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 2
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee: 6
  • Applescore: 3. Needed to react at half time and didnt. 
    AMB: 3 - Disgraceful for the first goal
    ASIIMWE: 2.5 - really bad. 
    NESS: 3 absolutely dreadful. 
    JONES: 5.5
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 4 - looked lost today
    T.CAMPBELL: 1 - looked like somebody who had won a competition to play. One of the worst performances I’ve ever witnessed. 
    MAY: 5. 
    CBT: 4.5
    TEDIĆ: 2 - just send him back. 
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee 5
  • AMB: 3
    ASIIMWE: 2
    NESS: 0
    JONES: 5
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 3
    L.WATSON: 3
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 3
    TEDIĆ: 0
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 3
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited December 2023
    At the excuse for a football game

    Applescore: 6 Picked his strongest team but should have made changes earlier.
    AMB: 3 In no man’s land for the first, held onto the ball for too long, poor distribution but made one good save second half.
    ASIIMWE: 1 Lots of running about but crap at everything else
    NESS: 2 Won his share of defensive headers, tackled Dobbo rather than their man for the second goal, lots of aimless passes.
    JONES: 7 MOM Showed commitment , fought all game and wasn’t at fault for their goals
    EDUN: 1 Some good attacking stuff but some awful defending and aimless passing. Looks like he is the man playing their runners onside for both goals - playing yards behind his other defenders.
    DOBSON: 4 Terrible first half, better second half, two good blocks but another making aimless passes.
    L.WATSON: 0.5 Don’t think he knew we were playing in black. Lightweight throughout, little flicks that never came off, terrible passes and hopeless at tackling
    T.CAMPBELL: 0.5 A number of times he ran out of play with the ball, bottled out of tackles, gave the ball away endlessly and swore at the crowd in the second when getting some fairly abusive stick.
    MAY: 4 Think he nearly scored in the first half (couldn’t see as up the other end) but nothing came off for him today. Stupid booking for moaning at the ref
    CBT: 4 Typical CBT performance, anonymous for most of the game, the occasional decent run but poor final shot/ pass/ cross. 
    TEDIĆ: 4.5 Ran his heart out all game, decent runs in behind not seen by his teammates, won some headers but couldn’t create anything.
    T.WATSON: 3 Same as Edun 
    FRASER: 5 Improved the team when he came on, kept the ball moving and tried to get the team playing but without success
    Referee 6 done ok
  • AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 5
    JONES: 6
    EDUN: 6
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 3
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 4
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee 6
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a
  • At the game

    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 5
    NESS: 5
    JONES: 7
    EDUN: 6
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 5
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 4
    TEDIĆ: 4.5
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 5
    Referee 6
  • Applescore: 4
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 5
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 3
    MAY: 4.5
    CBT: 4.5
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 4
    Referee 5
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a
  • Applescore: 2 - tactics wrong and subs too late

    AMB: 2  schoolboy mistake for the first goal. 

    ASIIMWE: 4 poor decision making

    NESS:  3 going backwards instead of progressing. 

    JONES: 7 - will be our skipper in Jan when Dobbo goes. 

    EDUN:  2 - worst I’ve seen him play. 5 errors in the first 5 minutes. 

    DOBSON: 4 - not at his best. 

    L.WATSON: 2 - so disappointed in him. 

    T.CAMPBELL:  3 poor decision making

    MAY:  3 was he playing ?

    CBT: 2 was he playing ?

    TEDIĆ: 0 - what a waste of space

    T.WATSON:  3 bit late coming on. 

    FRASER: 1 stealing a living, doesn’t tackle and hides in games. 

    Referee 8 thought he did ok (better than when we last had him)

  • Applescore: 4
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 5
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 4.5
    L.WATSON: 4
    T.CAMPBELL: 3.5
    MAY: 4
    CBT: 3.5
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 4
    Referee: 6
  • Applescore: 6 not sure what else he could have done. 
    AMB: 4
    ASIIMWE: 5
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 7
    EDUN: 4
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 4
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 5.5
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 4
    FRASER: 6
    Referee 7

  • Applescore:    6
    AMB:            5
    ASIIMWE:       3
    NESS:            4
    JONES:          7
    EDUN:           5
    DOBSON:      5
    L.WATSON:    2
    T.CAMPBELL:  2
    MAY:             5
    CBT:              4
    TEDIĆ:            2
    T.WATSON:    4
    FRASER:        5

  • Applescore: 3 Another cup game where we haven't been fired up enough. And those endless dreadful short corners must have been his plan
    AMB: 5
    ASIIMWE: 4
    NESS: 3
    JONES: 6.5
    EDUN: 5.5 was confused why he was taken off. He wasn't great but did put in a shift in attack
    DOBSON: 5
    L.WATSON: 4
    T.CAMPBELL: 3 needs taking out of the firing line.
    MAY: 5
    CBT: 5 better last 20, after being dismal before then
    TEDIĆ: 3
    T.WATSON: 5
    FRASER: 6 we definitely improved when he came on.
    Referee 6
    MBICK: n/a
    KANU: n/a
  • Applescore: 5 - he largely picked our strongest team. The rot was so entrenched, I doubt that earlier subs would have made the slightest difference. Why were the team so meek (1) at the outset and (2) in accepting defeat without so much as a whimper ? Appleton and Scott have serious questions to resolve in terms of the players' lack of mental strength. We need more winners. 
    AMB: 6.5 - kept the score down with a couple of good saves in the second half
    ASIIMWE: 4 - like most of the team, had a bit of a nightmare. He was strangely reluctant to cross the ball in the second half when well positioned, save for one very good ball near the end. Caught out of position repeatedly
    NESS: 4 - very shaky. One awful attempt at a back header in the second half should have led to a 3rd goal but AMB saved a one-on-one
    JONES: 8: MoTM - won practically everything in the air and did his utmost to hold a desperately flaky defence together 
    EDUN: 4 - very poor. Couldn't do the basics and tends to charge upfield, leaving big gaps behind
    DOBSON: 6.5 - had to work overtime to plug the gaps left by others
    L.WATSON: 3.5 - gave the ball away consistently and did absolutely nothing to stem the tide of Gillingham attacks. He's a talented player but a few fancy flicks won't cut it
    T.CAMPBELL: 3.5 - was bullied out of the game
    MAY: 5 - tried hard to get things going but to no avail
    CBT: 5 - a few good runs but Gillingham always seemed to have more players on the field and they doubled up effectively on Corey. He can't be expected to carry the team every game
    TEDIĆ: 3 - hopeless. He doesn't run the channels, can't hold the ball up and is very static. His principal and petulant modus operandi appears to be to fall over, wave his arms around and complain in vain for a free-kick. 
    T.WATSON: 5 - damming with faint praise, but an improvement on Edun - albeit that Gillingham were in game management mode by the time he joined the fray
    FRASER: 5 - managed a few passes to teammates but was unable to influence the game
    Referee: 6
    MBICK: n/a - one nice turn near the end in their box was more than Tedic achieved in the previous 80 minutes
    KANU: n/a - good to give him some minutes, given our dearth of strikers
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