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Wrestling thread



  • How is this real life, why did WWE let 3 decent starts go to their rivals? I remember them offering the Revival a payrise to stop them leaving then decided that AEW weren't a threat. Having Danielson and Cole makes them a threat,  moreso Punk but WWE couldn't prevent that. Incredible times. 
    Do the WWE really care how many people watch, or don't watch AEW?
  • sam3110 said:
    If you only watch one match from last night, I'd watch the tag match in the cage.

    The Lucha Bros, for me, are not just 2 of the best Lucha wrestlers ever, not just one of the best tag teams around, but just 2 of the best wrestlers around, period 
    I honestly think it's one of the best matches I've ever seen.  Incredible 
  • sam3110 said:
    If you only watch one match from last night, I'd watch the tag match in the cage.

    The Lucha Bros, for me, are not just 2 of the best Lucha wrestlers ever, not just one of the best tag teams around, but just 2 of the best wrestlers around, period 
    I honestly think it's one of the best matches I've ever seen.  Incredible 
    The Young Bucks have a tendency to oversell, and then suddenly no sell a lot, and spam finishing manoeuvres etc, but last night they got the balance between fun, physicality, emotion and downright jawdropping moments absolutely spot on
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    McBobbin said:
    Ruby Riott will be a good addition. AEW are going places
    Big time. I think last night was a game changer in the industry 
    Until it produces a stable increase in viewers it doesn't matter how good the product is (from a changing the industry pov). 
    Whilst I agree with what you're saying, I don't know why anyone would watch WWE over AEW right now.  AEW are so hot at the moment

  • Cafc43v3r said:
    McBobbin said:
    Ruby Riott will be a good addition. AEW are going places
    Big time. I think last night was a game changer in the industry 
    Until it produces a stable increase in viewers it doesn't matter how good the product is (from a changing the industry pov). 
    Whilst I agree with what you're saying, I don't know why anyone would watch WWE over AEW right now.  AEW are so hot at the moment

    As someone that watch WWE religiously for decades I don't know why anyone would watch it at all, regardless of AEW.  I stopped watching it ages ago, because its shit. 
  • edited September 2021
    Not really into wrestling but my kids watch it sometimes. I used to watch it back in the WWF days a bit.

    What I can't understand is why there are no 'charachter' tag teams any more?
     You know,like the Bushwackers,Legion of Doom demolition etc. Big costumes and make up. Great fun

    Tag teams now appear to be just two single wrestlers who have teamed up with another for a bit. 
    I suspect it is because the old school were too panto and these days they are trying present themselves as serious sportsmen!
  • You don't have to choose one or the other. That said i was team Nitro back in the day. 😉

  • Best tag match I've seen in recent years was the Revival v DIY. Not a Young Bucks fan (don't hate them either) but enjoyed the storyline with them finally losing when they couldn't cheat, great booking. Lucha Brothers are class.

    Not really into wrestling but my kids watch it sometimes. I used to watch it back in the WWF days a bit.

    What I can't understand is why there are no 'charachter' tag teams any more?
     You know,like the Bushwackers,Legion of Doom demolition etc. Big costumes and make up. Great fun

    Tag teams now appear to be just two single wrestlers who have teamed up with another for a bit. 
    I suspect it is because the old school were too panto and these days they are trying present themselves as serious sportsmen!
    I suspect you're correct, however, Viking Raiders are very panto in their presentation and there's the likes of Street Profits and Private Party.
  • Best tag match I've seen in recent years was the Revival v DIY. Not a Young Bucks fan (don't hate them either) but enjoyed the storyline with them finally losing when they couldn't cheat, great booking. Lucha Brothers are class.

    Not really into wrestling but my kids watch it sometimes. I used to watch it back in the WWF days a bit.

    What I can't understand is why there are no 'charachter' tag teams any more?
     You know,like the Bushwackers,Legion of Doom demolition etc. Big costumes and make up. Great fun

    Tag teams now appear to be just two single wrestlers who have teamed up with another for a bit. 
    I suspect it is because the old school were too panto and these days they are trying present themselves as serious sportsmen!
    I suspect you're correct, however, Viking Raiders are very panto in their presentation and there's the likes of Street Profits and Private Party.
    Vince's presentation of both the bushwackers and the LOD was comedy compared to their territory runs.

    Just watching the bucks match and loved Jr's reference to the Maguire Twins 😂😂

  • Just finished the last 3 hours, didn't bother with the 1st.

    I thought it was good I would go as far as very good.  A massive improvement on some of the stuff they originally had on TV.

    I thought the bucks match was pretty good, I didn't like it as much as some people did.  Love the pin fall or submission only rule, how a cage match should be.

    Never, ever, book a one way stipulation match, ever. It makes it so bloody obvious who is going to win.  Same for champion v champion matches, you know who is going to win by what title is on the line. 

    A lot of people in AEW need to watch punks matches, work with punk and listen to punk.  The whole product would be better.  I hope DB doesn't get carried away either.

    The big show's match was placed perfectly on the card to let everyone recover from the punk match.   AEW need more of these type matches on their cards.  Or on their cards more often. 

    The main event was quite good.   I just don't get Omega at all.  I don't like Christian's "out work everyone" gimmick either but I thought over all it was a good match. 

    The last ten minutes, post match, were bloody brilliant. 

    I hope AEW don't sign old Windam a put him straight in TV.  Pay him to sit at home for six months if you have to.  

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  • I do a prediction game on facebook and choose 'escape' as method of victory. 2 minutes into the match Excalibur says it's pinfalls or submissions only, d'oh! Far better rules.

    Although I predicted Jericho I had a feeling that MJF may do it for the ultimate swerve. Also predicted Darby for that reason. :neutral: It's probably been ten years since I last cared about Christian. Last night makes his biggest signing thing even more hilarious. Not sure what they do with Bray as he can't début for a while after that show, got a feeling he wants time off anyway.

    Omega is great! Said early him against Danielson is a dream match. 

    Still can't get my head around this. WWE gave The Revival a payrise to stop them going as they saw AEW as a potential threat before changing their mind. I get letting the likes of Miro, Big Show, Mark Henry go, but letting them have Danielson and Cole, WTF? Was their a bidding war or were WWE not that bothered? Did Cole not have a no compete clause?

    Don't think I've been this excited about wrestling since WCW were purchased over twenty (!) years ago.
  • I do a prediction game on facebook and choose 'escape' as method of victory. 2 minutes into the match Excalibur says it's pinfalls or submissions only, d'oh! Far better rules.

    Although I predicted Jericho I had a feeling that MJF may do it for the ultimate swerve. Also predicted Darby for that reason. :neutral: It's probably been ten years since I last cared about Christian. Last night makes his biggest signing thing even more hilarious. Not sure what they do with Bray as he can't début for a while after that show, got a feeling he wants time off anyway.

    Omega is great! Said early him against Danielson is a dream match. 

    Still can't get my head around this. WWE gave The Revival a payrise to stop them going as they saw AEW as a potential threat before changing their mind. I get letting the likes of Miro, Big Show, Mark Henry go, but letting them have Danielson and Cole, WTF? Was their a bidding war or were WWE not that bothered? Did Cole not have a no compete clause?

    Don't think I've been this excited about wrestling since WCW were purchased over twenty (!) years ago.
    Your looking at that question the wrong way round.   Did anyone stop watching WWE because any of them left?

    Anyone watching WWE regularly in the hope that a decent wrestling match might break out now is a lost cause and they would have given up a long time ago.

    Vince doesn't see AEW as a threat in terms of business.  He didn't even see WCW as one until they went head to head with Nitro, even then only when his viewing figures went down.  The only threat they are to him is in the T&Cs of the wrestlers.

    The big watershed moment in wrestling history will be when an "AEW original" walks out on RAW.  Don't hold your breath. 
  • edited September 2021
    I think there is room for both companies, but because the wrestling fanbase has been desperate for a legitimate competitor to come along for so long they can’t help but make comparisons and treat it as if it’s a ‘war’. I’ve been prone to doing the same myself. 

    WWE seem to have decided that they’re going to go down the route of simplifying the product to be as kid-friendly and watered down as possible. It’s not what I want to see, but it will make them money. The parents who take the kids to the shows will buy the merch, and the likes of Fox will want the show to be as soft round the edges as possible.

    Quite frankly, WWE is going to end up at a point where it would be hard to even think of it as professional wrestling at all.

    AEW will completely own the market for ‘smart’ fans / former NXT lovers. However, I don’t think AEW will ever be of a size to get higher ratings or revenue than WWE. 

    The sort of fans who get excited about Adam Cole, CM Punk etc were already watching AEW in the first place. There won’t necessarily be more fans watching it, but the product will be extremely good.

    I actually think the rise of UFC has had an impact on wrestling’s ability to attract new fans. You can still get the over the top personalities on show, but obviously with a higher degree of legitimacy.

    Pro wrestling is predominantly there for us fans who got into it as kids. You won’t get many people who get into it for the first time after the age of 18.
  • Just watching some of the post PPV press conferences from last night on Youtube.

    Tony Khan always looks high as a kite!! 
  • cafctom said:
    I think there is room for both companies, but because the wrestling fanbase has been desperate for a legitimate competitor to come along for so long they can’t help but make comparisons and treat it as if it’s a ‘war’. I’ve been prone to doing the same myself. 

    WWE seem to have decided that they’re going to go down the route of simplifying the product to be as kid-friendly and watered down as possible. It’s not what I want to see, but it will make them money. The parents who take the kids to the shows will buy the merch, and the likes of Fox will want the show to be as soft round the edges as possible.

    Quite frankly, WWE is going to end up at a point where it would be hard to even think of it as professional wrestling at all.

    AEW will completely own the market for ‘smart’ fans / former NXT lovers. However, I don’t think AEW will ever be of a size to get higher ratings or revenue than WWE. 

    The sort of fans who get excited about Adam Cole, CM Punk etc were already watching AEW in the first place. There won’t necessarily be more fans watching it, but the product will be extremely good.

    I actually think the rise of UFC has had an impact on wrestling’s ability to attract new fans. You can still get the over the top personalities on show, but obviously with a higher degree of legitimacy.

    Pro wrestling is predominantly there for us fans who got into it as kids. You won’t get many people who get into it for the first time after the age of 18.
    Can't argue with a word of this.  I'll just add that in, normal times, the WWE probably aims to put on 900-1000 live shows a year.

    Unless your a Flair you can't wrestle 300 plus decent length matchs every year, for years, and the style is adjusted to suit that other than the match quality.

    I honestly think that within 5 years WWE will only have 1 TV show, probably Smackdown on Fox.  Everything else will be streamed and they will tour like Disney on ice, all the time, with about 5 rosters.  They will even have a park like Disney land.  Vince won't own it, neither will his family.

    The crux comes with what HHH can get away with keeping.   That's the key. 
  • Will be interesting to see what happens to the likes of HHH, if the company does end up getting sold (which I think it will).

    For all the criticism he received for some of his decisions as a performer, he handled NXT superbly and really did get the absolute best out of it IMO. 

    He can’t be happy with the way NXT is now seemingly being deconstructed from what his vision was. Unfortunately for him, AEW took away NXT’s unique selling points and made them bigger and better. 
  • WWE don't call themselves pro wrestling, it's sports entertainment! Quite worried with what will happen with NXT.😕

    Who would WWE pull the stops out to keep? Reigns and Cena? Is everyone up for grabs?
  • WWE don't call themselves pro wrestling, it's sports entertainment! Quite worried with what will happen with NXT.😕

    Who would WWE pull the stops out to keep? Reigns and Cena? Is everyone up for grabs?
    Who is bigger than the brand? 
  • I reckon anybody is up for grabs - I don’t think Reigns or Cena would leave, but it wouldn’t surprise me if AEW tried their luck when renewal time is coming up. They have the money.

    It would come down more to how happy/unhappy the talents themselves are. I can’t see any reason why Reigns or Cena would be desperate to leave. They can pretty much call the shots on what they want to do and probably how much they want to work. 

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see someone like a Seth Rollins or Charlotte Flair make the jump though.

    Though it shouldn’t be glossed over how big a deal Daniel Bryan is. The guy literally main evented Wrestlemania only 5 months ago.
  • Bigger than the brand would be people who if they left WWE the company would be in serious trouble, Vince and HHH.

    Other than Angle, TNA only had cast offs from WWE who they would put straight into the main event like utter retards. Will be interesting to see what happens with the new stars as they messed up with Revival.
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  • edited September 2021
    Bigger than the brand would be people who if they left WWE the company would be in serious trouble, Vince and HHH.

    Other than Angle, TNA only had cast offs from WWE who they would put straight into the main event like utter retards. Will be interesting to see what happens with the new stars as they messed up with Revival.
    As good in the ring as The Revival are, they don’t scream star power. The middle of the road, throwback act just doesn’t strike me as the sort of thing that will actually make money in 2021. 

    At the risk of sounding like an indie mark - I do prefer to watch the likes of Lucha Bros and Santana and Ortiz, who have a bit more of a personality besides just their ring work.

    No team in wrestling is more overrated than The Good Brothers though. So bland.
  • Regardless what you think of them, surely you agree they've been used poorly?
  • Regardless what you think of them, surely you agree they've been used poorly?
    They could have been used better, but it doesn’t feel like a major blot on the book for me. 

    If offered less Revival but more MJF, Jericho, Darby Allin, Cody, Malakai Black, Moxley, Eddie Kingston etc then I’ll take it. There are just many, many more interesting personalities on their roster.
  • Regardless what you think of them, surely you agree they've been used poorly?
    The rivival and the bucks was thrown away.  
  • cafctom said:
    Regardless what you think of them, surely you agree they've been used poorly?
    They could have been used better, but it doesn’t feel like a major blot on the book for me. 

    If offered less Revival but more MJF, Jericho, Darby Allin, Cody, Malakai Black, Moxley, Eddie Kingston etc then I’ll take it. There are just many, many more interesting personalities on their roster.
    Dax Hardwood regular won the Performance Centre promo competition. They have Charisma and in my opinion the best tag team in the world. Similarly you couldn't tell how strong a promo Lance Archer is until he was given an opportunity.
  • Will be interesting to see who long term is in the AEW title picture. 

    They've thrown Christian in there, but in reality he wasn't going to have Omega's number twice.

    I could make cases for any of;
    Black, Rhodes, Page, Punk, Allin, Archer, Jericho, Cole, Danielson, Miro and more, all based on different things, some of them being the best wrestlers around, a couple of them to make them absolute stars you can build an empire on, obviously a couple of names that would make sense in a marketing perspective, and some older stars that could get one final run before handing over the torch.

    I look at WWE and I don't see who will dethrone Reigns, other than Lesnar, and most of the other big names just aren't a draw, or are stuck in tag team purgatory
  • sam3110 said:
    Will be interesting to see who long term is in the AEW title picture. 

    They've thrown Christian in there, but in reality he wasn't going to have Omega's number twice.

    I could make cases for any of;
    Black, Rhodes, Page, Punk, Allin, Archer, Jericho, Cole, Danielson, Miro and more, all based on different things, some of them being the best wrestlers around, a couple of them to make them absolute stars you can build an empire on, obviously a couple of names that would make sense in a marketing perspective, and some older stars that could get one final run before handing over the torch.

    I look at WWE and I don't see who will dethrone Reigns, other than Lesnar, and most of the other big names just aren't a draw, or are stuck in tag team purgatory
    Wild prediction, but I can see a situation where Reigns holds onto the belt for 2-3 years.
  • cafctom said:
    sam3110 said:
    Will be interesting to see who long term is in the AEW title picture. 

    They've thrown Christian in there, but in reality he wasn't going to have Omega's number twice.

    I could make cases for any of;
    Black, Rhodes, Page, Punk, Allin, Archer, Jericho, Cole, Danielson, Miro and more, all based on different things, some of them being the best wrestlers around, a couple of them to make them absolute stars you can build an empire on, obviously a couple of names that would make sense in a marketing perspective, and some older stars that could get one final run before handing over the torch.

    I look at WWE and I don't see who will dethrone Reigns, other than Lesnar, and most of the other big names just aren't a draw, or are stuck in tag team purgatory
    Wild prediction, but I can see a situation where Reigns holds onto the belt for 2-3 years.
    Would not hate that idea IMO. If it leads to a big mania match when he pins The Rock then I would be all for it.

    That is the question with WWE, if not Reigns or Lesnar then who else is there.
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