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Lyle Taylor - signed for Cambridge (p268)



  • Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
  • The Sun is carrying the story too. Part of the interview in in the previous Twitter link. Don't think the insurance policy is previously mentioned. Seems ambiguous.

    ""We offered an insurance policy against me so that should I have got a long-term injury, it would have then meant that the loss of that contract was negated to a degree. That was rejected.

    "We tried to find a way around the issues... there was an owner of the football club who stopped it from happening.

    "So I had to make a decision that was best for me because the club had already made a decision that was best for them.

    "At the end of the day, I'm still Judas because I made a decision for me.""

    nail on head

    Danny Cowley and Colchester must be really hard up to be hiring his sort
    we're not going to see him playing against us anytime soon 
    4 years since we've seen him at all definitely time to move on

  • Kap10 said:
    Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
    The fact that Sarr agreed to play is irrelevant, his choice, Solly offered to play, the club declined his offer, the clubs choice, Taylor refused to play in at least 3 matches that he was contracted to play in if chosen, the remaining 3 games were his choice not to play in, that's his right, like it was Sarrs to decide to play.
    Taylor is trying to control the narrative and paint a different picture,  I only care about the games he refused to play in whilst under contract, whether that be 3, 1 or 6, once his contract expired, don't care, move on.
  • The Sun is carrying the story too. Part of the interview in in the previous Twitter link. Don't think the insurance policy is previously mentioned. Seems ambiguous.

    ""We offered an insurance policy against me so that should I have got a long-term injury, it would have then meant that the loss of that contract was negated to a degree. That was rejected.

    "We tried to find a way around the issues... there was an owner of the football club who stopped it from happening.

    "So I had to make a decision that was best for me because the club had already made a decision that was best for them.

    "At the end of the day, I'm still Judas because I made a decision for me.""

    Lyle has spoken a lot in the past about the reasons behind his refusal to play for Charlton

    But this is the first I'm hearing hm talk about this?
  • DA9 said:
    Kap10 said:
    Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
    The fact that Sarr agreed to play is irrelevant, his choice, Solly offered to play, the club declined his offer, the clubs choice, Taylor refused to play in at least 3 matches that he was contracted to play in if chosen, the remaining 3 games were his choice not to play in, that's his right, like it was Sarrs to decide to play.
    Taylor is trying to control the narrative and paint a different picture,  I only care about the games he refused to play in whilst under contract, whether that be 3, 1 or 6, once his contract expired, don't care, move on.
    Don't think I made a judgement in any sense just gave a context that was relevant to our club for post 30th June. The relevance is some did play others didn't even in our club. 

    If its not felt there is any relevance feel free to ignore, rant, whatever you like 😉 

    At the end if the day its all about

    "Live, love, laugh and be happy".
  • Kap10 said:
    Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
    I think Cullen agreed to play on.
  • but would you have paid my mortgage and given me the money should I have got injured in those matches before my move to Forest ? sorry I mean would you have paid Lyle.

    All this said it happened, i understand why he did what he did but it doesnt sit well with me and he has burnt his bridges why he still cares is beyond me. However Solly also refused to play when it made even less sense for him and is welcomed back with open arms, i think we all know why.
    Yes, because one was a squad player who had been told he wasn’t needed next season and would have played exactly one match as a rotation option to rest the preferred right back. Instead a different academy player filled that role and did fine. The other was absolutely our best player and talisman, and our only chance of getting the goals we needed to stay up. We didn’t and we’ve not got back up since. Let’s not pretend the two situations had anything like the same effect 
    But the point is still valid there was still no reason for Solly to refuse to play but he did it anyway, he wasnt going on to a life changing move like I was (sorry, Lyle was), Also Lyle wasn't our best player that season, our season went down hill when Gallagher left for me as we lacked any tenacity in midfields but thats bar the point as im not defending Taylor. Let’s not pretend we cant see the other reason why Solly is welcomed back as "one of own" when he was our club captain that refused to play.
    Gallagher didn’t play for us anymore. Lyle did. Similarly prime Scott Parker would have been our best player by your logic but he too no longer played for us. Lyle was our best player of people who actually played for us, I don’t feel like that should really need explaining. I can speak for myself when I say that what I was and remain upset about is that we needed Taylor to stay up, he refused to play and we didn’t. Solly would have contributed exactly zero to us staying up unless he’d scored a last minute worldie against Cardiff to add to his 3 goals in 300 appearances. You can invent whatever secret reason you like for why they’re treated differently but it isn’t going to change reality. 
    Its not a secret reason we all know why but feel free to live in denial. Our club captain who had no reason to decided to refuse to be available then when it's convenient he decides to return but he is welcomed back with open arms. Taylor aside and we don't need to discuss that anymore as we all know what happened there, Solly has never explained why he refused to be available and the decent thing even if he wasn't going to play would be to say I'm here if you need me.

    Btw im not saying anyone should forgive Taylor but you should keep the same energy for ALL the players who refused to play.

    It just shames as all when people just refuse to see the REAL difference between the two. 
    I genuinely don’t know what reason you are alluding to. Please clarify for me 
    I explained already previously. Solly is seen as "one of our own" so we forgive our club captain making himself unavailable allegedly
    Oh right, that’s something that you’ve invented and applied to everyone, which is odd. I don’t care that Solly is ‘one of our own’, I still haven’t forgiven Scott Parker for 2004, I’m quite happy to be annoyed at academy players. I just don’t care about Solly because we didn’t need him and his service before that offset it entirely. What you’re forgetting in this thing you’ve concocted is David Davis didn’t come back either. He’s not one of our own but he was rubbish in the 5 games he did play and I reckon most of the people on this thread don’t even remember he was here, let alone hate him. Hardly one of our own. Taylor’s absence killed what had already been a really difficult season and he showed absolutely no remorse for it, that’s the reason. 
    It's an opinion by your logic everything on this forum is invented ? Also I've not applied it to everyone, if y want to criticise anything I've said actually criticise the points I've made not the ones you apply to me for sake of your own feelings
    ‘Solly…is welcomed back with open arms, I think we all know why’

    ’let’s not pretend we can’t see the other reason Solly was welcomed back’

    ’it just shames us all when people refuse to see the REAL difference between the two’. 

    These are all quotes from you. You’ve not expressed it as an opinion, you’ve repeatedly denied other people’s justifications for why they are annoyed at Taylor and said there’s a secret reason that they refuse to acknowledge and you’ve also said that it ‘shames us all’ when we don’t accept that it’s a homegrown player thing, which is you very much applying it to everyone. Multiple people have said they don’t care about the homegrown player thing, but you just tell them they’re lying or refusing to accept the truth. You’ll notice I’ve quoted you there, which is me criticising the points you’ve made, as I have been this whole time, shown in the parts about Parker and Davis which you have ignored because they don’t fit your position of ‘this is what I think and therefore anyone who doesn’t agree is in denial’. You’re projecting. 
    you are just making stuff up ! :D

    Where have I denied anything about peoples justifications, if you read through the posts you can see I have criticised Taylor ?

    Where have i accused one person of lying or said they refuse to accept the truth ? go on do it. I told you you are living in denial and as hard as you may try to refuse it, you are NOT everybody.

    You criticised what ive said ? but you have just picked a few quotes and then claim they mean something else. Mate seriously get over yourself.
    Literally the first quote is you saying that ‘we all know why’ Solly is welcome back and Taylor isn’t, and that wasn’t directed at me, it was a conversation that was happening before I joined it. I’ve picked the quotes that say the things you said, that’s what quoting people is. If you think I’m making stuff up when I’m showing you the words you said then I can do nothing further for you. You’ve also, yet again, ignored the fact that I’ve pointed out repeatedly why I don’t care about Solly but am still annoyed at Taylor and you’ve decided that that isn’t true for some reason. This is either quite a dull troll or quite a bad indictment of our schooling system but either way, have fun being wrong I guess. 
    You are so dense light bends around you. I'm glad you are concerned with the schooling system but i'm doing quite well for myself thank you. I never once said you were lying. You really need to go back to school.
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  • Billy_Mix said:
    The Sun is carrying the story too. Part of the interview in in the previous Twitter link. Don't think the insurance policy is previously mentioned. Seems ambiguous.

    ""We offered an insurance policy against me so that should I have got a long-term injury, it would have then meant that the loss of that contract was negated to a degree. That was rejected.

    "We tried to find a way around the issues... there was an owner of the football club who stopped it from happening.

    "So I had to make a decision that was best for me because the club had already made a decision that was best for them.

    "At the end of the day, I'm still Judas because I made a decision for me.""

    nail on head

    Danny Cowley and Colchester must be really hard up to be hiring his sort
    we're not going to see him playing against us anytime soon 
    4 years since we've seen him at all definitely time to move on

    If he stays fit , he will get 10-15 goals  providing he makes 25-30 appearances. 
    He wasn't't fit or sharp at Wycombe, and he got 3 goals at Cambridge before a debatable sending off.
    He'll be better this year.

  • Wasn’t the whole scenario at the time complicated by Covid/Lockdown protocols.
  • edited August 22
    To interject on the Solly stuff as the narrative has gone too far down a certain path on that one not to be corrected - he did offer to be available for the remainder of his contract, but was told no thanks. 
    Therein lies the difference. 

    Assuming that is true why did Solly stay silent when Bowyer publicly said he had refused to play alongside Taylor and Davies?  Even if he thought the timing was wrong with us fighting relegation surely he should have said it at the end of the season when he was leaving.  No way would I allow someone to chuck me under the bus that way and not correct it.  
    I can absolutely see it being true given the type of person I’m led to believe that Chris is.

    A petty squabble, that doesn’t change anything about what happened anyway, out in the open and latched onto by the press would have been the last thing he’d want.

    Might not be the way that you or others would’ve handled it, but he’s not that kind of person.
  • To interject on the Solly stuff as the narrative has gone too far down a certain path on that one not to be corrected - he did offer to be available for the remainder of his contract, but was told no thanks. 
    Therein lies the difference. 

    Assuming that is true why did Solly stay silent when Bowyer publicly said he had refused to play alongside Taylor and Davies?  Even if he thought the timing was wrong with us fighting relegation surely he should have said it at the end of the season when he was leaving.  No way would I allow someone to chuck me under the bus that way and not correct it.  
    I can absolutely see it being true given the type of person I’m led to believe that Chris is.

    A petty squabble, that doesn’t change anything about what happened anyway, out in the open and latched onto by the press would have been the last thing he’d want.

    Might not be the way that you or others would’ve handled it, but he’s not that kind of person.

    Fair enough but he was here for something like 15 years or so (including through the youth), a one club man and for me and many other fans he was a genuine, bona fide club legend. 
    So being dropped under a bus through deceit and having that tarnished is incredibly poor form from Bowyer and I reckon most people would want to put their side, that would not seem petty to me. 
    I really don't think the press would have given a care had he put it in a leaving statement or similar.  
  • Kap10 said:
    DA9 said:
    Kap10 said:
    Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
    The fact that Sarr agreed to play is irrelevant, his choice, Solly offered to play, the club declined his offer, the clubs choice, Taylor refused to play in at least 3 matches that he was contracted to play in if chosen, the remaining 3 games were his choice not to play in, that's his right, like it was Sarrs to decide to play.
    Taylor is trying to control the narrative and paint a different picture,  I only care about the games he refused to play in whilst under contract, whether that be 3, 1 or 6, once his contract expired, don't care, move on.
    Don't think I made a judgement in any sense just gave a context that was relevant to our club for post 30th June. The relevance is some did play others didn't even in our club. 

    If its not felt there is any relevance feel free to ignore, rant, whatever you like 😉 

    At the end if the day its all about

    "Live, love, laugh and be happy".
    Wasn't a dig at you, just felt that you cant compare one persons choices with anothers, or expect them to make the same choices
  • DA9 said:
    Kap10 said:
    DA9 said:
    Kap10 said:
    Dizzle said:
    Dizzle said:
    What does he mean he opted against signing a short-term contract? Why would one have been needed? Surely he was still contracted to us at the time? Is he trying to male excuses?
    It was the Covid stoppage season. Players contracts run out 30th June I believe. There were 6 further games beyond that. Some players played on, some refused to play after 30th June (Solly) and some refused to play at all (Taylor). 

    I assume we tried to arrange short term contracts to extend to the end of that seasons games, but he refused that also. 
    Did they specifically end on 30 June? If so, wouldn't that have affected numerous players - at Charlton and elsewhere?
    I am pretty sure I remember that being the case at the time. It was debated A LOT on here due to Taylor’s decision. Many played on with what I assume would be a rolling contract. 
    exactly - he's just trying to have an excuse/justification
    All contracts ending, end on 30th June. The covid season this remained the same. Some players and clubs negotiated an extension, Taylor and Solly did not, however I believe that Nabby Sarr's contract also expired on 30th June that year  ut he decided to play on / agree a short term contract 
    The fact that Sarr agreed to play is irrelevant, his choice, Solly offered to play, the club declined his offer, the clubs choice, Taylor refused to play in at least 3 matches that he was contracted to play in if chosen, the remaining 3 games were his choice not to play in, that's his right, like it was Sarrs to decide to play.
    Taylor is trying to control the narrative and paint a different picture,  I only care about the games he refused to play in whilst under contract, whether that be 3, 1 or 6, once his contract expired, don't care, move on.
    Don't think I made a judgement in any sense just gave a context that was relevant to our club for post 30th June. The relevance is some did play others didn't even in our club. 

    If its not felt there is any relevance feel free to ignore, rant, whatever you like 😉 

    At the end if the day its all about

    "Live, love, laugh and be happy".
    Wasn't a dig at you, just felt that you cant compare one persons choices with anothers, or expect them to make the same choices
    Sorry, I took it the wrong way! :-)

  • Billy_Mix said:
    The Sun is carrying the story too. Part of the interview in in the previous Twitter link. Don't think the insurance policy is previously mentioned. Seems ambiguous.

    ""We offered an insurance policy against me so that should I have got a long-term injury, it would have then meant that the loss of that contract was negated to a degree. That was rejected.

    "We tried to find a way around the issues... there was an owner of the football club who stopped it from happening.

    "So I had to make a decision that was best for me because the club had already made a decision that was best for them.

    "At the end of the day, I'm still Judas because I made a decision for me.""

    nail on head

    Danny Cowley and Colchester must be really hard up to be hiring his sort
    we're not going to see him playing against us anytime soon 
    4 years since we've seen him at all definitely time to move on

    If he stays fit , he will get 10-15 goals  providing he makes 25-30 appearances. 
    He wasn't't fit or sharp at Wycombe, and he got 3 goals at Cambridge before a debatable sending off.
    He'll be better this year.

    He's 34 years old and hasn't had a decent season in front of goal in 4 years since with us. Said this before on another thread but once a player loses that form they very rarely recapture it, this is no different and no more than a last pay day for him.
  • Expected to start tomorrow v Harrogate. 2/1 favourite for anytime scorer.

    For those interested, in depth interview on his reasons for joining CUFC here-

    Today's Lyle Taylor Factoid: Last worked with the Cowleys 15 years ago when they were at Concord Rangers.
  • The bigger problem he was always going to face was managers and teammates questioning his character. There have been boxers, who in a state of delirium have sensibly taken a knee and been labelled quitters. 

    After he did what he did for us you have to be absolutely confident he isn't going to disrupt the team spirit, isn't going to undermine you as a manager or quit when the going gets tough. 

    Good for him, he's pocketed a load of money Forest were stupid enough to pay him but his stock as a footballer is non-existent. And he is right there is no loyalty in football, its why people have contracts. 

    He is a revisionist, and he is destined to be a guest on cruddy football phone ins whenever a player of note, who has achieved something in the game goes renegade and he will wind us all up again and remind us all of what a rat he is 
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  • Leeds fans still  talk about and have a hatred for Aizelwood who stuck up his fingers at their fans after scoring for them after receiving abuse.
    That was over 30 years ago.
    Some might say move on but I think  the majority of Charlton fans hatred for Taylor will always remain. People don’t forget.
    I remember him doing that to us as well, at Selhurst Park.
  • Leeds fans still  talk about and have a hatred for Aizelwood who stuck up his fingers at their fans after scoring for them after receiving abuse.
    That was over 30 years ago.
    Some might say move on but I think  the majority of Charlton fans hatred for Taylor will always remain. People don’t forget.
    Nothing is certain in life...... as the saying goes. No one can prove what would have happened if he had played, particularly if he played and held back as worried about getting injured. But it is because of what happened when he didn't play - I think most people believe strongly we would have got at least 1 extra point if he had played - and that is a fair assessment
  • The Sun is carrying the story too. Part of the interview in in the previous Twitter link. Don't think the insurance policy is previously mentioned. Seems ambiguous.

    ""We offered an insurance policy against me so that should I have got a long-term injury, it would have then meant that the loss of that contract was negated to a degree. That was rejected.

    "We tried to find a way around the issues... there was an owner of the football club who stopped it from happening.

    "So I had to make a decision that was best for me because the club had already made a decision that was best for them.

    "At the end of the day, I'm still Judas because I made a decision for me.""

    Lyle has spoken a lot in the past about the reasons behind his refusal to play for Charlton

    But this is the first I'm hearing hm talk about this?
    Weird he's just mentioned it now when he's been spouting shit abt the whole saga for the last 4yrs! I call bullshit! 
  • He’s an attention seeking twat. Time to move on.
    a disloyal, attention seeking one!
  • LT got his first goal of the season. If this game is anything to go by its going to be a struggle this season as they went 3-1 against 10 men and only got a draw.
  • Not in the Colchester squad tonight for their home tie with MK Dons in the BSMT. Maybe objected on principle out of loyalty to his former club (AFCW).
  • Doesn’t want to get injured, eve of a big money move to European giants Concord Rangers, biggest team on Canvey Island 
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