"What is the point"......Basil Fawlty when he it putting up the moose head only to have to stop to answer the phone......to find its Sybil asking if he has put the mouse's head up yet..!
Every time my wife does or says something daft I call her a ruddy hooligan and have done for the best part of 30 years. This winds her up no end and always shouts back that she isn't a hooligan. To this day she has not twigged it's Hodges catch phrase from Dads Army!
From Escape to Victory when the man on the ladder comes up through the bottom of the changing room bath - used whenever I'm trying to get the kids off their arses.
A favourite of mine (before these PC days I add hastily) you dirrrrty old man. Mind you I suppose a lot of you wouldn’t have heard or seen that classic British comedy series.
A favourite of mine (before these PC days I add hastily) you dirrrrty old man. Mind you I suppose a lot of you wouldn’t have heard or seen that classic British comedy series.
From Escape to Victory when the man on the ladder comes up through the bottom of the changing room bath - used whenever I'm trying to get the kids off their arses.
"You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment"
Francis Urquhart, from House of Cards. Played brilliantly by Ian Richardson.
I use that a lot too. Another one I use is "They said it of a lot of nutcases too" from Bedazzled. Usually out of context, which hopefully makes it even funnier.
“Get the f*** outa here” Eddie Murphy in Beverly hill cop, as I stood next to my wife at the front door waving to a departing mother in law was a personal favourite.
Another couple that used to come out regularly at work were: ”nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” and after someone got a bollocking - ”He was a hard man. But fair”
stretching to radio, one I use occasionally “you can’t get the wood, you know”
Another couple that used to come out regularly at work were: ”nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” and after someone got a bollocking - ”He was a cruel man. But fair”
stretching to radio, one I use occasionally “you can’t get the wood, you know”
Spiney Norman fixed it for you and if you make the same mistake again, he’ll nail your wife’s head to the ☕️ table
Another couple that used to come out regularly at work were: ”nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” and after someone got a bollocking - ”He was a cruel man. But fair”
stretching to radio, one I use occasionally “you can’t get the wood, you know”
Spiney Norman fixed it for you and if you make the same mistake again, he’ll nail your wife’s head to the ☕️ table
Ha ha. I actually work with someone who has the surname Norman and sometimes he’s referred to as spiney
On the Peep Show front, I like a good, "no logo on the foam" if I have a Guinness at home. Haven't plucked up the courage to say it in a pub though.
Super Hans quotes are brilliant, i actually worked with a guy that would roll them out with perfect timing non stop and had me in stitches. Would wind up plumbers with "plumbings just Lego innit" And even said to a woman "Have you ever owned a parrot?...."
"What is the point"......Basil Fawlty when he it putting up the moose head only to have to stop to answer the phone......to find its Sybil asking if he has put the mouse's head up yet..!
From Escape to Victory when the man on the ladder comes up through the bottom of the changing room bath - used whenever I'm trying to get the kids off their arses.
SAUSAGE!!!!!!????? 😫😫😫😫😫
I actually do say that quite a bit at work.
*clicks fingers*
'In a thin glass...'
Michael Caine in Get Carter.
Francis Urquhart, from House of Cards. Played brilliantly by Ian Richardson.
”nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”
and after someone got a bollocking -
”He was a hard man. But fair”
stretching to radio, one I use occasionally
“you can’t get the wood, you know”
Jack Carter, get Carter
"You don't win friends with salad" - to anyone that dares to order or eat salad
"It's still good, it's still good" - in any situation but generally if someone drops food
"Shaving my shoulders" - at any mention of shaving or shoulders
I find that The Simpsons and Friends have quotes for any and every situation!
Me and my daughter also do the woo hoo when something good happens and she also does USA USA as well.
Would wind up plumbers with "plumbings just Lego innit"
And even said to a woman "Have you ever owned a parrot?...."