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Inheritance moral dilemma

Please be straight and forwad with me on this situation i have found myself in this weekend.long story i know but i keep short.
My uncle passed away , i have not had contact with him for over 25 years, reason being just lost contact when my father passed. My dad hated my uncle for being gay so never really had much of a relationship with uncle as a kid just a few visits at christmas. If im honest i wanted to make contact with him but just never got around to it and didnt know if he would welcome contact.silly i know. Anyway sadly he passed. His partner contacted my mum so say im due to receive his estate.he left no will and according to his partner its mine. Ok so i get a few quid that i cleary dont deserve at all. Problem is his partner for years will have to find someplace to live. Hes an old man now. Really dont know how to approach this. I feel bit confused and guilt for his partner.  I know some will say luck you but dont feel good. Advise anybody ?


  • I think all three of us posted the same thing at the same time.
  • He won't have to find somewhere to live if you let his partner remain in the house. The property will still be yours so you will have the asset 
  • bobmunro said:
    I think all three of us posted the same thing at the same time.
    Make that four. What's that saying about great minds and fools?
  • You need to meet and speak to this man. How old is he ? He may be really wealthy and can afford to buy his own place or, even buy your inherited house from you. That’s first thing I’d do is establish his position.

    How old are you ? Do you need this inheritance now ?  If your only going to put the money in investment for early retirement etc, then you can consider, letting the guy remain at Uncles. Either no rent or what you believe is fair according to his financial position. 

    Surprised your Uncle being aware of this has not taken care of the situation. Have you or partner seen the will ? Mat well say you inherit the property on the death of his partner..... ?
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  • Thanks chaps. Tough time. Just feels wrong. I need to talk to his partner to see what he wants and needs.  I like the views above could work.
  • You need to meet and speak to this man. How old is he ? He may be really wealthy and can afford to buy his own place or, even buy your inherited house from you. That’s first thing I’d do is establish his position.

    How old are you ? Do you need this inheritance now ?  If your only going to put the money in investment for early retirement etc, then you can consider, letting the guy remain at Uncles. Either no rent or what you believe is fair according to his financial position. 

    Surprised your Uncle being aware of this has not taken care of the situation. Have you or partner seen the will ? Mat well say you inherit the property on the death of his partner..... ?

    No will.
  • My uncle partner must be mid 70s and have no idea of value yet. He moved to wales 15 years ago .looks like a trip to meet his partner. 
  • Unless it’s enough money to buy Charlton Athletic then let him live there rent free. If it is enough but the club, make him chairman and he can live in a 12k a month flat and drive a nice car.

    seriously, letting him live there rent free is the right thing to do. 
  • If nothing else speak to the partner to build a rebuild a bridge between your father and uncle, find out about him as a person and a relative. If he been living or married to a woman you'd see her as an aunt so really he's an uncle also.

    For whatever reason he didn't leave a will so the property is yours to do with as you wish but it seems from your question that you want to do the right thing so, as others have said, find out what the situation is, speak to your uncle's partner and agree a way forward that makes you feel you've done the right thing.
  • edited June 2020
    I am not a solicitor but I do know that if there is no will then the rules of intestacy will come into play.

    Are you 100% sure that your Uncle and his partner did not have a Civil Partnership or Marriage? If they did then the Estate could be his after all.

    However, assuming they didn't, then there is an order of who gets what. Given the age parents are out of it meaning it moves on to siblings or, if deceased, their offspring. In other words your Dad and any other of his brothers and sisters or, if deceased their offspring so you need to be sure there are no others with a potential claim. It might not be just you. Do you have brothers and or sisters? Or other surviving Aunts and Uncles or if deceased surviving cousins?

    However, assuming it is just you then letting the Partner live there rent free or, for legal purposes, at a peppercorn rent, which is effectively the same thing, as long as he wishes is probably the moral 'right thing' to do as others have already stated.

    I would advise satisfying yourself that you are the only one with a claim to the estate though as you don't want any nasty shocks down the line. 

    Presumably you will have to administer the Estate too so make sure there are no creditors by advertising in local rags and The Gazette before you settle it for the same reason re nasty shocks down the line.
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  • Chuffed with that @gasman. Well done to your younger self too!
  • Thanks chaps. 
  • Sounds a bit like Great Expectations.
  • Sounds a great story and very uplifting.

    Goes without saying that do not part with any money if you are asked for anything and don't sign anything without trusted legal advice. 

    It is probably all above board and there is more good in the world than bad but worth keeping wits about you at times like this. 

    Probably what it is at face value of course but always worth exercising caution when dealing with complete strangers out of the blue like this.

  • Great story. Thanks for posting.

    Look how our actions and kindness pay forward. 
  • Sounds like you’ve got a place to go to, if you feel unwell.

    Good luck with it all, Gasman.
  • Interesting situation.  It's good to hear your uncle's partner is OK and he sounds like a decent chap, having spent two years looking for you.

    You probably don't need extra legal advice, the solicitor handling the estate should sort everything - and charge nicely for doing so, of course.
  • If there is a solicitor involved I’m more than a little surprised that they didn’t use a track and trace agency to find you as opposed to leaving it up to your late uncle’s partner.

    Still don’t understand why people don’t leave a will. Your Uncle obviously wanted you to inherit but if they’d not been able to track you down his inheritance may have ended up going to the state.
  • It's one of those I'll do it next week things and then never get round to it.

    Just updated mine after 5 years, at least you know who its going to and not some long lost relative you've not seen or heard from for years.
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