After watching David Attenborough film about our planet and how we have over populated it think it’s about time these people should face death penalty instead of costing us food and money in a cosy prison.
I’m not against the death penalty per se - but it’s hardly going to help the problem on over population is it?
Two wrongs dont make a right. We need to keep reminding ourselves that we dont stoop to their levels, thats what makes us great and also sets the example, as hard as it may be.
Two wrongs dont make a right. We need to keep reminding ourselves that we dont stoop to their levels, thats what makes us great and also sets the example, as hard as it may be.
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
This old argument only applies if you too, believe in their ideology, we all know theres no virgins etc etc dont we?
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
This old argument only applies if you too, believe in their ideology, we all know theres no virgins etc etc dont we?
Hang em
Four innocent people would still be alive if he'd been strung up before.
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
This old argument only applies if you too, believe in their ideology, we all know theres no virgins etc etc dont we?
Hang em
Four innocent people would still be alive if he'd been strung up before.
Hang em.
How long before they have committed a capital offence is it best to hang someone?
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
This old argument only applies if you too, believe in their ideology, we all know theres no virgins etc etc dont we?
Hang em
Four innocent people would still be alive if he'd been strung up before.
Hang em.
How long before they have committed a capital offence is it best to hang someone?
Whilst these people are worthless scumbags, I still don't believe we have the right to take their (or anyone's) lives.
As others have said, a lifetime of solitary but not the death penalty.
I agree with regards to religious martyrs, but cannot for paedophiles and murderers of children.
To save this from going off topic, I really do believe that terrorists should all be locked into solitary with barely enough food and water each day for them to survive.
The death penalty is what these fanatics want, then they are martyrs, and think they are going to the land of milk and honey, and their 72 virgins. No, send them to jail for life, that means life. and spend the rest of their days in solitary.
This old argument only applies if you too, believe in their ideology, we all know theres no virgins etc etc dont we?
Hang em
Four innocent people would still be alive if he'd been strung up before.
Hang em.
Ah... but how many innocent people would die if the police were allowed to hang anyone they thought might be a terrorist.
Sometimes when this happens it can eventually run into millions.
Great. Can we have some good news this year please.
Hang em
Youve spotted the massive hole in my argument
As others have said, a lifetime of solitary but not the death penalty.
To save this from going off topic, I really do believe that terrorists should all be locked into solitary with barely enough food and water each day for them to survive.
Sometimes when this happens it can eventually run into millions.