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** Put your Questions to Dean Holden this Thursday 7pm on Zoom**



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    Is there any sort of recording or transcript for this, didn't have a chance to tune in last night?
    Suspect @pico will be doing a write up
    yes pls
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    what happened to DH at the end, he just disappeared?
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    aliwibble said:
    His phone died. Apparently he had it plugged in ok, but not switched on at the wall
    Disgraceful, Holden Out! ;)
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    Missed it as something came up -  look forward to any write up.  Can't wait for Saturday - getting that feeling back at last!
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    Pico said:
    Thank you guys for another enjoyable Zoom meeting.
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    aliwibble said:
    His phone died. Apparently he had it plugged in ok, but not switched on at the wall
    Charltonised......we're never switched on at the 'wall.
    Very good 😂
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    Dean Holden said, ".......but when we went down to Portsmouth we had fantastic support and then we had three wins on the spin."

    He's been talking with Curbs! :smile:

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    Just read the transcript and really enjoyed it.

    Fantastic that Dean, CAST and all those fans who posed questions can do this. Great effort all round!

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    edited August 2023
    Enjoyed reading the transcript.

    He mentions that within the season we might go 3 down so it was good to see how we came back against Aberdeen. He does realise it ended 3-2 to them?

    Plus his no dickhead rule, I agree with it but in another answer he wants people to snitch on others if they leave the canteen or changing room a mess. That sounds rather dickish behaviour. Either by making the mess or dobbin someone in for it. 

    Otherwise impressed with his answers. 

    Other concerns is that he sounds as if he is fine with 3 at the back and we have all our major targets though we still have problems in defence and up front. 
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    What a man 
    hes a perfect fit for our club !
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    No one asked him if he will miss Addicks to victory! 
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    Gutted…I still don’t know his favourite colour 🤓
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    Kap10 said:
    No one asked him if he will miss Addicks to victory! 
    Like an infected scrotum...
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    edited August 2023
    Kap10 said:
    No one asked him if he will miss Addicks to victory! 
    Did he actually release this as a physical record?, cos if so you know it will be worth a bit in the future. 

    Bet the museum will be begging for it in no time. 
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    edited August 2023
    Did any of that Bromley try and do a streak as has previously been done by one of their ilk in the past , trying to sabotage the Trusts Zoom , shameful lot the Bromley inbreds 
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    I’d have been amazed if he’d answered the “who is your no 1 keeper” question. Surprised it was asked tbh. 
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    Enjoyed reading the transcript.

    He mentions that within the season we might go 3 down so it was good to see how we came back against Aberdeen. He does realise it ended 3-2 to them?

    Plus his no dickhead rule, I agree with it but in another answer he wants people to snitch on others if they leave the canteen or changing room a mess. That sounds rather dickish behaviour. Either by making the mess or dobbin someone in for it. 

    Otherwise impressed with his answers. 

    Other concerns is that he sounds as if he is fine with 3 at the back and we have all our major targets though we still have problems in defence and up front. 
    Great that we have all our major targets,  :D just a shame that with the exception of Alfie May none of them are fit to start. I look forward to see who will start up front with Alfie, step forward Charlie. That's Kirk not methven although either would be equally ineffective. For a club that is "full of ambition" & aiming for promotion our defence looks very weak, wing backs ? ahem. Strikers May & Leaburn when fit & that's it. Have we really got all of our major targets ?
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    Seems a proper good bloke Holden.
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    edited August 2023
    Great interview. I’m expecting a slowish start of Taylor, Jones and Edun aren’t fully fit.
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    Great interview. I’m expecting a slowish start of Taylor, Jones and Edun aren’t fully fit.
    We also made a slow start in our promotion season, 2018-19.
    After 4 games, we had 4 points and in 14th position.

    "Peterborough continued their perfect start to the League One season with a 1-0 victory at Charlton, secured by Jason Cummings' controversial penalty."

    Guess which side got promoted? :)

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    edited August 2023
    Oggy Red said:
    Great interview. I’m expecting a slowish start of Taylor, Jones and Edun aren’t fully fit.
    We also made a slow start in our promotion season, 2018-19.
    After 4 games, we had 4 points and in 14th position.

    "Peterborough continued their perfect start to the League One season with a 1-0 victory at Charlton, secured by Jason Cummings' controversial penalty."

    Guess which side got promoted? :)

    With a faster start we might have got automatic promotion though. 
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