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Players Marks: Charlton Athletic v Leyton Orient (closes Sunday tea time)



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    edited August 2023
    AMb 6.5 ..did what he needed to do 
    Asimwe ..7 lots of promise 
    Ness 6 ...distribution poor
    Jones..6.5 ..Good debut
    Thomas 6.5..played According to limitations 
    Anderson 6 has a good future 
    Dobson 8 our best by far 
    Fraser  6.5 ..seemed unfit 
    CBT ..7.5 ..always threatening 
    May 7 tried hard 
    Campbell 6 ..not his position 

    Camara..7 looking forward to seeing more 
    Hector    6 composed 
    Edun...7  .liked what I saw 
    Kirk ...5.5 didn't like what I saw 

  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 5.5
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8.5
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7
    CAMPBELL: 6.5

    REFEREE: 5.5

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7.5
    HECTOR: 6
    KIRK: 6
    EDUN: 7
  • Options
    AMB: 7 
    JONES: 8
    NESS: 7
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 6
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 7
    NESS: 6
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 7
    ANDERSON: 7.5
    FRASER: 6.5
    CBT: 8.5
    MAY: 8

    REFEREE: 6

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7.5
    HECTOR: 6.5
    KIRK: 6
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 7
    CBT: 8
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 7
    NESS: 6
    THOMAS: 7.5
    DOBSON: 9
    ASIIMWE: 7.5
    FRASER: 7
    CBT: 7.5
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 5.5

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7
    HECTOR: 7
    KIRK: 4
    EDUN: 7.5
  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 5.5
    NESS: 5.5
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    FRASER: 6.5
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7.5
    CAMPBELL: 6.5

    REFEREE: 3.5

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7.5
    HECTOR: 7
    KIRK: 4
    EDUN: 7.5
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 7
    NESS: 7
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 5

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 8
    HECTOR: 7
    EDUN: 7
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 8.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 6.5
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7.5
    CAMPBELL: 6.5

    REFEREE: 7

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7
    HECTOR: 6.5
  • Options

    AMB: 6 Not much to do.
    JONES: 6 Good in air, looked ok.
    NESS: 6 His defending was good, but his distribution was not. I think he had too much time to think about his passes due to lack of closing down, which didn't help. Could have done with more help from midfield looking to take the ball too. Looked much better when moved to the right when Hector came on. 
    THOMAS: 6 Did okay. Offers decent defensive cover to CBT on the left.
    DOBSON: 8 Excellent captain's game and a goal too. He still looks like being the key player for us.
    ASIIMWE: 6 Started really well but faded a bit. Looks like a very good prospect.
    ANDERSON: 6 Ditto as for Asiimwe.
    FRASER: 6 Mostly man-marked out of the game by Darren Pratley! Probably going to be out for a few weeks now.
    CBT: 8 Excellent game. Gave their full back nightmares all game. Very good assist too.
    MAY: 7 Very unlucky not to score - great save by their keeper. Loads of energy and I can see lots of goals if he gets the right supply. Caught offside a lot, but part of that is probably getting used to the timing and type of passes from teammates.  
    CAMPBELL: 6 Did okay, but he is a winger, not a striker.

    REFEREE: 7 Good game. Consistent and mostly let the game flow.

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: Looked very good when he came on. Should have scored.
    HECTOR: The defence looked much better with him in the centre of it.
    KIRK: Thought he did okay to be honest.
    EDUN: Looked very promising. Looking forward to seeing more of him.

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  • Options
    AMB: 6.5
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    THOMAS : 6.5 
    DOBSON:  7.5
    ASIIMWE:  7
    ANDERSON: 7 
    FRASER: 6.5
    CBT:  7.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CAMPBELL: 6.5 

    REFEREE: 6
  • Options
    Marks between 0.5 and 10.0 please:

    AMB:   7 solid
    JONES:  5 back line looked flakey to me
    NESS:    6 less flakey but awful distribution
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON:  9  superb and got the winner
    ASIIMWE:   6.5 good solid start
    ANDERSON:  6 Opposite to Morgan. Physical and strong but can't pass
    FRASER:   5  Well done Darren Pratley
    CBT:    8  What a waste playing him at LWB
    MAY:    5.5  Good effort but If Bonne played like that he would have got pelters
    CAMPBELL: 6   Good player but not a striker


    Ineligible but can be marked

  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 7
    NESS: 7.5
    THOMAS: 7.5
    DOBSON: 9 
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 6

    REFEREE: 6

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 6.5
    HECTOR: 6.5
    KIRK: 6
    EDUN: 6.5
  • Options
    AMB: 6.5
    JONES: 6
    NESS: 6
    DOBSON: 8.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    FRASER: 6 
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7
    CAMPBELL: 5.5 


    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7.5
    HECTOR: 6.5
    KIRK: 6
    EDUN 7
  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 6
    NESS: 6
    DOBSON: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6 
    CBT: 8.5
    MAY: 7.5

    REFEREE: 8

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7
    HECTOR: 7
    KIRK: 6
    EDUN 7
  • Options
    AMB: 6.5 not a lot to do
    JONES: 6.5 did ok
    NESS: 6 seen him play better
    THOMAS:7 best of the 3 centre backs today
    DOBSON: 8   a new Dobbo in some ways.  Did his usual donkey work, couple of decent tackles but seemed to have a bit more freedom
    ASIIMWE: 7 very solid.  Seems to have shoved Egbo out of the way
    ANDERSON: 6.5 He'll have learned a lot about the game there.  He'll definitely play better but the learning curve in centre midfield is much harsher than Asiimwe on the wing back role
    FRASER: 6 rusty
    CBT: 8 Their full back will be having nighmares for the next month.  Faded but that often happens with such explosivity.  Knackered after 60 minutes
    MAY: 6.5 ran his nuts off but needs a partner to be more effective.  Timing of runs was fractionally off but I really don't care.  With the new offside ruling he needs to play on the edge and it will pay off in time without doubt.
    CAMPBELL: 6 rusty


    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 8 i thought he looked great when he came on
    HECTOR: 7 solid.  I can only assume he has a minor niggle preventing him from starting at the moment
    KIRK: 6.5 offered something different
    EDUN 8 really exciting cameo.  I think we are going to like him

    All in all I'd say solid enough without really getting into 3rd or 4th gear but positive signs.  Better than much of last season's offerings
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 6
    NESS: 3
    THOMAS: 6 
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 4
    CBT: 6
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 4

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7
    HECTOR: 6
    KIRK: 0.5 
    EDUN: 7
  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 6
    NESS: 6
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6 
    CBT: 7
    MAY: 7
  • Options
    edited August 2023
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 7
    NESS: 5.5
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 6
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 7.5
    MAY: 6.5

    REFEREE: 6
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 9
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 6.5

    REFEREE: 6
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  • Options
    AMB: 7 - Have a feeling we are lucky to have two very capable keepers this year…. And AMB continuing to be as solid as yesterday will mean Isted has a fight on his hands.
    JONES: 7 - Saw enough yesterday to suggest that we have a very capable centre back on our hands. Better on the ball than Inniss - reminded me of a certain Michael Morrisons debut. When I was left thinking there was more to come. And in that case there was.
    NESS: 6.5 - Questionable distribution but always gives his all. Reminds me a touch of Steve Brown for league one.
    THOMAS: 7.5 - our best defender for me. Really underrated and will have an important role this season.
    DOBSON: 8 - Captain Fantastic has much more technical skill and talent than he gets credit for. Plus the unarguable work rate to go with it. Will be a vital cog.
    ASIIMWE: 7.5 - wasn’t expecting him to be so good. Totally comfortable at this level and outshine Anderson IMO.
    ANDERSON: 6.5 - Came with lots of fanfare and wonder if the pressure got to him. Didn’t have as  much time on the ball as he perhaps expected but clearly has bucket loads of talent and will grow into the season.
    FRASER: 6.5 - Camara and Dobson alongside him will free him up. Our league 1 Claus Jensen who just needs his Kishishev equivalent.
    CBT: 8 - Fast, direct and always dangerous. Vital for us this season that we keep him fit.
    MAY: 7.5 - Shades of mendonca with the chance in the first few minutes. Great save from the keeper and great first touch. Leaburn or a similar striker alongside him and he will be our own Jamie Vardy
    CAMPBELL: 6.5 - on the periphery but stronger than I have seen before and testament to our academy that he would be the stand out youngster at any other club in our division.

    REFEREE: 5

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 8 - would be 8.5 but for the miss .start At Peterborough please!
    HECTOR: 7.5 - calmed it down at the back ….. also start At Peterborough please (perhaps for Ness)
    KIRK: 6.5 - think he offered something. Clearly struggling for confidence but didn’t do anything wrong.
    EDUN: 7.5 - technical, fast and tricky. Will suit our system 
  • Options
    AMB: 6.5 - a quiet afternoon
    JONES: 6.5 - understandably a bit rusty and not fully fit but he looks fast, strong and a good defender. Will get better with more game time
    NESS: 6 - some poor distribution (albeit in a highly compressed midfield and on a greasy surface) but he defended solidly 
    THOMAS: 7.5 - the best I've seen him play for us
    DOBSON: 8 - excellent
    ASIIMWE: 7 - a fine full debut 
    ANDERSON: 6.5 - looked very assured on his debut. He has a big future
    FRASER: 5 - lacks physicality and stamina. Pratters reprised the man-to-man marking job he did on him during one of our wins at MK Dons
    CBT: 8 - Orient found him unplayable. There was also an improved end product
    MAY: 7 - a high energy performance, with bags of pace and movement
    CAMPBELL: 6.5 - did pretty well in an unfamiliar role

    REFEREE: 4 - having booked 2 of theirs and been over-lenient on us in the first half, he clearly decided to even things up in the second half. 

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7 - and exciting cameo
    HECTOR: 6 - slotted in well
    KIRK: 6 - won a few throw-ins to run down the clock, but a shame he didn't have a go when their goalie was up for a corner
    EDUN 7 - a couple of very good runs and dribbles
  • Options
    AMB: 7
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 6.5
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 7
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7.5
    CAMPBELL: 6.5

    REFEREE: 5.5
  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    NESS: 6
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 7.5
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 5

  • Options
    AMB: 7 
    JONES: 8
    NESS: 7
    THOMAS: 7.5
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 6
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7
    CAMPBELL: 7.5

    REFEREE: 8

  • Options
    AMB: 6
    JONES: 7.5
    NESS: 5
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBSON: 8
    ASIIMWE: 6
    ANDERSON: 6.5
    FRASER: 7
    CBT: 8
    MAY: 7

    REFEREE: 6

    Ineligible but can be marked
    CAMARÁ: 7
    HECTOR: 7
    KIRK: 5
    EDUN: 7
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