Given what my solitary promote is for, I suspect the mods sometimes suffer from a case of "fat finger syndrome" though :-) (Either that or it was a case of not being able to see straight after too much time in the pub after the 2nd leg of the play-off semi)
Given what my solitary promote is for, I suspect the mods sometimes suffer from a case of "fat finger syndrome" though :-) (Either that or it was a case of not being able to see straight after too much time in the pub after the 2nd leg of the play-off semi)
Bang goes that career as a concert pianist.
Oscar Peterson had properly fat fingers but still shredded it!
Given what my solitary promote is for, I suspect the mods sometimes suffer from a case of "fat finger syndrome" though :-) (Either that or it was a case of not being able to see straight after too much time in the pub after the 2nd leg of the play-off semi)
Bang goes that career as a concert pianist.
Oscar Peterson had properly fat fingers but still shredded it!
I’ve never even come far as I know? That’s with 14,400 comments, 407 threads created, 9,344 visits in 11 years and 6 months clear a stitch up as one could wish to see!
Given what my solitary promote is for, I suspect the mods sometimes suffer from a case of "fat finger syndrome" though :-) (Either that or it was a case of not being able to see straight after too much time in the pub after the 2nd leg of the play-off semi)
Bang goes that career as a concert pianist.
Oscar Peterson had properly fat fingers but still shredded it!
Was it for one of my many erudite and nail-on-head political comments? Was it for one of my multiple pithy, witty responses to foolishness? Or was it for one of my plethora of insightful, well though out posts on the human condition?
No - it was for this reply on the "How do you write an "X"" Thread...
"You are already at the bottom at the end of the first stroke, so it's logical to start the second stroke "while you are down there"... "
Was it for one of my many erudite and nail-on-head political comments? Was for one of my multiple pithy, witty responses to foolishness? Or was it for one of my plethora of insightful, well though out posts on the human condition?
No - it was for this reply on the "How do you write an "X"" Thread...
"You are already at the bottom at the end of the first stroke, so it's logical to start the second stroke "while you are down there"... "
Pleased as I am to have been awarded this “Promote” accolade, I too am far from clear what distinguished that humorous, sesquipedalian critique. Being that’s very much my stock in trade, perhaps it was earned for my cumulative contribution up to that point. Like an Ivor Novello award or Johnny Robinson’s yellow cards for relentless moaning
Modesty forbids but ahem must be due for another...
So I just sat on the khazi, and as I often do I decided to click on my profile to look at the stats and try and figure that great existential questions of what my ‘like’ to ‘lol’ ratio really means, and what can I get with my CharltonLife points (13,506 currently).
However low and behold the first thing I immediately noticed on my profile was that my promote count had doubled from 1 to 2. It was like Christmas had come early, the ultimate Charltonlife accolade. Who cares about likes and lols when your promote count is growing exponentially.
With excitement I went to click on the promote link to see what incredible post I had made to deserve one. But things didn’t look right. The lol count was higher then the likes, I only had 9,777 points, the profile picture was of a painting of a green bear like creature with a long neck.
It was with anguish that I quickly realised I had mistakenly clicked on North Lower Neil’s profile instead of mine.
The sadness that this 36 year old man felt as he was taking his morning dump was palpable.
That’s with 14,400 comments, 407 threads created, 9,344 visits in 11 years and 6 months clear a stitch up as one could wish to see!
Was it for one of my many erudite and nail-on-head political comments? Was it for one of my multiple pithy, witty responses to foolishness? Or was it for one of my plethora of insightful, well though out posts on the human condition?
No - it was for this reply on the "How do you write an "X"" Thread...
"You are already at the bottom at the end of the first stroke, so it's logical to start the second stroke "while you are down there"...
With excitement I went to click on the promote link to see what incredible post I had made to deserve one. But things didn’t look right. The lol count was higher then the likes, I only had 9,777 points, the profile picture was of a painting of a green bear like creature with a long neck.
It was with anguish that I quickly realised I had mistakenly clicked on North Lower Neil’s profile instead of mine.
How fragile does your ego need to be to get 20 promotes though, especially when, as a mod I assume you are handing them to yourself? 😃😂