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** Put your Questions to Dean Holden this Thursday 7pm on Zoom**



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    Cheer up Dean  :D
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    edited August 2023
    Is Dean having to deal with ever reliable the Valley WiFi?

    He sounds like a Darlek
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    anyone in?
    Nope, but that's cos my laptop is having a nervous breakdown again. Updates greatly appreciated.
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    Can’t hear Dean, coming through as a dalek to me 
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    aliwibble said:
    anyone in?
    Nope, but that's cos my laptop is having a nervous breakdown again. Updates greatly appreciated.
    We can barely hear him anyway
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    Oh dear
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    edited August 2023
    Much clearer now
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    Hurray! I'm in! Just discussing the "no dickheads" policy
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    lol!... Dean's buggered off for the night :D
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    I very much enjoyed the few moments he spent talking about Marcus Rashford. Not a sarcastic comment from me, but I found Dean Holden very relatable at that bit.
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    Great Q&A tonight! 
    Very open and straight to the fact, to be fair to Dean! 
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    edited August 2023
     Simply the Best.  :)
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    Very enjoyable listen, very engaging guy 
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    edited August 2023

    Has Philippa Perry, Graysons partner, joined CAST? ;)
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    Good evening, of course Dean will be economical with the important questions, transfers, squad and formations but he does come across well.

    I hope he's a success at Charlton.
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    Not listening but appears Holden said on zoom tonight that he wants to get the players to the museum after the transfer window has closed.

    He was very complimentary, we hear, about his previous visit.

    Looking forward to seeing you again Dean
    Really important the current group understand the history of the club, especially the fight to get back to the Valley. 
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    Is there any sort of recording or transcript for this, didn't have a chance to tune in last night?
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    Is there any sort of recording or transcript for this, didn't have a chance to tune in last night?
    Would be good to have a watch of this 
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    Not listening but appears Holden said on zoom tonight that he wants to get the players to the museum after the transfer window has closed.

    He was very complimentary, we hear, about his previous visit.

    Looking forward to seeing you again Dean
    Is that because he thinks they are very old and out of date?

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    Is there any sort of recording or transcript for this, didn't have a chance to tune in last night?
    Suspect @pico will be doing a write up
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