Gutsy performance, thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought we might struggle after first 20 minutes but the work ethic from this team is incredible. Some proper shifts from everyone but special mentions to Gallagher, Lockyer, Solly and Cullen.
What a massive result for us today. The boys were top-drawer to a man. Bodies on the line as always. Love it @macauleybonne9
Fans unreal again. #coyr#cafc@k_andrewsphotos
great result today. My only concern is that we only had 25 per cent possession , at home, when effectively we have a premiership quality midfield, Cullen (West Ham), Gallagher (Chelsea),Williams (Palace),Pratley (various prem teams?).
But what did all the extra possession actually amount to? Very little beyond hit and hope shots off target. In and of itself possession means very little if it doesn't translate into meaningful attacks - which it didn't thanks to Charlton working just as hard but without the ball.
Just seen Sky highlights, looked like an OG to me.
I found Sky replay too fast for me to judge.
Anyway, who cares? Give the goal to Bonne, who deserved it for his hard work and very decent performance today. I'm sure he'd appreciate the goal - more than any defender would want to be credited with an OG.
Not bothered about the game tbh as I've already written it off.
However, what is a concern & one I will state now as not to be I told you so later...... The East Stand toilets. One cubicle in the block nearest the JS Stand (not the closed block obviusly) is blocked & already overflowing , making the floor to 2 other cubicles wet. This is only going to get worse & by 4.55 when a few thousand blokes who have had a few pints want to relieve themselves before the journey home it will be carnage.
Anyone with any sense would open the closed block but cant find a steward on the concourse to alert.......
@golfaddick Was hoping to get your update on what happened with the East stand loos??
I would be happy to see Leeds miss promotion again except if they do, Lee will be his replacement. Lee can't stop talking in the press about how much he liked being at Leeds and even gave the Leeds-salute to their away fans after the match.
Well, I didn't expect that one but don't underestimate Lee Bowyer. That was a masterful game of attrition. We grew into that and did what was needed to be done. A superb game plan I would say. Bowyer out coached Bielsa today. Yes, we rode our luck at times but you can also say we made our luck.
What a superb result that was and how good it feels to have our Charlton back. 6th and today's gate almost 22k. For all that we've been through over the past few years I'd say the Addicks are on the up.
On the Bonne/OG debate...we’ve got good in-house pitchside footage from behind the goal which shows the final touch is off Bonne’s back. No danger of it going down as an own-goal.
On the Bonne/OG debate...we’ve got good in-house pitchside footage from behind the goal which shows the final touch is off Bonne’s back. No danger of it going down as an own-goal.
First game of the season for me. Not a bad one to start off with!
Everything already said but have to say Solly, Lockyer and Gallagher were absolutely immense today. The rest weren't far behind.
2 things did make me laugh. First time I have seen Aneke in the flesh. Blimey, he's a lump and surely a stone overweight. Watching him trying to outrun a defender was amusing!
Secondly, I couldn't help but laugh at the Leeds supporter who had obviously tried to make a quick getaway in his car (complete with Leeds sticker in the back window and scarf on parcel shelf) down Harvey Gardens and got stuck outside the shop when the crowds presumably started coming out. Poor sod had to sit there and be abused by hundreds walking past! I suspect Charlton may not now be one of his favourite teams!
On the Bonne/OG debate...we’ve got good in-house pitchside footage from behind the goal which shows the final touch is off Bonne’s back. No danger of it going down as an own-goal.
Really pleased to hear that, Olly.
Bonne deserved his goal for his application, hard work and very decent performance. And for being in the right place at the right time!
Lee out thought Leeds today. In the second half he moved Pratley back to a centre half and moved Sarr further left -pushing our much maligned left back Purrington forward a bit to close off the attacks down the left. Brilliant. I think they took off a big centre half? he put on Chucks to give them something to think about. On their left, he let them have the ball out wide, but protected the cut back and the shot from the outside of the area. Nullified. An outstanding team performance and it is so difficult to pick out the top performances. But..... Conner. Wow. Outstanding.
Still worried about January, but think we will be safe.
First game of the season for me. Not a bad one to start off with!
Everything already said but have to say Solly, Lockyer and Gallagher were absolutely immense today. The rest weren't far behind.
2 things did make me laugh. First time I have seen Aneke in the flesh. Blimey, he's a lump and surely a stone overweight. Watching him trying to outrun a defender was amusing!
Secondly, I couldn't help but laugh at the Leeds supporter who had obviously tried to make a quick getaway in his car (complete with Leeds sticker in the back window and scarf on parcel shelf) down Harvey Gardens and got stuck outside the shop when the crowds presumably started coming out. Poor sod had to sit there and be abused by hundreds walking past! I suspect Charlton may not now be one of his favourite teams!
we were not as wasteful in front of goal as they were
for all their lovely football and possession it came to nothing
bamford is lacking in confidence and that meant they were toothless
bows switched formation it seemed to me after 20 mins of some of the most attractive and flowing football from Leeds of any team that’s graced our pitch
from then on the game changed we scored and then battled like hell for everything
connor Gallagher mom all day long then Lockyer
i don't want to hear anyone moan about other teams slowing it down wasting time and frustration we were masters at it today and I loved it
Glad there was no trouble as well. Ok, there was a small red car full of Leeds fans trying to drive past the crowd at full time, and getting the mocking of a lifetime, and we did pass a Charlton fan who had been bundled by about 10 police officers, but apart from that...
First game of the season for me. Not a bad one to start off with!
Everything already said but have to say Solly, Lockyer and Gallagher were absolutely immense today. The rest weren't far behind.
2 things did make me laugh. First time I have seen Aneke in the flesh. Blimey, he's a lump and surely a stone overweight. Watching him trying to outrun a defender was amusing!
Secondly, I couldn't help but laugh at the Leeds supporter who had obviously tried to make a quick getaway in his car (complete with Leeds sticker in the back window and scarf on parcel shelf) down Harvey Gardens and got stuck outside the shop when the crowds presumably started coming out. Poor sod had to sit there and be abused by hundreds walking past! I suspect Charlton may not now be one of his favourite teams!
He didnt help himself by sounding his car horn shortly after turning on to Harvey Gardens and so drawing complete attention on himself!!
Extract from OS of Bowyer's post match comments referring to today's gameplan:
"I work hard, I watched a lot of Leeds games, like I do every other team and I recognised that they struggle against teams that play with three at the back. They don’t create half as many chances as they do against teams that play with four at the back.
"My intention was to start with a back four at the beginning and really try and get after them and disturb them if you like and that seemed to work but I always knew that after 20 minutes we was going to go back to a back three and then maybe try and soak up a bit of pressure and hit them on the break. We did that and all my plans worked today."
"Just remember, when we win, how everyone said what a good team LB put out with his different tactics
Not bad eh
What a massive result for us today. The boys were top-drawer to a man. Bodies on the line as always. Love it @macauleybonne9
Fans unreal again.
#coyr #cafc @k_andrewsphotos
And the ball went pasty keeper and over the line.
Tis an Oggy, see?
Anyway, who cares? Give the goal to Bonne, who deserved it for his hard work and very decent performance today.
I'm sure he'd appreciate the goal - more than any defender would want to be credited with an OG.
What a superb result that was and how good it feels to have our Charlton back. 6th and today's gate almost 22k. For all that we've been through over the past few years I'd say the Addicks are on the up.
Everything already said but have to say Solly, Lockyer and Gallagher were absolutely immense today. The rest weren't far behind.
2 things did make me laugh. First time I have seen Aneke in the flesh. Blimey, he's a lump and surely a stone overweight. Watching him trying to outrun a defender was amusing!
Secondly, I couldn't help but laugh at the Leeds supporter who had obviously tried to make a quick getaway in his car (complete with Leeds sticker in the back window and scarf on parcel shelf) down Harvey Gardens and got stuck outside the shop when the crowds presumably started coming out. Poor sod had to sit there and be abused by hundreds walking past! I suspect Charlton may not now be one of his favourite teams!
Bonne deserved his goal for his application, hard work and very decent performance.
And for being in the right place at the right time!
I think they took off a big centre half? he put on Chucks to give them something to think about.
On their left, he let them have the ball out wide, but protected the cut back and the shot from the outside of the area. Nullified.
An outstanding team performance and it is so difficult to pick out the top performances.
Still worried about January, but think we will be safe.
And maybe....?
we were not as wasteful in front of goal as they were
for all their lovely football and possession it came to nothing
bamford is lacking in confidence and that meant they were toothless
bows switched formation it seemed to me after 20 mins of some of the most attractive and flowing football from Leeds of any team that’s graced our pitch
from then on the game changed we scored and then battled like hell for everything
connor Gallagher mom all day long then Lockyer
i don't want to hear anyone moan about other teams slowing it down wasting time and frustration we were masters at it today and I loved it
"I work hard, I watched a lot of Leeds games, like I do every other team and I recognised that they struggle against teams that play with three at the back. They don’t create half as many chances as they do against teams that play with four at the back.
"My intention was to start with a back four at the beginning and really try and get after them and disturb them if you like and that seemed to work but I always knew that after 20 minutes we was going to go back to a back three and then maybe try and soak up a bit of pressure and hit them on the break. We did that and all my plans worked today."