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POST MATCH THREAD : Charlton Athletic Vs Bristol Rovers : Tuesday 15th August 2023



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    This team has a losing mentality, we need to bring players in that are used to winning games, otherwise we will continue to concede and not score. 
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    Reminds me of Holden's comment during the CAST Meeting.

    Wont stop the players from using Social Media

    But thinks steering well clear after a loss etc. is a good idea, given the comments that they may read
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    Good news is we’ll be making loads of great signings, starting this week. 👍
    We will, won’t we?
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    Jason Pearce was the best at the above!
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    swordfish said:
    I do wonder about the quality of our coaching staff at times. No excuse for poorly executed and defended set plays. These can and should be practised. May attempted a Solly March style conversion with his effort from outside the box. What a waste, and they managed to score from theirs 🙄
    It's good to promoted from within, especially with all the academy players in the squad, but maybe it would have been better if the new coach appointed this summer had been a "grizzled" old head, rather than another young up and coming coach from the academy. In Hayes and Senda we have 2 assistants with a similar background.
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    I trust the squad was watching the Aus/England Women's semi today .. perfect lessons in both tenacious defending (England) and, more importantly, attacking, shooting and scoring (both teams)
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    CAFC_boi said:
    Never want to see Payne in a Charlton shirt again. Absolute disaster class and worst individual performance I have ever seen! 
    Over reaction! ...... or you haven't been watching for very long :smile:

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    Fumbluff said:
    I hope that @LouisMend seeks out “billionaire spokesman” Charlie for comment, I thought he was supposed to be the mouthpiece of this shitshow
    Why? What could he possibly say that would impress you and wouldn't it be unusual for Club management/owners to be giving post match interviews. I don't want to hear from him. I want to see the squad improved.
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    edited August 2023
    - Conceded two and it's not dramatic to say it could have been 5 or 6. Why isn't Hector in the starting line up? If we concede that many guilt edge chances per game our season will be over (again) by December. 
    - Jack Payne had one of those games where you almost felt sorry for him, just not at the required level.
    - Perhaps this is harsh, but I think Anderson looked a little out of depth at times. Not to say he's done badly the last 3 games at all, and i'm very excited about his future here - but the fact he's started 3/3 league games suggest we are forcing young players into important games way too soon, not sure this is good for his development or the team. 
    I think that it's time to bring Hector back into the fold - if Jones has been struggling to finish games (which, conceptually, feels wild - was this happening to him last season?), then I'd make that switch. I suspect he'll be in to bring fresh legs. Holden could also move switch out Ness too, but that feels less likely than Hector for Jones.

    For Anderson, it was his assist to Kanu, so that still carries weight for me. I don't think you're being harsh - he's learning every game, but I think hitting the pace for every game is hard for the lad. I don't think he's done that much wrong, aside from being as raw as he is for his age. He's still a better option than other "senior" players in the squad (Kirk/Payne/McLoveGrandles), but maybe the switch to start Taylor on Saturday was hinted in the substitution.
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    Owners willing to gamble on not signing a striker first 3 games of the season and now we are trying to play catch-up. Worrying.
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    ct_addick said:
    Owners willing to gamble on not signing a striker first 3 games of the season and now we are trying to play catch-up. Worrying.
    More or less what Curbs has been saying.
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    Only people to point the finger at are The Owners and the back room staff that the owners have put in place.

    Charlton not ready for start of season,can someone tell them we are 10days into season already.

    By the back room staff I assume you mean methvens mates ? Same old shit

    I can not find fault with the staff that love this club and hold it to heart.

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    i was enjoying the footy free summer
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    Perhaps the owners aren't panicking as much as the fans are! What I saw last night was a definite improvement on some of the turgid stuff I've seen served up in recent years, but it's obviously going to take time and we have a youngish inexperienced team that needs our support and not stick. 

    For those writing off the season already, the year Blackpool went up under Critchley they had an appalling start, so ours isn't terminal and the season isn't defined in August. How you can effect it with transfer businees largely is though so we need to get a shift on unless we're going to be forced into the free agent market again in September.

    If that happens, I'll be giving this place a miss. It's bad enough reading ridiculously OTT reactions to defeats on here, the demand for immediate success obvious but unrealistic.
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    They’re both relatively new to our first team, they’ll soon realise it’s a repetitive pattern that sees no end at the moment.
    You need to have talent before making bold claims !
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    Jayajosh said:
    This team has a losing mentality, we need to bring players in that are used to winning games, otherwise we will continue to concede and not score. 
    That needs money and top notch management- we have neither.
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    AMB - Good shot stopper but slows us down a lot with his goal kicks when we could hit the opposition on the break. Probably the better of the two

    Asiimwe - I'm yet to be convinced but definitely worth persisting with. Should he be first choice? No

    Joyce - Fairly solid. Good enough for a promotion team I'm not too sure

    Ness - Decent player, but still learning his trade

    Edun  - Finally a left footed left back. How was CBT playing left wing back with this guy on the bench?

    Dobson - Very tidy display. Clearly our best player

    Payne - League 2 standard. Just isn't good enough 

    Anderson - Not first team ready. A passenger last night

    Camara  - Excellent pressing and bags of energy. Something different for our midfield 

    CBT - Standard CBT. All bark and no bite. Its worth remembering Adkins brought him in as back up and now we see him as one of our best players!

    May - You can feel the expectancy level raise when he gets on the ball. His goal will come but I'm not optimistic about the 20 + goals we were hoping for

    Win your home games and nick what you can away was Curbs philosophy and I stick by that. This is a bad result there's no denying but there's plenty of time to turn things around. I've got to admit I'm bemused that Holden hasn't implemented a clear style of play over pre season and we're already chopping and changing with three formation changes last night. 

    May is easily buttoned up when up top on his own so we need to see Kanu (our top scorer!) Start next to him on Saturday. I'm not a fan with three at the back so I'd be opting for a 442 with CBT and Kirk on the wings. Dobbo and Camara in the middle.

    Edun left back with Joyce at right back Hector and Ness in the middle. AMB between the sticks.

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    ct_addick said:
    Owners willing to gamble on not signing a striker first 3 games of the season and now we are trying to play catch-up. Worrying.
    problem is May has been signed, Leaburn will soon be fit (we ope and pray) and we have the 'promising' Kanu .. the club is not made of the proverbial money and though we'd love to see the cash splashed every week on new players, it aint gonna occur .. IF a striker had been signed to fill what will hopefully be a short gap, he would probably have soon been bench warming and being well paid for it .. time to get real and realise that we nowadays have to cut the coat etc etc etc 
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    agim - who is Joyce?
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    ross1 said:
    agim - who is Joyce?
    My bad, I mean Jones
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