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Match Thread: Shrewsbury v Charlton | Sat 5 Dec 2020



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    Why do we invite pressure ?
    Because for some reason Bowyer has become quite a negative manager. Seemingly since we had all those injuries last season. 
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    edited December 2020
    Won't make play-offs at this rate - Gunther's the most experienced defender on the pitch and he does that - didn't even deserve a point we were utter toilet today
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    there’s a lot of good content here for later in the season 
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    Bring back Elliottttttt!!!
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    One thing's for sure, TS won't stand for too much more of this.
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    Shrewsbury fans had a personality and were losing 
    they got what they deserved 
    if we can improve to shit it’ll be a few levels above where we are currently at 

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    Hate to say it, but we got more than we deserved. Poor game with the worst last ten minutes I have seen in a long, long time. If Williams wasn’t injured, that was one of the worst management decisions of all time. 
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    Deserved that. Bowyer, give yourself as much hair dryer treatment as the players deserve, you simply screwed up with that JW sub (unless we find out he is injured, which I do not believe to be the case). Not good enough and creativity ha suddenly gone out of the window. So annoying!
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    Feels like last season all over again 
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    The worst piece of man management I have ever seen from a Charlton manager 
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    Why do we invite pressure ?
    We never learn.
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    Can't wait to see what Bowyer says about that.
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    This game feels like more like one from last season, where we give one up at then end. Earlier this season it seemed like we could lock opponents down. Not as confident right now.

    And there we go.
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    Did the same at Birmingham last season & got relegated because of it.

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    Thoroughly deserved point for Shrewsbury.

    Appalling performance from us,
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    1 point ahead of Accrington. They have 2 games in hand over us.
    Yeaaa... Charlton and Accrington are in the same League

    This is what I mean by the fact that no one has respect for this Division!!!
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    As I said earlier in the thread this was the first game I've managed to see all season because of work. I hope that's the worst I will see of us this season because that was dreadful.
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    Well well well. If Bowyer is the answer then what is the question????
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    Got what we deserved; we can’t expect to win when your create jack shit all day 
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    Can't wait to see what Bowyer says about that.
    Can guarantee he won't take any blame himself. 
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    I'm a Bowyer fan all day, but how long will Thomas patience be tested
    and yes, i know we are in top 6, but something has happened we know
    nothing of
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    Bowyer fucking it up again.
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    Team game. Jackson/ Bowyer responsibility.
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    Why make a tackle on own box in 93rd minute?
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    I was just ready to post "I've never witnessed a win that felt so much like a defeat." Couldn't even let me have that.
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    I'm done
    Doubt you mean it but it would be worth losing the 2 pts to get rid of mr negative as a supporter 
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    Didn't Sandgaard say he'd prefer we lost 4-3 than 1-0...

    Bowyer needs to sort this sides creativity or go.
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    1 point ahead of Accrington. They have 2 games in hand over us.
    Yeaaa... Charlton and Accrington are in the same League

    This is what I mean by the fact that no one has respect for this Division!!!
    It's a shit division, end of story.
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    We don't know how to beat teams so we stop them and nick a goal. When we try to beat them, that is what they do to us. So we nick a lucky goal out of nothing and because there is no fluidity to our play, we sit back. Bringing Williams off for another defender was typical negativity from a manager that is fast losing the plot for me. It was trying to hold out before the clock run out against a poor side.
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    Cashed out my Charlton to win bet on 92 mins as it was coming.  Thank goodness.  Bowyer is losing the plot, ridiculous substitution of Williams
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