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Sandgaard Out! - massive secondhand embarrassment warning for p7.



  • What’s to stop Duchatelet from doing what Mike Ashley has done to Coventry today if Sandgaard goes?
  • Billy_Mix said:
    I think he means well. but I think he underestimated the cost of running a league 1 football club & is massively out of his depth  
    I think he wanted to mean well
    Massively underestimated the cost of even maintaining 3rd division mediocrity, let alone improvement.
    Made a succession of bad mistakes: Adkins (well intentioned but inept), A&Eke (a delusional spunking of a chunk of the budget on a chunk to bung up the treatment room), false economy with the Summer 22 recruitment fiasco, I could go on...
    Now the going has got tough he's shown his true colours with awful staff treatment and counter productive penny pinching
    He's a megalomaniac narcissist who did well in one field but whose skills don't transfer to 3rd division English football.

    He'll have a 'break even' point where a potential new owner's bid will meet the level of loss to which he's prepared to submit.
    As with the belgian arsehole there's no universe in which he'll "get his money back".  The bulk of the funding put up by Clear Ocean Capital or whatever it's called is sunk, gone.
    That break even point should reduce over time as his ongoing losses mount.
    That's predicated on him not being a total moron and I don't believe he can be.  He's a total shit not a total fool.

    As for the identity and credentials of any newbie, we're in the lap of the gods again.  And in the inattentive disinterested incompetent hands of the EFL's owners and directors pantomime.  We might like to think that would present some sort of barrier to charlatans and criminals but as we know all too well EFL don't know how to give a fig even if they want to.  They dropped the ball yet again with Wigan.

    Hopefully the point at which Skintgaard's capacity for loss and embarrassment arrives before Charlton's onfield deterioration drops us into the 4th division with consequent collapse of support.
    But he can't freeze the losses so that point surely gets further and further away and it is almost certainly too far away already. 
  • He's a modern day Michael Knighton. Welcomed as a saviour but soon found out to be not as remotely as wealthy as he likes to make out and full of shit.
  • What’s to stop Duchatelet from doing what Mike Ashley has done to Coventry today if Sandgaard goes?
    15 year lease isn't it?
  • Could someone "musical" not do a version of Addicks to Anarchy perhaps in a George Formby style (turned out shite again"), and see how the deluded guitarist likes that.
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  • ValleyOfTears said:
    There is a clue in the word 'supporter' as to the role we are called to play in the club. I suggest those that DON'T support the owner, the players, should call themselves 'destroyers' and find a suitable echo chamber that relates to the role they are called to. For the remainder - let us support the club. In all things. Can you imagine if in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc every owner was cursed by his own supporters with every bad run of results and they demanded his head. Shankly, Ramsay, Lyall, Nicholson, Clough, Wenger - none of them would have got to the end of their first season!

     It's ridiculous. TS has made decisions that have largely been correct from what I can see.

    Buying a club that is about to become extinct - Good decision.
    Adkins - rubbish - sacked - good decision.
    JJ - average at best - sacked - good decision.
    Garner - 5 wins in 20 - rightly sacked.  

    Washington released - wrong decision.
    Waiting until 11.59pm on transfer deadline day to balls up the signing of his replacement - wrong decision.

    Weighing all things up - I don't think TS is the main problem here. Extremely demanding 'supporters' living in fantasy world could be! Living in past glories could be! We are a third division team with no sense of itself and constantly turning over the playing staff or changing loans. 

    I wish BG every success in the future. Like JJ I think he would make a good assistant but not manager. 

  • edited December 2022

    How many pigs and taxis were there - any funds left in the pot
  • Sandgaard knows very little about football and doesn't seem willing to learn. If he won't employ or listen to the right people then his experiment will inevitably fail.

    The David Brent tribute act is no longer funny.

    We just get one bad owner after another...
  • There is a clue in the word 'supporter' as to the role we are called to play in the club. I suggest those that DON'T support the owner, the players, should call themselves 'destroyers' and find a suitable echo chamber that relates to the role they are called to. For the remainder - let us support the club. In all things. Can you imagine if in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc every owner was cursed by his own supporters with every bad run of results and they demanded his head. Shankly, Ramsay, Lyall, Nicholson, Clough, Wenger - none of them would have got to the end of their first season!

     It's ridiculous. TS has made decisions that have largely been correct from what I can see.

    Buying a club that is about to become extinct - Good decision.
    Adkins - rubbish - sacked - good decision.
    JJ - average at best - sacked - good decision.
    Garner - 5 wins in 20 - rightly sacked.  

    Washington released - wrong decision.
    Waiting until 11.59pm on transfer deadline day to balls up the signing of his replacement - wrong decision.

    Weighing all things up - I don't think TS is the main problem here. Extremely demanding 'supporters' living in fantasy world could be! Living in past glories could be! We are a third division team with no sense of itself and constantly turning over the playing staff or changing loans. 

    I wish BG every success in the future. Like JJ I think he would make a good assistant but not manager. 

    Don't want to pile in on anyone, but come on mate. You've got to be taking the piss surely?
  • There is a clue in the word 'supporter' as to the role we are called to play in the club. I suggest those that DON'T support the owner, the players, should call themselves 'destroyers' and find a suitable echo chamber that relates to the role they are called to. For the remainder - let us support the club. In all things. Can you imagine if in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc every owner was cursed by his own supporters with every bad run of results and they demanded his head. Shankly, Ramsay, Lyall, Nicholson, Clough, Wenger - none of them would have got to the end of their first season!

     It's ridiculous. TS has made decisions that have largely been correct from what I can see.

    Buying a club that is about to become extinct - Good decision.
    Adkins - rubbish - sacked - good decision.
    JJ - average at best - sacked - good decision.
    Garner - 5 wins in 20 - rightly sacked.  

    Washington released - wrong decision.
    Waiting until 11.59pm on transfer deadline day to balls up the signing of his replacement - wrong decision.

    Weighing all things up - I don't think TS is the main problem here. Extremely demanding 'supporters' living in fantasy world could be! Living in past glories could be! We are a third division team with no sense of itself and constantly turning over the playing staff or changing loans. 

    I wish BG every success in the future. Like JJ I think he would make a good assistant but not manager. 

    Will the last man standing please turn out the lights…bravo

    he saved the club - correct
    he the owner is systematically destroying the club at every other fucking decision…give at least one of the managers the correct tools & don’t interfere & it may actually work,oh n then too also sack off the experienced & knowledgeable die hard staff & employees who even dare to question them ridiculous decisions…his way or the highway,but no you decide call us the supporters out…who will still be here when that egotistical maniac eventually,sells or ditches us…!!,u have got the reaction you wanted,but for yourself,I wish  u well in ur “all good with the owner “bubble…

    u should be putting “joy” at end of user name & let us destroyers share the tears…
  • Jon_CAFC_ said:

    How many pigs and taxis were there - any funds left in the pot
    Like your thinking, 5000 foam guitars on the pitch V Brighton 
  • I think he means well. but I think he underestimated the cost of running a league 1 football club & is massively out of his depth  
    That's letting him off the hook a little - if he meant well he would have employed an experienced chief executive and not had the ignorance and ego to think he could run the club himself on a part time basis whilst employing his equally unqualified and ignorant family members in senior roles.
  • TEL said:
    Jon_CAFC_ said:

    How many pigs and taxis were there - any funds left in the pot
    Like your thinking, 5000 foam guitars on the pitch V Brighton 
    Air guitars?
  • There is a clue in the word 'supporter' as to the role we are called to play in the club. I suggest those that DON'T support the owner, the players, should call themselves 'destroyers' and find a suitable echo chamber that relates to the role they are called to. For the remainder - let us support the club. In all things. Can you imagine if in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc every owner was cursed by his own supporters with every bad run of results and they demanded his head. Shankly, Ramsay, Lyall, Nicholson, Clough, Wenger - none of them would have got to the end of their first season!

     It's ridiculous. TS has made decisions that have largely been correct from what I can see.

    Buying a club that is about to become extinct - Good decision.
    Adkins - rubbish - sacked - good decision.
    JJ - average at best - sacked - good decision.
    Garner - 5 wins in 20 - rightly sacked.  

    Washington released - wrong decision.
    Waiting until 11.59pm on transfer deadline day to balls up the signing of his replacement - wrong decision.

    Weighing all things up - I don't think TS is the main problem here. Extremely demanding 'supporters' living in fantasy world could be! Living in past glories could be! We are a third division team with no sense of itself and constantly turning over the playing staff or changing loans. 

    I wish BG every success in the future. Like JJ I think he would make a good assistant but not manager. 

    Have you been drinking again !!!
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  • Wasn’t in the Sandgaard out brigade although I want him to sell but now I just want to see the two faced, deluded goon out of our club. 
    I always found myself agreeing with your previous measured posts. And I agree with this one. 

    “Two-faced” is especially accurate because I bought into his early messaging, and had to spend a load of time fending off Lee Amis and his mates on WhatsApp going on about this and that suspicious thing about TS. Surprised he hasn’t been back yet to gloat, and frankly it’ll be hard to argue anything with him now. 

    There are a few other things from those early days of his takeover that need re-visiting now…
    Totally agree.. A lot of stuff will come out in the wash I reckon...
  • There is a clue in the word 'supporter' as to the role we are called to play in the club. I suggest those that DON'T support the owner, the players, should call themselves 'destroyers' and find a suitable echo chamber that relates to the role they are called to. For the remainder - let us support the club. In all things. Can you imagine if in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc every owner was cursed by his own supporters with every bad run of results and they demanded his head. Shankly, Ramsay, Lyall, Nicholson, Clough, Wenger - none of them would have got to the end of their first season!

     It's ridiculous. TS has made decisions that have largely been correct from what I can see.

    Buying a club that is about to become extinct - Good decision.
    Adkins - rubbish - sacked - good decision.
    JJ - average at best - sacked - good decision.
    Garner - 5 wins in 20 - rightly sacked.  

    Washington released - wrong decision.
    Waiting until 11.59pm on transfer deadline day to balls up the signing of his replacement - wrong decision.

    Weighing all things up - I don't think TS is the main problem here. Extremely demanding 'supporters' living in fantasy world could be! Living in past glories could be! We are a third division team with no sense of itself and constantly turning over the playing staff or changing loans. 

    I wish BG every success in the future. Like JJ I think he would make a good assistant but not manager. 

    I too wish BG every success in future. 

    The sensible thing would be for me to leave it at that, so I won't.

    Perhaps more than most I've given TS the chance to prove himself, but for sometime now I've thought the bad has outweighed the good and now it's downright ugly. I'd like someone else with more nous to take us on.

    I've thought about your comments about the fans. We're not a harmonized base, what Club could ever claim that? However, destroyers we're not and we have, perhaps, more reason to be sceptical than most, which might make us appear more demanding.

    At the end of the day though, the decision making that determines the direction of the Club's fortunes lies out of our hands, the responsibility that of the owner.

    I've seen much over the last few months since I've been on here that surprises me about my fellow posters, but however my opinion of them has been coloured by it, I accept they're not to blame for TS's failings.
  • AndyG said:

    Andy, as you requested, we've cancelled your 12 Month Overseas Pass - Monthly Reoccurring because Club is being ran by idiots, you will no longer be billed and your access will expire on 03/01/2023 11:07:14.

    If you have need any further assistance or support, please get in touch with us.

    Kind regards the CAFC Team

    I must admit the message above I got back from the clubs automated system made me laugh

    It's not automated, they just tell you that
  • If you are conviced something is wrong with something you love, surely pretending nothing is wrong is more like destroying than pointing it out. In the long term at least.
  • The club and the owner are different things. You can love one and hate the other.
  • alangee said:
    Which one of TS's kids is ValleyOfTears?

    VoT is the Messiah and not a very naughty boy - listen to him.
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Roland Out Forever!