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Wrestling thread



  • I make him right, it was an awful angle, but don't tell the fans that FFS!
  • I don't think he is a nob head, or indeed the problem.

    The man is very protective of the character and knows the character, because its basically him.  Like it was Bret Hart and Steve Austin. 

    He won't do things the character wouldn't do and he knows his value.  He doesn't need the infamy like Jericho does, nor the money.  Doesn't want to play with his friends or act out his fantasy.  He would rather not work for Vince than compromise.

    You want a mega star?  Pay Phil the money and let CM Punk be CM Punk, it's as simple as that.
  • edited March 2023
    So, just let him do what he wants - or risk him going into business for himself in press conferences, promos and making the rest of the locker room unhappy?

    Its not as if he was being asked to do things on AEW television that were humiliating or completely outside of his wheelhouse. There was no jobbing to Orange Cassidy or Danhausen. 

    He was part of one of the greatest feuds in modern wrestling history with MJF. He was allowed to be who he wants to be. And he came out on top. 

    I thought the Moxley angle was just fine. Nobody saw the squash coming, and I liked the the idea of his trainer having to talk him back into the PPV match. He came out of it with the AEW title after a great main event and some good storytelling along the way.

    He's clearly very protective, but I get the impression it just falls too far into the realm of being immature and difficult to work with. 
  • edited March 2023
    cafctom said:
    So, just let him do what he wants - or risk him going into business for himself in press conferences, promos and making the rest of the locker room unhappy?
    You mean like the rest of the roster does?

    The ones that don't draw a dime over their core, committed but very small fan base?
  • edited March 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cafctom said:
    So, just let him do what he wants - or risk him going into business for himself in press conferences, promos and making the rest of the locker room unhappy?
    You mean like the rest of the roster does?

    Come on. You don’t see talent regularly pulling stunts on live television like he did in the press conference, or in the promo where he randomly went after Adam Page. 

    The talent at AEW are given more creative freedom it seems (and it’s generally a positive thing IMO), but CM Punk showed in those moments that he can’t really be trusted to not put his ego first, quite spectacularly.
  • cafctom said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cafctom said:
    So, just let him do what he wants - or risk him going into business for himself in press conferences, promos and making the rest of the locker room unhappy?
    You mean like the rest of the roster does?

    Come on. You don’t see talent regularly pulling stunts on live television like he did in the press conference, or in the promo where he randomly went after Adam Page. 

    The talent at AEW are given more creative freedom it seems (and it’s generally a positive thing IMO), but CM Punk showed in those moments that he can’t really be trusted to not put his ego first, quite spectacularly.
    That was a response to Page shooting on him first...
  • edited March 2023
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cafctom said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cafctom said:
    So, just let him do what he wants - or risk him going into business for himself in press conferences, promos and making the rest of the locker room unhappy?
    You mean like the rest of the roster does?

    Come on. You don’t see talent regularly pulling stunts on live television like he did in the press conference, or in the promo where he randomly went after Adam Page. 

    The talent at AEW are given more creative freedom it seems (and it’s generally a positive thing IMO), but CM Punk showed in those moments that he can’t really be trusted to not put his ego first, quite spectacularly.
    That was a response to Page shooting on him first...
    A fairy innocuous line in a promo saying he was “protecting AEW from CM Punk”, which nobody really read into at the time…Besides old Phil himself who decided it was worth a baffling, explicit retaliation that felt completely out of place months down the line. 

    All because his ego got ahead of him.

    A lot of AEW detractors talk about how the promotion will do things that expose the business and don’t make sense etc etc. What CM Punk did there was exactly that, multiplied by ten. 

    Don’t get me wrong, I like CM Punk a lot. And I miss him not being in wrestling. But there’s no getting away from the fact that he’s his own worst enemy when it comes to stuff like this.
  • edited March 2023
    Page made a comment about Colt Cobana which Punk didn't like. Those sort of comments were quite common during the attitude era, live TV, what can you do? Sunny days springs to mind and other instances of talent going into business for themselves, it helped The Rock and Austin get over. Yes Page should have gone over it with Punk beforehand but the comment wasn't that bad imo. As an outsider (🤘🏼) it just seems to have been a misunderstanding.

    Punk's reaction to it was completely wrong, calling out Page on TV was a disgrace and going unpunished shows massive weakness with Khan. Then the press conference was an embarrassment and should have led to his contract being terminated and AEW compensated. Instead Khan sits there like an idiot.

    Rollins wasn't speaking in Kayfabe when he called him a cancer to the industry and i poped as much as anyone when he returned to AEW. A worked shoot pipebomb is great television, his behavior and this recent post is change the channel.
  • I was pleased when Punk came back and was hoping that he had mellowed with age. Now I wouldn't be bothered if we never see him in wrestling again.

    It's always someone else's fault, even when he is given everything he wants, it's never enough. 
  • So what are people are expecting out of Wrestlemania? Here are some predictions I've got:

    - Cody Rhodes to win the big one. There will be involvement from one or both of the Usos to turn on Roman the night after they lose the belts to KO/Sami. Got a feeling the latter will be involved too to help bring the Bloodline story full circle. Huge pop after huge pop. 

    - Judgment Day to win all their matches. They'll dominate and take the place of The Bloodline as the number one group. Could see Rhea Ripley being pushed in a similar way to Roman Reigns, having an enormous undefeated run with the belt and leading the faction. 

    - John Cena to put over Austin Theory
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  • Usos and RR to lose, everyone leaves RR and he disappears for a couple of months

    Seth to beat Paul in an entertaining match that elevates Rollins back to main event status.

    Rey to go over Dom, he's not retiring just yet, and I expect them to turn Dom face again and have a run with Rey.

    Demon Finn over Edge

    Shayna and Rousey over whoever

    Ripley over Flair

    Belair over Asuka

    Drew over Sheamus, Gunther loses the belt without being pinned, moves on to the main event level

    Theory beats Cena due to shenanigans

    Lesnar F5's Omos and they bill it as the biggest F5 ever and Vince gets that WM moment he always craves with big men

    Lashley and Wyatt, no-one knows if it's actually happening....
  • cafctom said:
    So what are people are expecting out of Wrestlemania? Here are some predictions I've got:

    - Cody Rhodes to win the big one. There will be involvement from one or both of the Usos to turn on Roman the night after they lose the belts to KO/Sami. Got a feeling the latter will be involved too to help bring the Bloodline story full circle. Huge pop after huge pop. 

    - Judgment Day to win all their matches. They'll dominate and take the place of The Bloodline as the number one group. Could see Rhea Ripley being pushed in a similar way to Roman Reigns, having an enormous undefeated run with the belt and leading the faction. 

    - John Cena to put over Austin Theory
    Fancy Reigns to retain. Can’t put my finger on it but don’t think the build up has done enough for Rhodes to beat Reigns.(probably just bias as I think Jey USO should get the rub for finally beating Reigns) Think we will see a 6 man tag at next PPV & Orton to return and face Reigns.
  • I know Chelsea Green's mum and she is very excited about her little girl appearing at Wrestlemania.

  • edited March 2023
    Best build up to 'mania for many a year with three matches i'm looking forward to. Rey v Dominic, Charlotte v Rhea and the IC triple threat.

    Theory and Seth have to win.

    Storyline Rey should win but they could pull a rug under him. Dominic needs wins.

    They dropped the ball with the world title.

  • What I would do, what I think they will do amd what they should do are probably 3 completely different things.

    I think Cody has got to win, else they will Luger him.  

    Theory and Gunter should both win and pushed to the sky WITH their current titles all year.

    Rhea has to win.  Dominic should win, if Rey isn't retiring soon.  Seth has to win.
  • I haven't even considered Rhea not winning! I hope Asuka wins, i'm a big fan of her NXT run.
  • Last night's Smackdown had so much good stuff in it I don't really want the build up to Mania to end.   I can't imagine what ever comes next can be better.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Last night's Smackdown had so much good stuff in it I don't really want the build up to Mania to end.   I can't imagine what ever comes next can be better.
    I'm going to miss Reigns as the world champion.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Last night's Smackdown had so much good stuff in it I don't really want the build up to Mania to end.   I can't imagine what ever comes next can be better.
    Was there last night and crowd popped big time for the LWO return! Wearing my CAFC shirt at Night 1 tonight, cannot wait! 
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  • edited April 2023
    There is always bit of a lull in the hangover of Wrestlemania. Wouldn’t be surprised to see Cody challenged by someone like Gunther or Finn Balor in the interim PPVs leading up to Summerslam. 

    I know I was a bit critical of Cody being put straight into the main event of Mania this early in his run, but I’ve definitely come round to it being a smart idea.

    They don’t have another babyface who they can put the belt on long term as a face of the company (Sami would have just been a short term pop/moment). So why not just strap the rocket to Cody and make a main eventer out of him whilst he’s still over with the crowd.

    Can’t fault the main event build of the past 6 months too much at all. HHH has played it superbly.
  • edited April 2023
    Just finished night one, no spoilers other than they used the tag rope for in one night than AEW have in 3 years.

    A "super kick party" looks much better with 300 pound samons doing it. 

    I wish I had seen Jimmy and Jey v Marc and Jey.

    I want to see Jey have a angle with Cody about who's dad had the biggest behind 🤣🤣

    Thoroughly enjoyed it 👌 
  • Flair vs Ripley was fantastic 
  • Flair vs Ripley was fantastic 
    Brilliant, wasn't it.  I thought both women's matches were excellent 
  • There wasn't a particularly bad match all night long. The best thing for me about WWE is the stories they manage to tell right now, the last 10 mins of the tag match, was 80% story and only 20% actual wrestling, but my God could you feel the emotion of the whole thing 
  • I would score it 9 out of 10 for night 1. Though Cena match was sloppy but was great except that. Mysterio entrances and match was my personal highlight. Crowd was red hot into the story telling.
  • All the positive posts above and here i am complaining at how silly the tag match became! Good to have the Miz segment after Rhea v Charlotte. Mysterio match was booked perfectly.
  • Amazing night 1! Bumped into a Charlton fan in the stadium so VFR got an airing in Sofi! 
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