I haven't seen a thread for this, but I wanted to give us all the option to use the thread for accountability and keeping us going.
(I won't be tracking people like previous threads did)
Here we are in 2021... Not much has changed but I weigh too much to run comfortably... I'm not fat, but not in the shape I want to be.
For me my fitness and weight have had their biggest challenges ever over the last 12 months. I remain in reasonable shape, but to make running easier need to lose about 10kgs (1.5-1.75 st).
So here was how I weighed in on the 1st.
Weight 87kg (Highest ever)
Body Fat 19.5% (okay, would like to get this back to 14-16%)
Water 55.7% (okay, would like to see this around 60%)
Muscle Mass 66.5kg (Good, need to try to keep this above 64kg)
Viscceral fat 6.5 (Good, but has been lower.)
Metabolic Age 31 (A year younger than actual, want this around 25-27)
(I use Tanita body composition scales and these numbers are based on those readings)
My goal is to bring the weight down to 76/77kg by my birthday in May and hopefully in time for a relatively normal summer.
What are your weightloss/gain goals for 2021?
Personally, I feel stuck in a narrow weight range until we get back to normal. I’ll give it a go over the next couple of months, but currently can’t do any exercise
Hoping to end this year at no more than 182 lbs (13 stone). It's a big ask, but I think I can do it... This time...
Doing dry Jan and maybe Feb again this year which always starts me off in the right direction and have booked a sprint triathlon in September to try to keep me motivated.
The plan im doing is all HIIT workouts plus ive also been doing 5k and 10k runs. I've still got a couple of months left of the graduate plan on this but think I might have a rotator cuff issue. Seeing a physio later. Unfortunately this seems to be a bit of a pattern with me trying to keep fit. I keep picking up niggling injuries which can be a bit demoralising when you've been making good progress. At the moment I'm probably the fittest I have felt in the last 7 years!
So my aim for this year is to stay around the 12st mark. Finish this plan I'm on then try and go longer distances on my runs. Got a half marathon pencilled in for April but can't see that happening as a mass participation event.
Loved it in December when I got through 9 boxes of mince pies, cider beer and Baileys, and still managed to lose weight, would highly recommend using my fitness pal, I’m sure by now there are other apps that do the same thing now, maybe even better?
Not a dig at anyone as each to their own and admittedly I'm a lazy sod that is probably just trying to make myself feel better for not exercising much!
are you simply saying you don’t understand why people enjoy running?
Dry Jan again this year and after buying an indoor trainer for the bike in October last year I'm aiming to lose even more this year.
This should explain it...it's all about the high! NSFW
2 maybe 3 cubes of the dairy milk is plenty or 2 of the cola bottles. Watched what we do in the Shadows series whilst high as a kite and it blew my mind as well as made me laugh so hard I thought I'd damaged my ribs
For all its many drawbacks I find the strict lockdown does help me with focus in terms of consistent healthy eating and exercise as it is doable to get into a routine which after a couple of weeks is like clockwork.
Good luck everyone.
I've got the indoor trainer in my garage, bike on it ready to go. Just need to find the motivation to get on it...
Aim for this year is to add in more HIIT and Core work, try and keep eating well if I end up going back into London, finally sort the ankle foot problems, and hopefully a bit more cycling
Will rack up some big numbers once I get into the swing of it, as I'm pretty good, nowhere near someone like @Leroy Ambrose but there was a period where I was doing pretty nicely, 150-200 miles a week... Need to get back to that I guess! Moving offices so I couldn't have a cycle commute was the worst thing that ever happened to me fitness wise, not that it would make a difference with the pandemic I guess
Started couch to 5k in October and did my first 10k on New year's Day (hangover free!) Will be continuing with the running and mainly vegetarian diet but would like to track weight too.
@Talal you have to keep running to maintain fitness/weight (normally) otherwise it's harder next time and you lose fitness far quicker than you gain it. Plus once you get into a routine, it's enjoyable. I'm out in all weathers and although tough while pushing yourself you do get an endorphin payoff.
I was a student at the time and lived a life similar to the covid lockdown in reality. Making every meal myself etc, the big thing I did was just a couple of chicken breasts cooked in a pan with fry light, with a bit of a sharwoods sauce of your taste (eg curry). The other one was turkey breast with peas and sweetcorn, and a bit of bisto.
The biggest thing I did though was getting a stationery bike. I put on an album that I knew would get me going (John Maus - We must become the pitiless censors of ourselves) and I did it for the length of the album (32 minutes) at the absolute most I could do.
The #1 thing I would do, is find a few healthy but tasty and filling meals that you really like, and just rinse and repeat really. At just shy of 17 stone, diet will be the main thing and going for a walk (I walk to the local pond and back every lunchtime without fail) will help. Once you lose a bit of weight (or if you are "fit" enough, now), get involved in some more intense exercise.
Good luck!
Started a training course on Zwift, knackered.
Have to do it every day!