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Colin Powell in the museum



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    His playing days were before my time but whenever I’ve been around him he’s always seemed such a gentleman. 

    Hope the new era of the club start treating our loyal ex players better. Colin should be Number One in that regard 
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    edited August 2023
    Yep, a nice fella - always got time for a chat when he sees us - i just about saw the last of his playing days but my dad got to know him quite well when he was groundsman 👍
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    Loved watching ‘paddy’ tearing down the wings, brilliant player. Him, Killer and Flash my all time Charlton favourites. 
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    I have played cricket against Colin year upon year ..he's a lovely bloke 
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    Lovely bloke. Loved sitting in the stands eating my lunch watching him on the sit-on lawn mower driving up and down the valley pitch with a fag hanging out his mouth. 
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