Thought it was amazing even if some of the acts were a little rusty. No other country in the world could pull that off. Been a fantastic few days and some light relief from the last few years of purgatory.
I think it would have been better for Queen to be the finale. I would have liked to have seen Coldplay as well.
It was a brilliant show on the whole and the light show and drones were fantastic. A great showcase for the country after all the shenanigans that have taken place.
Thought it was amazing even if some of the acts were a little rusty. No other country in the world could pull that off. Been a fantastic few days and some light relief from the last few years of purgatory.
There seemed to be a bit of the "old" - Queen, Elton, Rod, Diana - and a bit of the "new" - fuck knows who they were, although the bird in boots was pretty fit - but the space in the middle seemed to be filled by Elbow. Fucking Elbow!
The Queen’s acting was surprisingly good. That’s the stuff that makes this country brilliant on occasions like these. A great portrayal of the British sense of humour and willingness to have fun - and even the Queen is willing to get involved. How can that not be impressive?
Lot of people will slag this country off for this and that, but we excel in flying colours when it comes to entertainment - whether it be comedy, music or sports.
Put the politics to one side and it’s hard to not be proud of the fact that we punch well above our weight as a nation when it comes to projecting ourselves on the world stage.
The cynic in me suspects that the producers of Paddington 3 paid for much of the cost of that concert. The less cynical part of me thinks the film was charming, and a nice reminder of the James Bond one 10 years ago. Was it really that long ago? The concert was good, those who wanted street parties seemed to be getting decent turnouts and reasonable weather, my mum enjoyed the church service on TV yesterday, a lot of people had a good giggle at the bible text the Queen gave Boris Johnson to read and a good time was had by all. Something for everyone, monarchist, republican or don't-really-care.
I'm by no stretch of the mind a monarchist, but the queen is the closest link I have to that generation. All my grandparents are dead (and would all be younger than her actually!)
I have a huge admiration and respect for the woman that has been a constant in our lives.
Given that we have been blessed with a bank holiday for this, I'm spending today going into London to see the festivities and I'll try to watch one of the documentaries about her reign tonight.
Have to say some of the footage of her making it into the balcony yesterday left a tear in my eye.
This is a good chance for us all to say goodbye to the public side of the queen, as I feel from now on her appearances will be few and far between.
God Save The Queen!
Two fine acknowledgements here ~ to God and to The Queen. Excellent post H!
Who despite an at times, dreadful family and at all times dreadful governments, has stuck at it resolutely and with an umatched dedication to our values and traditions. If you agree with them or not, keep it to yourself for four days, you are boring anyway!
She is in frail health and no doubt grieving the death of her partner and consort of many years. That is what I am celebrating and if the usual mouthpieces want to spout, there is no stopping them, it is a social cancer with no cure.
I will ignore the trash and acknowledge an absolutely class lady.
Yes ~ God Save The Queen.. j
ust one small correction ~ Prince Philip was the HUSBAND of the Queen not "partner". I leave that word for firms of solicitors only! But "...unmatched dedication to our culture and values" a brilliant description..Bravo!
Culturally the Queen and Paddington Bear film was a masterstroke. The short film was able to resonate with children, families, those who like and admire the royalty, rock lovers, music lovers, military band lovers, slapstick lovers, older people, everybody. And it was very funny in a way that will endure for as long as people can watch it. Genius.
It was a brilliant show on the whole and the light show and drones were fantastic. A great showcase for the country after all the shenanigans that have taken place.
Doesn't mean I'm not going to take the piss out of the bits that aren't very good though.
Still loved it though.
Where are Mr Otto and Mrs Large going?
Lot of people will slag this country off for this and that, but we excel in flying colours when it comes to entertainment - whether it be comedy, music or sports.
Put the politics to one side and it’s hard to not be proud of the fact that we punch well above our weight as a nation when it comes to projecting ourselves on the world stage.
ust one small correction ~ Prince Philip was the HUSBAND of the Queen not "partner". I leave that word for firms of solicitors only! But "...unmatched dedication to our culture and values" a brilliant description..Bravo!
The short film was able to resonate with children, families, those who like and admire the royalty, rock lovers, music lovers, military band lovers, slapstick lovers, older people, everybody. And it was very funny in a way that will endure for as long as people can watch it.