Some belting comments, mainly from people who claim not to care. The Sex industry isn't closing down, if you're into that and which red blooded male isn't? There's places for it. Female pornstars earn more than men btw and do less work! Funny enough if you ask pornstars if they enjoy their job they'll say yes as well, who is claiming they don't? Watching 2 people, especially females, beat each other from piller to post followed by people wolf whistling at women with their arses hanging out waving cards is pretty creepy. Darts with the dresses and sashes and that formula one lady posted above I don't see the issue with. Introducing ring men could be an alternative route to inequality of so many people aren't please with this.
Why are you lumping this in with the sex industry? I genuinely don't know any bloke who would get off on seeing pit girls etc. in the same way they would from watching porn. Personally speaking, I can stand strippers, for example, and find it embarrassing to the point I stopped using The Horse when he got em in on a Friday afternoon.
My problem with this decision is that it's taking the decision away from those who are involved imo. If they were struggling to find women to do it, then I could understand it, but they obviously ain't. Women, and men, who are used in promotional work are always good looking, fit people. Are they all being objectified?
You can't see the link between scantily clad women and the adult entertainment (better choice of words) industry? I don't know anyone like that either. During most rounds people go to the toilets/bars talk to their mate about the round etc. Only a minority wolf whistle and what not, but look at the outrage on here! You say it's embarrassing at a pub but don't find it embarrassing during combat sport (I don't get the issue with darts or F1). It's very weird when they smile behind fighters getting interviewed post fight in bikinis with sponsors logos, distracting attention away from the fighters. Now a pub may stop the strippers because punters stop going, it won't happen at fights because the fighters are the draws.
The reason women enjoy it is because it's easy money for doing very little. As I've said earlier there's other similar work they could get in to.
I think It's best you blame feminists if it makes you happy. Are they responsible for global warming as well?
Yeah mate throw global warming in there if it stops you wetting your pants.
I guess I must’ve imagined the feminist on GMB the other morning gloating about the dart girls losing their jobs.
No, I'm sure she exists. What I am not so sure about is that Liberty Media consult her on all the decisions they make. Indeed, I am not sure anybody does. But if she gives people something to get angry about, great.
Some belting comments, mainly from people who claim not to care. The Sex industry isn't closing down, if you're into that and which red blooded male isn't? There's places for it. Female pornstars earn more than men btw and do less work! Funny enough if you ask pornstars if they enjoy their job they'll say yes as well, who is claiming they don't? Watching 2 people, especially females, beat each other from piller to post followed by people wolf whistling at women with their arses hanging out waving cards is pretty creepy. Darts with the dresses and sashes and that formula one lady posted above I don't see the issue with. Introducing ring men could be an alternative route to inequality of so many people aren't please with this.
Why are you lumping this in with the sex industry? I genuinely don't know any bloke who would get off on seeing pit girls etc. in the same way they would from watching porn. Personally speaking, I can stand strippers, for example, and find it embarrassing to the point I stopped using The Horse when he got em in on a Friday afternoon.
My problem with this decision is that it's taking the decision away from those who are involved imo. If they were struggling to find women to do it, then I could understand it, but they obviously ain't. Women, and men, who are used in promotional work are always good looking, fit people. Are they all being objectified?
You can't see the link between scantily clad women and the adult entertainment (better choice of words) industry? I don't know anyone like that either. During most rounds people go to the toilets/bars talk to their mate about the round etc. Only a minority wolf whistle and what not, but look at the outrage on here! You say it's embarrassing at a pub but don't find it embarrassing during combat sport (I don't get the issue with darts or F1). It's very weird when they smile behind fighters getting interviewed post fight in bikinis with sponsors logos, distracting attention away from the fighters. Now a pub may stop the strippers because punters stop going, it won't happen at fights because the fighters are the draws.
The reason women enjoy it is because it's easy money for doing very little. As I've said earlier there's other similar work they could get in to.
You keep saying the same thing, but why should they have to?
One of the good examples mentioned previously it allows someone to make easy money and support their family. The F1 girls tweet she mentioned that she has a 9-5 job too, so why cant they do both? if it was demeaning they wouldn't want to do it.
I am not sure why people keep comparing walk on girls to the adult industry as they are not the same, they dont come out in bikinis in darts just glamorous dresses. Yes they look nice but they dont show anything so i dont see what the problem is.
None of this is about darts or F1. It's about the ongoing culture wars. And there is fault on both sides! A few people get to denounce something as sexist when it obviously is and others get to have a good grumble about how 'joyless' the world is now, despite it being a time when there's never been more access to pornography or dating apps and never been more acceptance of unconventional sexual peccadilloes, because a woman said 'no' to them at some point in the last ten years idk
Oh so the women are just a brand object or 'visual jewllery' are they? Nice way to treat them.
no, I think he's saying that the people that like them see them as visual jewellery, and those people are fucking idiots.
Is the correct answer
My girlfriend watches MotoGP and finds this move unnecessary and OTT. Is she also hard of thinking?
Will she stop watching it now? Yes these girls will lose jobs, but company bosses regularly make decisions that cause people to lose jobs. I'm sure they wouldn't have done it if they thought the implication would be that F1 would become less popular. I suppose we have to see if they were right or not. Employees tend not to be empowered against management decisions of this kind.
So a while back the darts and F1 decided that some female eye candy was how they wanted to help promote their shows, and now they've changed their mind. Rightio.
Things change, different jobs come and go, nothing to see here.
Some belting comments, mainly from people who claim not to care. The Sex industry isn't closing down, if you're into that and which red blooded male isn't? There's places for it. Female pornstars earn more than men btw and do less work! Funny enough if you ask pornstars if they enjoy their job they'll say yes as well, who is claiming they don't? Watching 2 people, especially females, beat each other from piller to post followed by people wolf whistling at women with their arses hanging out waving cards is pretty creepy. Darts with the dresses and sashes and that formula one lady posted above I don't see the issue with. Introducing ring men could be an alternative route to inequality of so many people aren't please with this.
Why are you lumping this in with the sex industry? I genuinely don't know any bloke who would get off on seeing pit girls etc. in the same way they would from watching porn. Personally speaking, I can stand strippers, for example, and find it embarrassing to the point I stopped using The Horse when he got em in on a Friday afternoon.
My problem with this decision is that it's taking the decision away from those who are involved imo. If they were struggling to find women to do it, then I could understand it, but they obviously ain't. Women, and men, who are used in promotional work are always good looking, fit people. Are they all being objectified?
You can't see the link between scantily clad women and the adult entertainment (better choice of words) industry? I don't know anyone like that either. During most rounds people go to the toilets/bars talk to their mate about the round etc. Only a minority wolf whistle and what not, but look at the outrage on here! You say it's embarrassing at a pub but don't find it embarrassing during combat sport (I don't get the issue with darts or F1). It's very weird when they smile behind fighters getting interviewed post fight in bikinis with sponsors logos, distracting attention away from the fighters. Now a pub may stop the strippers because punters stop going, it won't happen at fights because the fighters are the draws.
The reason women enjoy it is because it's easy money for doing very little. As I've said earlier there's other similar work they could get in to.
You keep saying the same thing, but why should they have to?
One of the good examples mentioned previously it allows someone to make easy money and support their family. The F1 girls tweet she mentioned that she has a 9-5 job too, so why cant they do both? if it was demeaning they wouldn't want to do it.
I am not sure why people keep comparing walk on girls to the adult industry as they are not the same, they dont come out in bikinis in darts just glamorous dresses. Yes they look nice but they dont show anything so i dont see what the problem is.
The reason I keep repeating myself is because you don't read what I write!
I even said I don't get the problem with F1 and darts as they're not scantily dressed, the two examples you used. I haven't said it's demeaning and said there's other things they could do instead. Why should they? Because they're not doing it anymore!
Watch the Mayweather & McGreggor post fight interviews, you won't need sound, and ask yourself if you don't find the women in the Corona outfits a bit out of place. Sex sells but people are there for fights, it's weird having people wolf whistling at women after women have fought for 3/5 minutes. Perhaps if they have men for the women like in the motorbike photos it would be more on the fun side of things than creepy.
So there was no pressure or original complaint from feminists? The F1 boss went to bed one night with grid girls on the payroll then woke up the next morning and decided it’s sexist?
Slightly more concerned about the darts girls compared to other such things. Ok, so my girls can see the darts girls, and also their mum and see alternative role models. The problem is that they also see fat, unfit borderline alcoholic sweaty darts players, see me, and assume that's your lot.
Grid Girl "Yeeellow" F1 Marketing Manager "Hello, is that Jo?" GG "Yes, shpeaking" F1MM "Sorry to have to tell you this, but you're getting laid off" GG "Why?" F1MM "Because your profession is out dated and objectifies women" GG "But it's my career and I've dreamt of being a grid girl since I was a little girl and I'm a woman and I don't find it objectifies me." F1MM "Listen, it's for your own good" GG "But I love doing it and it took a lot of hard work to get there. What am I meant to do now?" F1MM "Go and get yourself a" job in an office, or become a police woman or go to Uni""
It would be nice to see the darts players in skimpier outfits if promoters want to make the sport a bit sexier. Short skirts would be a start...Would attract a lot more female punters.
It's an interesting exercise to see how furious some people get when it dawns on them that times change and the world progresses. Although, for some reason, there is more outrage when the outrage and hurt is expressed so vehemently in the case of beautiful young women having fewer opportunities to show themselves off without much clothing on, because, let's face it, the world has progressed, and not quite so much fury and outrage when other job opportunities are diminished through progress.
Where is the multi-page thread objecting to people having fewer opportunities to work as cashiers at supermarkets and newsagents thanks to the proliferation of self-service check outs?
If people object to the decisions made by Liberty Media and the PDC purely on the basis of the fact they curtail people's earning potential, then they're on the same side as "lefties" who object to the roll-out of self-service checkouts on the basis of the curtailment of earning opportunities.
So it would be interesting to see who on here is most hurt on here by this decision. The "it's someone's livelihood and you're completely taking the decision away from the people we're meant to be empowering" lefty brigade. Or the "I just want to ogle women who don't wear much" brigade.
Listened to 5Live's 'Your Call' this morning on the subject whilst driving home from Heathrow.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
Listened to 5Live's 'Your Call' this morning on the subject whilst driving home from Heathrow.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
says a woman who accepts money to get battered in the ring...
Listened to 5Live's 'Your Call' this morning on the subject whilst driving home from Heathrow.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
says a woman who accepts money to get battered in the ring...
Listened to 5Live's 'Your Call' this morning on the subject whilst driving home from Heathrow.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
says a woman who accepts money to get battered in the ring...
Interesting point, I just find it all a bit patronising telling someone that there profession (on the assumption that they do it happily and enjoy it) doesn’t fall in line with “progressiveness” I mean who are the progressive police after all? Who gets to decide what is progressive and isn’t? And just as patronising is the notion that the progressive police know what’s best for you. I’m not even making digs at those who use such terms, genuinely don’t get it.
Listened to 5Live's 'Your Call' this morning on the subject whilst driving home from Heathrow.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
says a woman who accepts money to get battered in the ring...
But the point is, the ugly bitter women had absoluely nothing to do with the decision. It was one of a number of decisions made by F1s new owners Liberty Media and they linked this decision with their company values. What is very interesting is how the blame has been aimed at people nobody can name and if they could, are unlikely to be people Liberty Media would be too bothered about.
If you are not happy with the decision, blame Liberty Media. Whilst I do not argue that there are feminists in the world, it is very interesting how people can be led to get so agitated at a group of people that if they existed as they are described by people who don't know them, couldn't be more different from the people who made the actual decision. It is much more interesting than the subject really.
Yeah, right.
Liberty Media, amongst other things, own the Atlanta Braves franchise. On the basis of their "company values", they'll presumably be getting rid of the the young ladies that make up "The Tomahawk Team".
But the point is, the ugly bitter women had absoluely nothing to do with the decision. It was one of a number of decisions made by F1s new owners Liberty Media and they linked this decision with their company values. What is very interesting is how the blame has been aimed at people nobody can name and if they could, are unlikely to be people Liberty Media would be too bothered about.
If you are not happy with the decision, blame Liberty Media. Whilst I do not argue that there are feminists in the world, it is very interesting how people can be led to get so agitated at a group of people that if they existed as they are described by people who don't know them, couldn't be more different from the people who made the actual decision. It is much more interesting than the subject really.
Yeah, right.
Liberty Media, amongst other things, own the Atlanta Braves franchise. On the basis of their "company values", they'll presumably be getting rid of the the young ladies that make up "The Tomahawk Team".
The reason women enjoy it is because it's easy money for doing very little. As I've said earlier there's other similar work they could get in to.
Yeah mate throw global warming in there if it stops you wetting your pants.
I guess I must’ve imagined the feminist on GMB the other morning gloating about the dart girls losing their jobs.
No, I'm sure she exists. What I am not so sure about is that Liberty Media consult her on all the decisions they make. Indeed, I am not sure anybody does. But if she gives people something to get angry about, great.
One of the good examples mentioned previously it allows someone to make easy money and support their family. The F1 girls tweet she mentioned that she has a 9-5 job too, so why cant they do both? if it was demeaning they wouldn't want to do it.
I am not sure why people keep comparing walk on girls to the adult industry as they are not the same, they dont come out in bikinis in darts just glamorous dresses. Yes they look nice but they dont show anything so i dont see what the problem is.
Things change, different jobs come and go, nothing to see here.
I even said I don't get the problem with F1 and darts as they're not scantily dressed, the two examples you used. I haven't said it's demeaning and said there's other things they could do instead. Why should they? Because they're not doing it anymore!
Watch the Mayweather & McGreggor post fight interviews, you won't need sound, and ask yourself if you don't find the women in the Corona outfits a bit out of place. Sex sells but people are there for fights, it's weird having people wolf whistling at women after women have fought for 3/5 minutes. Perhaps if they have men for the women like in the motorbike photos it would be more on the fun side of things than creepy.
Grid Girl "Yeeellow"
F1 Marketing Manager "Hello, is that Jo?"
GG "Yes, shpeaking"
F1MM "Sorry to have to tell you this, but you're getting laid off"
GG "Why?"
F1MM "Because your profession is out dated and objectifies women"
GG "But it's my career and I've dreamt of being a grid girl since I was a little girl and I'm a woman and I don't find it objectifies me."
F1MM "Listen, it's for your own good"
GG "But I love doing it and it took a lot of hard work to get there. What am I meant to do now?"
F1MM "Go and get yourself a" job in an office, or become a police woman or go to Uni""
Where is the multi-page thread objecting to people having fewer opportunities to work as cashiers at supermarkets and newsagents thanks to the proliferation of self-service check outs?
If people object to the decisions made by Liberty Media and the PDC purely on the basis of the fact they curtail people's earning potential, then they're on the same side as "lefties" who object to the roll-out of self-service checkouts on the basis of the curtailment of earning opportunities.
So it would be interesting to see who on here is most hurt on here by this decision. The "it's someone's livelihood and you're completely taking the decision away from the people we're meant to be empowering" lefty brigade. Or the "I just want to ogle women who don't wear much" brigade.
British female boxer (Stacey ?) on there. She was dead against (in her opinion) females being exploited in this manner and was very articulate in her argument.
Some good calls and guests with counter arguments (in the main, from the women who do it/did it through choice as their career).
Someone texted in saying 'so it's alright for you to step into the ring with the sole intention of smashing someone's head in! Her response 'I'm not even going to bother answering that'!
Liberty Media, amongst other things, own the Atlanta Braves franchise. On the basis of their "company values", they'll presumably be getting rid of the the young ladies that make up "The Tomahawk Team".
Oh no, it seems not, they are running auditions at SunTrust Park on Tuesday, February 6 and Wednesday, February 7, 2018. All applicants must attend ONE of these two dates.
They seem to be much more scantily clad than the F1 girls. Double standards or what? Is the Braves name even acceptable?