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How did you feel after we went 1-0 down?



  • I missed it,I was looking at my disbelief when I realised what had happened. I felt a little sick at first but knew there was plenty of time to get back into the game,and there was :)
  • Felt internally defeated 

    One of the worst "moments" I have ever experienced while being a Charlton fan.

    We've just given a goal to a team that has only lost 5 league games all season.

    I just felt sick at that point.
  • edited May 2019
    Initially stunned. Then laughter, of course it had to be us. Then composed because we’re a good side and it ain’t over yet. Then back to feeling anxious for the next half hour. Fear of losing 1-0 to that and fear of 2-0 being game over. I can’t describe the relief I felt when Purrington smashed in the equaliser.
  • Felt calm. It was too early in the game to be decisive.
    I remembered when Shearer got that early goal against Germany in Euro 96. We lost. So I got over it.
    My only worry was Philips but he soon after made a good save so that worry went.
    I just knew we'd, at worst, be drawing at ft.
  • iainment said:
    Felt calm. It was too early in the game to be decisive.
    I remembered when Shearer got that early goal against Germany in Euro 96. We lost. So I got over it.
    My only worry was Philips but he soon after made a good save so that worry went.
    I just knew we'd, at worst, be drawing at ft.

     Trippier in 18
  • My heart sank for a moment or two but Dillon kept his head up, there clearly weren't recriminations flying around, within minutes I was calm, calmer than I'd been at kick-off.  It was completely bizarre, inexplicable.  It simplified matters for Charlton.  There was no doubt what was needed from that moment on.  There was to be no indecision, no ambiguity: a goal was required.  No more conflicting motives: "hold on to what we've got", "keep it tight for now", "when do we push?"  all out the window.
    The serenity didn't last long of course.  Every fluffed final ball, each wayward strike, every Sunderland attack ramped up the blood pressure, the adrenaline levels, the heart rate, the nerves.  We'd have won anyway, but that 5th minute aberration kept it all so much simpler.
  • edited May 2019
    Told myself Only way they would score we were head and shoulders above them - we totally outclassed them - and the better side won  ( quote from Sunderland fans who I walked back with - also slated Ross and Will Grigg ) 
  • I was OK that it had happened so early and to be honest I would probably have been more worried had we gone ahead at that time in the match (see what happened in the semi final leg 2 for why)
  • I buried my head in my hands for about thirty seconds. I thought, if that's the only goal of the game then what a way to lose. I think the last time I felt that sick about a goal was John Sheridan at St Andrews. But that turned out ok as well.
  • Like others have said, it felt like slow motion - as the ball went towards the net I was thinking 'it can't .. can it???' After that I just thought about how for most of my life, Charlton has been a bit of a joke to my non-Charlton friends, and how desperate I was that this team wouldn't reinforce that impression. And they bloody well didn't.
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  • edited May 2019
    Like a few others I missed where Naby kicked the ball as I was looking up the pitch. Heard the roar and saw Dillon running back. Just stood there in disbelief when it went in. They then started to press us and thought this could all go horribly wrong in the first 10 mins. Thought Dillon recovered brilliantly though and was very solid after that. Think we settled down pretty well and were well worth our equaliser.
  • Time frequently seems to stand still in football matches, but as I watched, each rotation of the ball seemed to last a year.

  • we had 2 shots on target and won 2-1 i dont care how we done it - but i struggle to believe so many were that confident if it wasnt for a good save would of been game over within 20 minutes 
  • I was watching at home with my son. 
    The ice cream man turned up just as the Dorris was about to sing. 

    By the time I dealt with that, I forgot that I was six minutes behind on sky. My mates started texting me mocking texts and i had no idea what they were on about 
  • Felt like I’d been told all my goats been taken away from me!

    But then I spotted @Vincenzo & somehow it made me feel strangely calm so I just started singing my lungs out :smiley:
  • edited May 2019
    I love Naby, but I think he needs to take some of the blame for putting too much pace on a ball heading towards the goal. Of course Phillips should have done better, but even after he missed it (which can happen) a slower pace and he would have caught up with it! 70% Phillips, 30% Sarr for me. 

    What we do know is that we won the game. What we will never know is whether we would have won the game had this not happened. So now I can only be happy it happened :) Sunderland have previous in terms of responding to leads!
  • Took about 20 minutes to sink in what had happened 
  • edited May 2019
    I missed it and did not see the score til minute 10. But honestly thought we would at least come back and take it to penalties or win outright. On the pre-match thread I predicted a 2-1 win, but thought we would give the goal up at the end, not the beginning. Once we tied it, I felt about 100% certain we would win one way or another. We were by FAR the best team in L1 after the new year and so i was pretty confident all along about this match. Sunderland were not in good form the last 45 days.
  • Sat there with my head in my hands for about a minute following that mistake... I then said “this is typical fucking Charlton”. My Mrs described my mood for the next 20 minutes as “the worst she’d ever seen”. 
  • Stunned, shocked and couldn't believe what was happening. Desperate for that to not be the only goal of the game or it would have lived with me until the day I died.

    Me and my mate said at least there was still so much time in the game to turn it around. Also we reminded ourselves how Sunderland had quickly gone 2-1 up back in 1998 at the start of the second half and reminded ourselves we turned it around then and we can do so again with so much more time left in the game. Thankfully we did turn it around.
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  • Ball seemed to take an age to trickle into the net. Trying to will Dillon to get a fingertip to it and miraculously claw it off the line.

    Just couldn't believe what I was seeing, time just seemed to slow down to prolong the agony.

    Pat Bauer standing with his head in his hands, disbelieving.

    The pregnant silence before the Sunderland fans exploded into noise.

    Turned to Dazzler next to me and said, "Let's hope it's a blessing in disguise, because now we can't sit back and invite them on to us. We've got to go for it".

  • So stunned and shocked I just sat down. My brother in law said afterwards that he now knows what I will look like when I am dead. He said the blood just drained from my face and I was as white as a sheet.
  • Grief in 2 minutes.  

    Denial - jaw-dropping, head in hands, shaking head in disbelief, stunned - looking for a flag, anything to say it hadn't happened. Looked up at the scoreboard to hope I was seeing things.
    Anger - a few expletives.
    Negotiation - please don't let this be the way we lose.
    Depression - oh, well, there's worse teams to lose to than Sunderland, I suppose it's payback for '98.  
    Acceptance - I just laughed at my mate and said, 'oh well, my nightmare was that we'd cock something up but at least it's in the first five minutes.' 

    Was more worried over the next ten minutes when we went to pieces.  My mate, was totally confident we'd win - he's relatively new to Charlton! - and then we just seemed to settle, like they knew they'd got that nightmare out of the way and could focus.

    After that first 15 minutes I was sure we'd win.  What a great day, yet again.
    I bet your user name really kicked in! 
  • I was mortified, and it was typical Charlton. Certain other south london teams have gone to Wembley in recent years, scored good goals and won or lost in narrow contests. We nearly ended up losing at Wembley to a comical own goal that our neighbours would never let us live down. I never predicted what was to come though, made it even more amazing. 
  • "REALLY" was all I thought.

    But somehow didn't feel too worried given how many we've scored of late.

    At least 2 in each of the last 5 is it?
  • edited May 2019
  • Numb for about 30 seconds, gutted for Naby and Dillon, but when we started singing again soon after it must have given the players a lift. I guess that when the ball rolled in, I felt how the majority of Mackems felt after 94 minutes.
  • I thought it was game over.  I thought of all the times I've seen Charlton huff and puff through a game without coming close and knew that Sunderland would concentrate on kicking LT up in the air. I thought they'd  put one past us while we were recovering from the first and goodnight Irene.
  • Pratleys inclusion was worth it for the following 10 mins after the goal.

    Constantly telling the boys to keep calm. Made a big difference I feel.
  • Felt like I’d been told all my goats been taken away from me!

    But then I spotted @Vincenzo & somehow it made me feel strangely calm so I just started singing my lungs out :smiley:
    Did you mean me? Or is there another Vincenzo?
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