Evening all,

The reason I'm asking here is that the drug concerned is not available where we live on the Czech market, and our vet practice therefore does not have hands-on experience with it. So one way or another we'd be procuring it ourselves - and we definitely want to consult widely before going down that route.
Gina is 9 years old, the cancer she has was in the pancreas, back in late summer 2020 the vets operated on her - and to our great surprise and joy, given that in humans that one's a nasty one, after a touch and go week, she pulled through and enjoyed a full and happy couple of years, but recently started to display symptoms that make the vets assume it has returned (low blood sugar level is one indicator). Yet a full scan and a more recent sono, has failed to actually locate a tumour. For that reason (and her age) we are currently reluctant to put her through another op.
My wife (she is more her dog, down to the history of how we got her and how they've improved each other's health!) found on the web reports from other owners that this drug had been successful in treating dogs with pancreatic cancer. Then when looking for supply sources she came across
this British website -which I must say looks pretty solid and respectable to my non-medical eyes.
Here is the actual drug. And here is a
link to the leaflet, in case any of you with medical knowledge care to take a look. One thing it shows us is we'd need to familiarise ourselves with the contra-indications and side -effects.
I think that's enough info for now, hopefully some of you will have some insights to offer, for which, once again, we will be very grateful
All the best with this Prague!!
please see above
We've used this website for over two years now and have always found them good value with a good service. Good luck.
Thank you all for your help and thoughts.
I hope your second opinion clarifies issues for you & your wife.
Good luck!
Really admire anyone who takes in a rescue - so well done. Hate to think how some people treat dogs but thanks to people like you and your wife they can end their days in a loving home. Our two are coming up to 15 in May so have their fair share of old age conditions. We know that we've got a couple of difficult decisions coming up but in the meantime they're two members of our family and we do whatever we need to do so they can enjoy their old age.
Thanks for sharing Gina's story - at least she's found her loving home.
you need any advice.