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Wrestling thread



  • Perfect storytelling 

    WWE is in a great place right now 
  • Perfect storytelling 

    WWE is in a great place right now 
    Not sure it was quite perfect. I'm not an avid WWE watcher these days but what did I miss that made the Undertaker's appearance in the main event relevant? Not to mention that his 'epic' chokeslam (WWE's words, not mine) was anything but. 
  • edited April 2024
    Rizzo said:
    Perfect storytelling 

    WWE is in a great place right now 
    Not sure it was quite perfect. I'm not an avid WWE watcher these days but what did I miss that made the Undertaker's appearance in the main event relevant? Not to mention that his 'epic' chokeslam (WWE's words, not mine) was anything but. 
    I agree to a point that on the face of it, the legend thing was a bit silly, but the reason I said perfect storytelling is because it had to be that way after how they'd built the bloodline up over the past 3 years

    Cody was never going to defeat Roman clean, so Bringing people back who had been wronged by the bloodline to help Cody win made perfect sense 

    Agree the Undertaker spot was unnecessary though, but it's always great to see him at Mania so I'll forgive it!!
  • Taker has 2 losses at Wrestlemania, one to Brock, and one to Reigns. He also had previous with The Rock (I would have liked that moment to be SCSA coming in with a stunner but he didn't have anything to do with The Bloodline, so made less sense) 

    But yes, it was perfect storytelling, to end the best story WWE has told, certainly in a long time, possibly ever.

    The story isn't actually Cody's, it's Roman's, with the chair shot to Seth, whilst he's dressed in The Shield stuff, the cathartic release of nearly 10 years worth of fury in that one chair shot to the back, visually exactly the same as the one Reigns took all that time ago, but it was ultimately his undoing, as he took his eye off Cody one final time and let his emotions get the better of him.

    Usually that happens and one of The Bloodline are there to pick up the pieces, but the fact that each time one family member came out, there was someone to counter it, someone that had been wronged by The Bloodline in the past, was a fantastic climax, and worked so much better than Rhodes winning a normal fight against Reigns. 

    Yes they could have pulled the trigger with Zayn last year, or Cody at WM 39, but actually, WWE waiting for all of this, and managing to pull it off even with the weird Rock thing and weaving that into the story just made it even better.

    Take notes Tony, THIS is how you tell a story in pro wrestling, and no amount of great wrestlers will get you this if you don't actually tell any stories along the way
  • I really enjoyed night 1 & think it sets night 2 up perfectly..

    Found it interesting that HHH came out to the ring to announce that a new era has begun.

    I've really enjoyed WWE again for the last few months. It's very watchable these days & think it will only get stronger under HHH
    It does seem a new era is beginning now he is calling the shots and i guess 'mania is the best time to start a new era, like 'mania XIV and XVIII. Also distancing yourself from the last bloke is a good move!

    Probably the first year this thread hasn't had 'NXT will be better than 'mania'.

    There's only one reason they're doing all this 'new era' stuff and it's to distance themselves from the outside criminal investigation. 

    It hits a bit hollow because of that. Especially because the new leadership were all in leadership positions while it was all going on. 

    They're taking a risk building the company around Nick Khan and HHH if they end up getting caught up in the cover up of Vince's crimes. 
  • edited April 2024
    Loved night 2. Not sure on night 1 still.

    Drew/Rollins - booked correctly and enjoyed how Punk contributed to the match and the cash in on Drew.

    street fight - Seemed like everyone was having fun and Bubba/Snoop added value. 

    Big fan of Logan Paul matches. Ditto to LA Knight. Really hoping they give him a big push.

    Thought every match and segment delieved. Only missing that Stone Cold appearance. The problem with a face champion is that can become stale quite quickly, as the money is in the chase. 

    Would happily see a Rock/Reigns or Rock/Rhodes match in the immediate future.
  • edited April 2024
    The opening match and closing match of Night 2 were outstanding.

    Firstly - The MITB Cash-in. I didn’t see that coming at all. It now puts the Punk/Drew story up yet another level. Proper blood feud potential.

    And then the main event. Considering how well this has been built, there’s always the risk that it will end predictably or as an anti-climax. Yet I don’t think either of those can be said about this. 
    It had the true big fight feel, great storytelling, false finishes, surprises, and a big dollop of nostalgia. 

    I understand the criticism of The Undertaker’s involvement. But one thing the ‘HHH era’ has in its booking is that the details do matter. There is Wrestlemania history with Roman and Taker. And secondly…..Just enjoy it for what it is. The intertwined Bloodline / Finish The Story angles are up there with the best seen in wrestling in a long time, maybe ever. To end a 1,000+ day streak with The Rock in tow you need to pull an enormous rabbit out the hat.

    And it got a truly brilliant ending that will go down as one of the most fun Wrestlemania main events ever. 

    Pro wrestling is in a very exciting period - enjoy it. 

  • Thought every match and segment delieved. Only missing that Stone Cold appearance. The problem with a face champion is that can become stale quite quickly, as the money is in the chase. 
    The argument that I saw and found quite convincing was that an appearance from Stone Cold would be "too big" and make it more a Rock vs Stone Cold event instead of a Cody vs Roman one.

    Whereas Undertaker has beef/history with Roman and is also associated with Wrestlemania in general. Same as Cena having a personal grudge against Solo.

    If "Final Boss" Rock carries on though I expect Austin will be back at some point.
  • That has to be one of the best shows i've ever seen.

    Drew's celebration after winning the title in front of a crowd and achieving his dream received a big face reaction. Then 'taking his eye off of the ball' after telling Seth not to to rub in to Punk was incredible story telling and one of the best things i've seem for a while. Especially the look as Punk was clapping. Also feds into the Balor Priest issues in judgement day.

    Personally i thought the interfaces in the main event were a bit too much but you knew the Bloodline were going to and wrestlemania is about moments.
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  • I am a weirdo. 

    I don’t even watch the wrestling ( sometimes I will watch for five ten minutes when scrolling through BT Sports ) I just read this thread and don’t know half the people being talked about

    However, I did eagerly look up the wrestlemania reports on cbs sports this morning to see how it all panned out. 

  • edited April 2024
    MrOneLung said:
    I am a weirdo. 

    I don’t even watch the wrestling ( sometimes I will watch for five ten minutes when scrolling through BT Sports ) I just read this thread and don’t know half the people being talked about

    However, I did eagerly look up the wrestlemania reports on cbs sports this morning to see how it all panned out. 

    Wrestling fans by their nature will analyse things until the cows come home. And not necessarily just watching the show and enjoying it, but the inner workings/politics/creative element of it all. That in itself has probably become 90% of the hobby for those who have been following it for years. 

  • Drew's tweets during the match and 2 hours later
  • I absolutely pissed myself laughing when they played the Shield music just to have scuba diving Seth Rollins turn up on his own and get layed out not once but twice.

    Bloodline rules just meaning take turns on the run-ins was a bit of a let down for me personally, even though it was what I expected.

    Other than that I thought night two blew night one out of the water... Although I'll admit that being able to watch it the next day and skip through a lot of the filler (ads and entrances included) makes it much more palatable.

    Only other downside is I'm finding the Triple H stuff a bit nauseating. Putting his voice in the intro, coming out to introduce a "new era" on night one, then have his wife come out to clarify it's his era that's named after him the next day... not to mention running an ad for a documentary showing him talking about booking the Wrestlemania card (I knew wrestling was fake when I started watching at 8 years old, but I don't need to be reminded during Wrestlemania FFS). Then to have to pretend you're very reluctantly coming out during the grand finale... ugh.

     It's weird because it's pretty much the consensus that he's doing a great job, but my God I've never known a man more desperate to be told it over and over again.
  • What tickled me was the Slim Jim competition for ring side 'mania tickets and a high performance sports car. Cue LA Knight handing the keys to a 70+ year old woman. 😃
  • edited April 2024
    Mr. Happy said:
    I absolutely pissed myself laughing when they played the Shield music just to have scuba diving Seth Rollins turn up on his own and get layed out not once but twice.

    Bloodline rules just meaning take turns on the run-ins was a bit of a let down for me personally, even though it was what I expected.

    Other than that I thought night two blew night one out of the water... Although I'll admit that being able to watch it the next day and skip through a lot of the filler (ads and entrances included) makes it much more palatable.

    Only other downside is I'm finding the Triple H stuff a bit nauseating. Putting his voice in the intro, coming out to introduce a "new era" on night one, then have his wife come out to clarify it's his era that's named after him the next day... not to mention running an ad for a documentary showing him talking about booking the Wrestlemania card (I knew wrestling was fake when I started watching at 8 years old, but I don't need to be reminded during Wrestlemania FFS). Then to have to pretend you're very reluctantly coming out during the grand finale... ugh.

     It's weird because it's pretty much the consensus that he's doing a great job, but my God I've never known a man more desperate to be told it over and over again.
    It's like you never followed Triple H's wrestling career or his years as NXT's self-proclaimed saviour. 

    He's been like this since The Rock left for Hollywood and he failed to do the same.  
  • Mr. Happy said:
    I absolutely pissed myself laughing when they played the Shield music just to have scuba diving Seth Rollins turn up on his own and get layed out not once but twice.

    Bloodline rules just meaning take turns on the run-ins was a bit of a let down for me personally, even though it was what I expected.

    Other than that I thought night two blew night one out of the water... Although I'll admit that being able to watch it the next day and skip through a lot of the filler (ads and entrances included) makes it much more palatable.

    Only other downside is I'm finding the Triple H stuff a bit nauseating. Putting his voice in the intro, coming out to introduce a "new era" on night one, then have his wife come out to clarify it's his era that's named after him the next day... not to mention running an ad for a documentary showing him talking about booking the Wrestlemania card (I knew wrestling was fake when I started watching at 8 years old, but I don't need to be reminded during Wrestlemania FFS). Then to have to pretend you're very reluctantly coming out during the grand finale... ugh.

     It's weird because it's pretty much the consensus that he's doing a great job, but my God I've never known a man more desperate to be told it over and over again.
    It's like you never followed Triple H's wrestling career or his years as NXT's self-proclaimed saviour. 

    He's been like this since The Rock left for Hollywood and he failed to do the same.  
    I mean, I didn't say I find it surprising in the least. Just weird behaviour to crave plaudits so much when you're already getting them.
  • Not really. He would occasionally introduce NXT shows but was not a regular TV character. Saviour of NXT was the fan's opinion of him, a completed 180 from his wrestling career.

    As for a failed holywood career. He's hardly Hulk Hogan on that front.
  • edited April 2024
    Not really. He would occasionally introduce NXT shows but was not a regular TV character. Saviour of NXT was the fan's opinion of him, a completed 180 from his wrestling career.

    As for a failed holywood career. He's hardly Hulk Hogan on that front.
    The BTS photoshoots with his finger guns for every signing/title change? 

    This weekend was an embarrassment for how often he had to be referenced. From the hall of fame, to interviews, to even after the main event Cody had to highlight HHH above his own father. 

    He's definitely Hulk Hogan on that front. The guy tried and failed miserably.
  • Not really. He would occasionally introduce NXT shows but was not a regular TV character. Saviour of NXT was the fan's opinion of him, a completed 180 from his wrestling career.

    As for a failed holywood career. He's hardly Hulk Hogan on that front.
    The BTS photoshoots with his finger guns for every signing/title change? 

    This weekend was an embarrassment for how often he had to be referenced. From the hall of fame, to interviews, to even after the main event Cody had to highlight HHH above his own father. 

    He's definitely Hulk Hogan on that front. The guy tried and failed miserably.
    Jeez, if that's your opinion of Triple H, I can only imagine your opinion of Tony Khan. 😱
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  • edited April 2024
    Not really. He would occasionally introduce NXT shows but was not a regular TV character. Saviour of NXT was the fan's opinion of him, a completed 180 from his wrestling career.

    As for a failed holywood career. He's hardly Hulk Hogan on that front.
    The BTS photoshoots with his finger guns for every signing/title change? 

    This weekend was an embarrassment for how often he had to be referenced. From the hall of fame, to interviews, to even after the main event Cody had to highlight HHH above his own father. 

    He's definitely Hulk Hogan on that front. The guy tried and failed miserably.
    Jeez, if that's your opinion of Triple H, I can only imagine your opinion of Tony Khan. 😱
    Owners of all companies are narcissistic. That's why they're there. 

    The embarrassment is that people actually fall for this 'WWE saviour' schtick. 

    Sound quite obsessed about AEW though. Weird. 
  • Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
  • edited April 2024
    Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
  • Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
    So HHH had nothing to do with it then? 

    Whether you like or don’t like the “new era” branding, he is still leading creative and is clearly very successful at it. 
  • I think HHH is a pretty good and very steady booker - knows exactly where he wants things to go and sticks quite rigidly to that - with the main event pre-mania mess up being an exception to that (likely due to powers beyond his control).

    It doesn't always make for the most dynamic and exciting weekly TV, but bigger picture is always paramount.

    After the absolute dog shit that was put on TV for the years previous I think that's exactly what was needed.
  • cafctom said:
    Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
    So HHH had nothing to do with it then? 

    Whether you like or don’t like the “new era” branding, he is still leading creative and is clearly very successful at it. 
    Probably a lot less than you think. 

    The Rock does what The Rock wants to do. Especially when he's best friends with the owners. Brian Gewitz is his writer and it's been long said that Heyman is the creative for the bloodline story. 
  • edited April 2024
    cafctom said:
    Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
    So HHH had nothing to do with it then? 

    Whether you like or don’t like the “new era” branding, he is still leading creative and is clearly very successful at it. 
    Probably a lot less than you think. 

    The Rock does what The Rock wants to do. Especially when he's best friends with the owners. Brian Gewitz is his writer and it's been long said that Heyman is the creative for the bloodline story. 
    You also have to remember that, as much as HHH might think he's the new Vince (not like that!), he's still just an employee. Vince was the owner. 
  • So everything that's bad is HHH and everything that is good is someone else? Have I got that right?
  • edited April 2024
    cafctom said:
    Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
    So HHH had nothing to do with it then? 

    Whether you like or don’t like the “new era” branding, he is still leading creative and is clearly very successful at it. 
    Probably a lot less than you think. 

    The Rock does what The Rock wants to do. Especially when he's best friends with the owners. Brian Gewitz is his writer and it's been long said that Heyman is the creative for the bloodline story. 
    Right, and the writers / creative individuals report to who?

    And I don’t doubt that The Rock gets what he wants. But that is an exceptional case and he won’t be there every week.

    Ultimately, the decisions for who gets pushed, when and how all sit with HHH. 
  • edited April 2024
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    Well, WWE was awful for years and now it's very enjoyable; well, for most people; but not those who like to nick pick at random things and believe finishing the storyline was about triple H and not Dusty. Then call others weird.
    You don't work for them, it's okay for them to take some criticism.

    I would've liked the new era to be built around Cody and the end of the bloodline. Instead of sledgehammering 'btw, if you didn't already know, Vince isn't here and we're definitely a completely different company now in case you're wondering FBI.' 

    Brian Gewitz, The Rock and Heyman booked the storyline between Rock, Reigns, Seth and Cody very well. 
    So HHH had nothing to do with it then? 

    Whether you like or don’t like the “new era” branding, he is still leading creative and is clearly very successful at it. 
    Probably a lot less than you think. 

    The Rock does what The Rock wants to do. Especially when he's best friends with the owners. Brian Gewitz is his writer and it's been long said that Heyman is the creative for the bloodline story. 
    Right, and the writers / creative individuals report to who?

    And I don’t doubt that The Rock gets what he wants. But that is an exceptional case and he won’t be there every week.

    Ultimately, the decisions for who gets pushed, when and how all sit with HHH. 
    I praised the creative going into the Reigns, Cody and Rock matches from the pivot after Cody 'gave up' his shot. 

    That wasn't HHH. You can talk about 'exceptional case' but it was the case. 
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