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Wrestling thread



  • Talking of Rumble '92, isn't there someone on here who thought Flair v Hogan wouldn't draw? 😃
  • edited January 2023
    Talking of Rumble '92, isn't there someone on here who thought Flair v Hogan wouldn't draw? 😃
    Yep me, because it didn't :-) 

    In the WWF, in 1991/2. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    CAFCTrev said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    sam3110 said:
    I don't see why we have any other matches other than the 2 Rumbles. I'd rather they split the night into 2 and them on one night and a card of traditional matches on the other. The 3 other matches tonight felt out of place, we had a very skippable women's title match, a weird pitch black match, and then a storyline that's overshadowing everything else in the WWE by far. 

    Also there was no payoff to Rey Mysterio being taken out? No backstage footage, no someone else replacing him in the match? So there was only 29 participants in the end, which is not a full Royal Rumble, so does that mean it's void? Does Rey get a 1 on 1 shot at Cody? Or will they just gloss over the whole thing?
    I'm still salty about Giant Gonzales taking out the Undertaker in the '93 rumble when he wasn't a participant - I remember screaming at the VCR lol
    Remember that was the year after Randy Savage eliminated himself but it "didn't count" because he was meant to be in the final 4. Which happened to be the same year Hawk did the same thing in a bottle royal and it did count.  Anyone would think they made the rules up as they went along...
    Didn't Macho Man do the same in 92? Jake The Snake got eliminated and Macho jump out of the ring and ran after him, only for him to come back in later. 

    Gorilla Monsoon covered for him by saying he wasn't eliminated properly because no one threw him out. 
    Yep 92 the year before 93 :win:wink:

    Hawk did exactly the same at the Battle Royal at the Royal Albert Hall (end of 91) yet was eliminated.  But it's the same Savage that went for a pin at the end of the 93 RR.  I think he struggled with the concept 🤣
    That's right and then Yoko threw him over from the pinning position on the floor 🤣 

    I'm gonna have to go re watch those 2 rumbles now. got me feeling all nostalgic!
    I listened to this the other day, without watching along as I had seen it so many times.
    Foolishly listening to it in the office and Cornette just said Kerry should still be in it, only one foot touched the floor! 
  • Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

  • cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

  • Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

    Was in '96 and as the Ringmaster.
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

    I strongly disagree. AEW are not and never will be competitors to WWE, unless Khan gives it to someone else IMO.

     WWE would have been interested but Cody's only other real option would have been Japan and having a young daughter WWE would have been in the stronger position during negotiations. Regardless of all of that, main event spots at 'mania will never be written in to contracts.

    Regarding Stardust, I wonder if other midcarders should have left. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind.
  • Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

    Was in '96 and as the Ringmaster.
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

    I strongly disagree. AEW are not and never will be competitors to WWE, unless Khan gives it to someone else IMO.

     WWE would have been interested but Cody's only other real option would have been Japan and having a young daughter WWE would have been in the stronger position during negotiations. Regardless of all of that, main event spots at 'mania will never be written in to contracts.

    Regarding Stardust, I wonder if other midcarders should have left. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind.
    Stardust was the name of the original JCP jet. 

    The thing with Cody is has name value with lapsed fans, looks like and acts like a star.  He is also understands the concept of how will I miss you if you don't go away.

    I think pushing him to the moon now is the right thing to do, we have seen from the other channel what happens when you don't capitalise on the initial pop.
  • Cody's problem in AEW IMO was all his big matches were overbooked messes. 

    I suspect most of that was to cover up the fact he's not that great a wrestler, and a middling storyteller in the ring too. 

    But WWE will cash in on the hype for a bit and make him a champ, like they did with Kofi, Bryan, Big E and others beforehand. 

    I wouldn't have him as the man to dethrone Reigns, but I don't see where else this takes them, unless Reigns runs though Owens again, and Zayn, and Rhodes between now and Wrestlemania, and they let him hold the belts for another year
  • sam3110 said:
    Cody's problem in AEW IMO was all his big matches were overbooked messes. 

    I suspect most of that was to cover up the fact he's not that great a wrestler, and a middling storyteller in the ring too. 

    But WWE will cash in on the hype for a bit and make him a champ, like they did with Kofi, Bryan, Big E and others beforehand. 

    I wouldn't have him as the man to dethrone Reigns, but I don't see where else this takes them, unless Reigns runs though Owens again, and Zayn, and Rhodes between now and Wrestlemania, and they let him hold the belts for another year
    Reigns can go over Rhodes without Rhodes looking weak, thanks to the bloodline. Do that night one than Sami going over night two and we have Austin when Mankind won the title or CM Punk AEW debut pop.

    For the first time in decades i'm actually interested in what happens on Raw tonight.
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  • edited January 2023
    Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

    Was in '96 and as the Ringmaster.
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

    I strongly disagree. AEW are not and never will be competitors to WWE, unless Khan gives it to someone else IMO.

     WWE would have been interested but Cody's only other real option would have been Japan and having a young daughter WWE would have been in the stronger position during negotiations. Regardless of all of that, main event spots at 'mania will never be written in to contracts.

    Regarding Stardust, I wonder if other midcarders should have left. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind.
    Whether AEW is a true competitor or not is a separate discussion (IMO they’re significantly the biggest threat WWE have had in 20 years, and whilst WWE will always will be bigger - they can’t ignore AEW’s presence).

    My point being that Cody’s standing in AEW was so high that it would surely eclipse just being a mid-carder in WWE. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears he would have put into the concept of AEW. Just completely walking away from it and going back to the old lifestyle did feel like a very unexpected situation when the rumours came about. 

    For what it’s worth, I’m aware that they made sure he had his own tour bus so there was at least some special perks involved!
  • Cody's problem, in my eyes, is he just doesn't have the look, the mic skills or the charisma to carry the weight of his surname
  • I have an irrational dislike for Cody Rhodes. He just irritates me!!

    The way he drags out his words & his irritating voice really annoys me
  • I don't often come to this thread as its 99% WWE, but its good to see some other lifers watching AEW. 
  • cafctom said:
    Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

    Was in '96 and as the Ringmaster.
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

    I strongly disagree. AEW are not and never will be competitors to WWE, unless Khan gives it to someone else IMO.

     WWE would have been interested but Cody's only other real option would have been Japan and having a young daughter WWE would have been in the stronger position during negotiations. Regardless of all of that, main event spots at 'mania will never be written in to contracts.

    Regarding Stardust, I wonder if other midcarders should have left. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind.
    Whether AEW is a true competitor or not is a separate discussion (IMO they’re significantly the biggest threat WWE have had in 20 years, and whilst WWE will always will be bigger - they can’t ignore AEW’s presence).

    My point being that Cody’s standing in AEW was so high that it would surely eclipse just being a mid-carder in WWE. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears he would have put into the concept of AEW. Just completely walking away from it and going back to the old lifestyle did feel like a very unexpected situation when the rumours came about. 

    For what it’s worth, I’m aware that they made sure he had his own tour bus so there was at least some special perks involved!
    If AEW was a true competitor would they have had Jericho on the Austin show? Compare that to how they spoke about WCW during the war. I believe the tide as changed and the stars like FTR are coming back to WWE

    Cody was getting booed towards the end of his time at AEW. He's such a chessy baby face. It's only a matter of time IMO that the fans turn on him, you can see the other posters are less than complimentary about him. Seems that he's been awarded for tearing his pec and wrestling with it as it got symphony from the fans, so dumb. He burnt himself in AEW.

    I bought the bus when in AEW, probably to avoid spending time with the elite. I would say it was more Tony Khan who set the company up than Rhodes.
  • CAFCTrev said:
    I don't often come to this thread as its 99% WWE, but its good to see some other lifers watching AEW. 
    It used to be mainly AEW! I think they peaked when Danielson and Cole débuted and have been on a slow decline ever since.
  • edited January 2023
    cafctom said:
    Reminds me a bit of a story I heard from Steve Austin in a rumble match, apparently one time early on in the stone cold era Austin was supposed to be in the final four, was seen as a big opportunity by SCSA but unfortunately due to the ropes being so slippery due to all the baby oil the boys in the match had used he ended up attempting a close call spot and slipping over the top super early in the match, thought he'd totally blown his push but luckily enough as history shows it didn't!

    Was in '96 and as the Ringmaster.
    cafctom said:
    cafctom said:
    I like Rhodes a lot, but him jumping to the main event of Wrestlemania does feel a bit too quick. He has had one angle since joining, with Seth Rollins, and then a 6 month break.

    Wouldn't surprise me if he had it in his contract that he gets one Wrestlemania main event in order to make the jump from AEW.

    I agree that Rhodes in the main event is too soon. Is he being rewarded for going to the gym with a torn peck?! I thought the fans would shit on him winning it from number 30 like they did with Batista. Still, at least it wasn't Dwayne.

    No way would they give him a main event in his contract. He left AEW because he wanted to, similar issues to Punk!
    No doubt he wanted to leave AEW, but it does feel like the push he is going to be given is a little forced. Especially for someone who they didn’t even rate enough to want to keep just a few years ago, even though his talent is there for all to see.

    He would have been in a very strong negotiating position.

    “I’m leaving the company I helped to set up as the single biggest competitor to you, as one of the lead decision makers and potential biggest babyface star. You have to make it worth my while”

    They would have had to have offered him something pretty significant to turn his back on all of that to go back to the company that let him go after a few years messing about as Stardust…

    I strongly disagree. AEW are not and never will be competitors to WWE, unless Khan gives it to someone else IMO.

     WWE would have been interested but Cody's only other real option would have been Japan and having a young daughter WWE would have been in the stronger position during negotiations. Regardless of all of that, main event spots at 'mania will never be written in to contracts.

    Regarding Stardust, I wonder if other midcarders should have left. Dolph Ziggler springs to mind.
    Whether AEW is a true competitor or not is a separate discussion (IMO they’re significantly the biggest threat WWE have had in 20 years, and whilst WWE will always will be bigger - they can’t ignore AEW’s presence).

    My point being that Cody’s standing in AEW was so high that it would surely eclipse just being a mid-carder in WWE. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears he would have put into the concept of AEW. Just completely walking away from it and going back to the old lifestyle did feel like a very unexpected situation when the rumours came about. 

    For what it’s worth, I’m aware that they made sure he had his own tour bus so there was at least some special perks involved!
    If AEW was a true competitor would they have had Jericho on the Austin show? Compare that to how they spoke about WCW during the war. I believe the tide as changed and the stars like FTR are coming back to WWE

    Cody was getting booed towards the end of his time at AEW. He's such a chessy baby face. It's only a matter of time IMO that the fans turn on him, you can see the other posters are less than complimentary about him. Seems that he's been awarded for tearing his pec and wrestling with it as it got symphony from the fans, so dumb. He burnt himself in AEW.

    I bought the bus when in AEW, probably to avoid spending time with the elite. I would say it was more Tony Khan who set the company up than Rhodes.
    Jericho on the Austin show felt like a bit of an anomaly for a reason. And they know that his presence would have kept a few network subscriptions from the smart fans for that month.

    If WWE didn’t perceive AEW as a threat then why were they offering stupidly lucrative contracts at one moment in time to the likes of Adam Cole and The Resistance, hardly top tier WWE names, in the hope they wouldn’t jump ship? 

    Why would they have made the strategic move to switch NXT onto a time slot on national television to try and go head to head with AEW and sink its momentum? (which failed disastrously, and the golden era of NXT is no more as a result).

    Had Cody not done his AEW run, then I don’t think he would have been brought back into WWE with such fanfare and push. The shock crossover from one company to the other was the underlying backdrop, which they’re too reluctant to even admit on television in the slightest.

    We can see now that there is room for both companies to be successful, which is a good thing. But it would be naive to think that WWE showed no concern about the rise of AEW, particularly in the first 1-2 years of its inception. 

    As for where AEW stands currently - I think the loss of CM Punk has definitely dropped a bit of the edge from the promotion. But as a whole, the company has done FAR better than many would care to admit against the original expectations. 
  • Yeah they saw them as a threat initially just as they did for World of Sport (remember them?!). They then realised they weren't, let folk go over there and had Jericho on their TV. Cody mentioned AEW angles in his (dull) promo on Raw.

    FTR are on their way back and Cody leaving shows things aren't rosey at AEW. C M Punk's press conference was a disaster. MJF is the only thing i find interesting on the show and he's in an angle about joining WWE next year! It's a mess of a company that we all hoped would be the next WCW. Perhaps a few more championships will turn it round fir them?
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  • Sami attacked Reigns on Smackdown and asked for a title shot. Reigns asked the audience if they wanted him to talk about Cody, which they didn't. Cody was on Raw though to a monster reaction.

    Interesting to see where they go with this.

  • Sami attacked Reigns on Smackdown and asked for a title shot. Reigns asked the audience if they wanted him to talk about Cody, which they didn't. Cody was on Raw though to a monster reaction.

    Interesting to see where they go with this.

    I assume they are going to split the title again.  But no idea when or how. 
  • Stop watching WWE during the thunder dome (Covid) period. Started to watch the beginning of the bloodline story as want to understand it before the ending at wrestlemania. 
  • Stop watching WWE during the thunder dome (Covid) period. Started to watch the beginning of the bloodline story as want to understand it before the ending at wrestlemania. 
    You timed that well!

    Two titles, two days, surely two main events?
  • Not sure exactly how, but I suspect the Jey Uso thread of the storyline will somehow unlock Sami’s route to Roman/Wrestlemania.

    It’s a nice change to have a major WWE angle that feels entirely unpredictable - in a good way. 
  • Apparently they're looking to do Usos Vs Sami and KO at WM. 

    I personally believe the story and the match is bigger than that, and them pushing through Sami Vs Reigns in Montreal is rushed because of the hype and the location of the show, and they should have held off til a payoff at WM, but there we go.

    Maybe there could be a triple threat or even a fatal 4 way at WM, Jey Uso Vs Sami Zayn Vs Kevin Owens Vs Roman Reigns could be an epic, for instance 
  • Fairly obvious story that Jey comes into the Roman - Sami match and costs Sami the match. 

    Then it's the tag at mania. 

    Roman v Cody is set for Mania. 

    Always assume the worst and it usually happens in WWE. 
  • I think the 'maina main event should always be a one on one singles match (no dq). 
  • sam3110 said:
    Apparently they're looking to do Usos Vs Sami and KO at WM. 

    I personally believe the story and the match is bigger than that, and them pushing through Sami Vs Reigns in Montreal is rushed because of the hype and the location of the show, and they should have held off til a payoff at WM, but there we go.

    Maybe there could be a triple threat or even a fatal 4 way at WM, Jey Uso Vs Sami Zayn Vs Kevin Owens Vs Roman Reigns could be an epic, for instance 
    Felt like the tag team was the obvious direction, but the storyline has become that popular/important that they would look to alter their WM plans. That doesn’t seem to be the case though.
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